African American Class of 2015

<p>Im a girl too.
That’s cool having French as your first language. Are your parents French or something?
It’s never came across my mind to take a subject test. Im not sure where to take it if they do. Maybe ill do Spanish (If they have it) and US History?
Im not gonna do any additional studying for ACT. Maybe just reread the rules and test format. If I do any review it’ll be in science. </p>

<p>It would be nice to have some guys post on here too!
But gosh I still think of myself as a freshman. Hard to believe two year have flown by! But amen to your hard work lol dont be ashamed!</p>

<p>@basic2015 @BellLander This is an all girl group then lol, but yes we do need more guys in the group.<br>
I remember my teacher telling me that women are becoming more academicallydriven so there will be more of us in college:D </p>

<p>Anywho, both my parents are from Africa (the Congo) but my mom grew up in Belgium where the official language is French and my dad stayed in the Congo where the official language is French as well. So growing up with French speaking parents and relatives I’m very familiar with the language. I might do the same about the ACT, I hope I’m good with the science part. And I’m doing sooo much work this summer I’m having to give up hanging out with friends. And to guys I’m referred to as “a nerd” -_- it’s because I’m taking ap chem lol. I’m only getting through the summer with born sinner and yeezus.</p>

<p>@dreamwriter23 YESSSSS!! You just accurately described my taste in music.
I just downloaded born sinner yesterday…It’s amazing. Wooo I love J Cole. Haven’t been able to listen to Yeezus how does it compare?
That’s really cool that you’re parents are African! Have you ever been to the Congo or Belgium?
Next week im gonna really pick up my game for studying. But make sure you put in time for you’re friends. During the school year is when you ditch them lol. Work hard but find some down time too!
Some of these vocabulary words are a doozy. I’ve gotten called a “nerd” and “lame” so many times…I just embrace it now. Sometimes I feel like guys find me intimidating because im just like really focused. Lol it’s kinda frustrating.
Everything’s gonna pay off in the long run!</p>

<p>@basic2015 Same! All my friends say I always look so serious, that its kind of intimidating, but I don’t feel like that lol I’m really focused, but I can have fun too. Hopefully I’ll meet an equally “serious” guy in college :slight_smile: And only one of my friends calls me a “nerd”. Not so sound like I’m full of myself or anything, but I think its part her sense of humor and part slight jealousy…</p>

<p>Its been a while since I have been in this site. Now im back and couldnt help but notice this forum cos im black. All you all high school students?</p>

<p>wow…Are* not “All”</p>

<p>@basic 2015 tbh… born sinner is better even though I love kanye, I think it’s j.coles time to take his spot. Personally I only found about half of the songs on yeezus to be “a good listen” but I felt like most of the time he was just ranting about how great he is and the other half was just some techno beats with some weird noises in the background . But again I like the creepy affect he adds so I guess that’s a plus. I guess you can compare born sinner to one of kanyes more older “to the heart” albums.</p>

<p>And No I haven’t been to Congo because it’s currently war devastated and Belgium because my mom finds it “boring”. Although we are planning to go to morocco sometime during my senior year.</p>

<p>@BellLander yes !! I tell myself the same thing about college because I’ve had absolutely no luck with guys throughout my entire high school experience so far. Rejected by 5 guys in one year :confused: lol I’m a mess.</p>

<p>@basic 2015 tbh… born sinner is better even though I love kanye, I think it’s j.coles time to take his spot. Personally I only found about half of the songs on yeezus to be “a good listen” but I felt like most of the time he was just ranting about how great he is and the other half was just some techno beats with some weird noises in the background . But again I like the creepy affect he adds so I guess that’s a plus. I guess you can compare born sinner to one of kanyes more older “to the heart” albums.</p>

<p>And No I haven’t been to Congo because it’s currently war devastated and Belgium because my mom finds it “boring”. Although we are planning to go to morocco sometime during my senior year.</p>

<p>I’ve been studying for the SAT twice a week, I need to start on my vocab ugh and the math…good grief :(</p>

<p>@BellLander yes !! I tell myself the same thing about college because I’ve had absolutely no luck with guys throughout my entire high school experience so far. Rejected by 5 guys in one year :confused: lol I’m a mess. Maybe it has to do with the guys here not liking their own race??idk ?? because I’m from the suburbs(where Hollister and boating shoes are in)But I only have one friend who I know is absolutely jealous of my studies habits :confused: but he’s a guy so it doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>@YoungVegies yes we are.
And sorry guys :confused: my iPod sent that twice.</p>

<p>Nice goodluck with your SAT</p>

<p>@dreamwriter23 I tried flirting with a guy once and it was probably the most disastrous experience ever lol It’s weird, in elementary school I had tons of guy friends, but now it’s just soo awkward trying to talk to one…It doesn’t help that I tend to be more attracted to white guys. The private school guys in my area are extremely preppy (boat shoes, play lacrosse, pastel pants, etc), and they usually like white girls :confused: My mom told me she didn’t go on her first date until she was 19, so I feel like that already sealed my fate lol</p>

<p>And I agree with you 100%, it seems like black guys these day only want to date white girls. I can’t be too upset, because its personal preference, but its still frustrating.</p>

<p>@BellLander I’m actually the opposite when it comes to talking to guys, I’m completely cool with them but when it comes to “relationships” suddenly I become every guys “like a little sister”. But I’ve only tried talking it up with one white guy this year, he turned out to be a poser so I stopped talking to him. But the other guys were all black…and preppy…and mean. Like to this day all the black guys that I’ve liked at my school either laugh at me or act like I don’t exist :/. It’s not how I look because apparently I’m really pretty/not ugly…but people tell me I always look like I’m sad.</p>

<p>Just FYI…usually high school students are mean, because they are still young. When you get to college everyone will be super nice to you (well maybe except the frat guys)…but usually everyone is and it is really easy to make new friends by joining an organization or something…and in the real world every single person is super desperate to get into a relationship so it would also be quite easy to date someone.</p>

<p>@Veggie Thats some reassuring advice!
Of late I haven’t been going too crazy over boys. Some flirting but never anything too serious. I don’t really have a preference and im pretty much open to anything. I feel like black people in general are more open to other races/cultures. For me it’s as long as you’re cute and SMART. I cannot stand dumb guys…I talked to one for a while. He was adorable but had absolutely nothing going on in the head. For me I want someone that has equal or greater intelligence than me. It seems to me that most guys are really looking for the easiest way in. So for every attractive guy there’s at least three thirsty girls who’s willing to do anything. So what’s the point in actually putting in effort to get a nice girl when you can get any other girl with no effort.
But Im not in any rush or anything. Im fully confident that it’ll happen when it happens. And at that time it’ll definitely be worth it.</p>

<p>@Basic2015 I try to think the same,although I really want a prom date sooooo.</p>

<p>@dreamwriter same lol I’m not in a rush to get a boyfriend, but I would like to have a date for Ring Dance</p>

<p>But…then again how do measure intelligence?? I have a friend who just recently took the IQ test and his score was 70. The range for a mentally ■■■■■■■■ person is 69 and below. He is studying business, and has above a 3.0 gpa, but he also parties alot.
Its kind of an odd question, but being smart is something people use alot and it is very vague.</p>

<p>Hecks yeah I will get a prom date!
That’s a given lol. Haa didn’t even cross my mind that we’d be going to prom this year! :o
That’s a valid point. I dunno I would just like someone that takes school seriously and that I can be competitive with…if that makes since?</p>

<p>What are you guys planning to study in college?</p>