African American Class of 2015

<p>@dreamwriter23‌ I want to go into medicine but I also really want to be an astrophysicist. I’m looking in to what double majoring in those two would be like</p>

<p>First app sent at 0003 this morning as soon as the 2015 semester was activated. Can’t believe I will have my first leaving for college. Nevertheless, I want all the apps in by first day of senior year.</p>

<p>@frugaldoctor‌ You used the UCA? Wow I wish I was as ahead of things as you!! What school did you apply to? I hope you get in!!</p>

<p>The first two schools we (I supervised and paid for it) applied were Ole Miss and ASU. Growing up in NYC, I remembered an Ole Miss football game with confederate flags throughout the stadium. I was horrified! I would have never imagined that I would grow up to have a child list that school. However, every time we review the schools, the programs she wants to complete, the NMSF (hopefully) money, Ole Miss and ASU were consistently at the top. I have my reservations, but the walls are coming down quickly.</p>

<p>The UCA is also completed but wasn’t needed for those two schools. Putting the finishing touches on the essay and will have all apps transmitted no later than 2 weeks from now.</p>

<p>@frugaldoctor Wow! You’re way ahead of me. What schools are you applying to? Having everything done by the start of school is a good idea but what about recommendations and school transcripts? Have you talked to teachers and counselors about sending them in?</p>

<p>There are 4 schools at the top of the list. The two mentioned and our 2 state flagships. Will probably add Georgia Tech and my Alma Mater UMD as schools she would realistically attend. The top 4 schools give adequate to full-ride scholarships. D1 is planning to go to medical school and I want that expense to be as minimal as possible. Even if she were to gain admission to an Ivy League school, no way would I pay for it and I would discourage attending. Emails have been sent out for recommendation letters and transcripts will be requested next week. Best to have them write the letters before they are inundated with requests.</p>

<p>@frugaldoctor Oh… my school is so different from everyone else’s in this forum. I live in Mass so my teachers and counselors know a lot about the college search process, submitting apps and searching for scholarships. We ask our teachers for reccs before jr year ends and got a copy of our transcripts halfway threw the year too. My state schools are the UMasses and they are overly competitive with applicants from all over the country and world. I’m going to attend Law school after College so the cost of undergraduate schooling is something I have to consider as well, but i’m planning on applying to a lot of schools (like 10-15)</p>

<p>@Clarg17‌ You have the right plan in mind and I believe you will succeed with your endeavors. With regards to your high school and others discussed on CC, I have been amazed by the plethora of opportunities other schools provide. The amount of AP courses are stunning, as well as the support. My daughter’s private school offer only 6 AP courses and the bulk are reserved for the senior year. Fortunately we live in a region where most students do not covet admission to the Ivy Leagues. So, this has been rather stress free.</p>

<p>@frugaldoctor‌ My school is public but we still offer a total of 12 AP classes, only 1 is available to sophomores, none for freshmen but they take off from there. We send a few kids to Ivies every couple of years but my class is very competitive (so many people signed up for APs that we had to write an essay on why we wanted the class) i’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing seeing as colleges will look at my stats compared to theirs…</p>

<p>Hey guys ! I’m making my schedule for senior year and I wanted to know if it looks good? Or if there’s any revisions I could make to it?</p>

<p>Ap European history
Ap French language and culture
Ap English literature
Ap calc or honors stats???
Ap physics ?? Or honors physics ?
Philosophy honors
Advanced drama honors </p>

<p>@dreamwriter23‌ What major are you intending to pursue? This would help us advise you.</p>

<p>@dreamwriter23‌ It looks like a tough schedule. What colleges are you applying to also? Context matters - you will be taking challenging classes but if you plan to go to community college, it’s not necessary. Get my point?</p>

<p>If you are applying to the Ivies, taking the most rigorous course load and excelling in it is highly recommended. If you want to go to a state school and test out of several freshman courses, your schedule is good. If you enjoy academics and just feel like challenging yourself for fun, it’s a good schedule. </p>

<p>If you struggled and did poorly in non-AP classes then this schedule is not good for you.</p>

<p>@frugaldoctor‌ I plan on majoring in media production and screenwriting. It’s hard to name the major exactly because the major has a different name at all of the schools I’m applying to. But mainly I’d like to pursue a career in writing for television as well as possibly producing.</p>

<p>@Madaboutx My junior year I took 4 AP classes and I passed them all with A’s and B’s. I will be finding out my AP scores next week. The 3 honors classes I took were easy for me.
The schools I will be applying to are
Loyola Marymount University
NYU Tisch</p>

<p>Does your school have a newspaper? Because id join that if I wanted to go into writing @dreamwriter23‌ </p>

<p>I started my common app essay today and I actually really liked it wow wow wow</p>

<p>@Jellybae‌ No, we don’t have a school newspaper. But we do have a creative writing class. And how do you find the common app essay topic for schools you’re applying to? Are the essay prompts the same for every year?</p>

<p>Personally, I see the math classes as more valuable to you. You will spend several years in college enrolled in liberal arts classes. Next school year may be your last to challenge yourself with calculus, statistics or even physics. You will benefit from the critical thinking skills development you will gain from those classes. My advice is to take Calc and Physics.</p>

<p>I think the challenging couse load will help you to do well and get into those schools you listed. I don’t think you need AP Calc and AP physics or stats for your major. </p>

<p>Maybe take honors Calc and honors physics for your math and science requirements while putting more time in the classes that will be most helpful in your career.</p>

<p>I don’t think higher math will improve your critical thinking skills that much. Just knowing that you could take and pass those classes already means you possess the critical thinking skills mentioned above.</p>

<p>AP scores are out! 5s on USH and Psych but a 3 on Lang. English clearly is not my strong suit but Im happy nonetheless</p>

<p>I got a 5 on Lang and a 4 on USH. I’m content with this! </p>

<p>@dreamwriter23 did you get your AP test results yet? maybe you should see how you do before deciding how many APs to take next year</p>