African American Class of 2015

<p>@jellybae you’re brother sounds horrible. He’s just reinforcing the sterotype that society put on us already. I’m not surprise she cheated either. She’s probably racist and do/say problematic things too. Save him if you can. </p>

<p>Congrats! I have no idea what my hair will look like natural because, like I said before, nobody in my family is natural so I can’t predict anything. If my natural hair gets as long as my relaxed hair, I’ll be more than happy. </p>

<p>Do any of you go to an minority majority high school like myself? My school is roughly ~70% black, ~20% hispanic and then like ~8% asian with very few white people in the school as students.</p>

<p>@HeisAidanD‌ I do! My school is pretty much segregated though. The school is 60% latin@ and 30% white and yet only one person in the top 10 for my class is mexican… The majority of kids in AP classes, top quartiles and leadership positions in previous years were white. My class has been changing that disparity a bit though. We’re pretty diverse</p>

<p>I am feeling so defeated lately. My GPA basically remained stagnant this year and my second SAT score sucks. I’ll probably spend all of my free time this summer studying for the Literature and US History subject tests, and possibly for another SAT. I want to raise my score to at least 2100.</p>

<p>Regardless, the fact that my top 3 favorite schools are all reaches is beginning to set in. My safeties are all good schools (UIUC, UT Austin, Boston University, Howard) but I feel like they won’t give me adequate connections/training for what I want to do. I also envisioned myself going to a more “selective” school and I’m just disappointed. High school just didn’t go the way I planned. I’m still going to do everything in my power to get accepted to UCLA/NYU Tisch but if it doesn’t happen I’ll just have to move on. </p>

<p>@nat97xo‌ You’re living my worst nightmare right now :frowning: I too want to go to some selective schools but when I look at my test scores and realize how below range I am, I feel so sad. It’s that painful slap of reality :frowning: However, note that your SAT score isn’t everything. You can make up for it in several other areas so don’t be too discouraged</p>

<p>Final SAT coming up in a week. I’m actually kinda chill about it</p>

<p>Today’s the last day of school for me. I’m happy and yet sad</p>

<p>Yesterday was the last day for me also. I’m happy but I don’t want to have to start applying to colleges. Next year is going to be busy.</p>

<p>Yesterday I had my final SAT. It was ok but I feel like I could’ve done better if had more time to prepare… I’m really mad that my school didn’t have the early release week I was counting on this year… Anyway I’m pretty excited to start my college essays. I already know what I’m talking about :)</p>

<p>@Jellybae‌ What is the highest you’ve gotten on the SAT? Yesterday was my first, and hopefully last, time taking it. I think I did very well on it.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone. </p>

<p>We should set up a chance thread with stats and compare them to those of previous years!</p>

<p>My first SAT was in March and I got an 1850 on it. I’m hoping I hit my goal score with this one but cr is just making me cry @Mathmaticious‌ </p>

<p>Thanks Epoch!</p>

<p>Isn’t it a little bit early for that? I say we do that around August when the common app comes up @VCAJR12‌ </p>

<p>I can’t believe we’re rising seniors. Think about it. We’ll be knowing what colleges we’re going to this time next year </p>

<p>So what are you guys doing this summer? I had my first day volunteering today and it was boring but hopefully Thursday is better</p>

<p>You guys are so lucky. Im still in school until the 27th and we have finals that whole last week. I took the regular SATs in May-1870 (Math :smiley: CR and writing… OK) and the subject tests, US History and Math 2 last week :frowning: not my most shining moment but im hoping for a 750+ in History and 660 in Math. Im planning on studying all summer, taking the sats again and then Bio and Math 1 to see how I do</p>

<p>I’m sure you’ll do well if you use the summer to study Clarg! June may be my last SAT since I’m taking subject tests in october. If my SAT score isn’t up to par, I’ll spend my summer studying for the ACT and my subject tests. </p>

<p>I’ve been sleeping all day so far this summer. I guess school really wore me out this year</p>

<p>Does anyone else get annoyed when people label things as a “hook” on here… Like I’m pretty sure people on here would label my eating disorder as a “hook” too… Things that disenfranchise you aren’t hooks…</p>

<p>Just my 2 cents.</p>

<p>@Jellybae hooks are annoying but it’s expected based on liberal guilt and the intangibles of an applicant. </p>

<p>All of you need to apply for this: <a href=“Explore Bowdoin | Bowdoin College”>Explore Bowdoin | Bowdoin College;

<p>Eh nah @Epoch789‌ </p>

<p>Ooh wow we definitely need to apply!!! </p>