African American Class of 2015

<p>@Basic2015 I’m my schools junior class secretary and the thought occurred to me during one of the meetings because I’m responsible of helping plan prom :/…I might as well ask that white kid then.</p>

<p>@YoungVeggies Dramatic writing aka screenwriting.</p>

<p>Neuroscience or biology, and I definitely want to continue French</p>

<p>@BellLander what is the Ring Dance? Is it like a Sadie Hawkins ?</p>

<p>Kinda off topic but are there any scholarships y’all are gonna be working on during junior year? I know NMSQT (correct?) starts this year and national achievement for us too. I’ve been looking at the dates and it’s all kinda mind boggling. Anyone got any hopes for National Achievement awards?
And even more off topic…my iPhone isn’t charging. Instead of the lighting bolt it’s the plug (means fully charged). I’ve been chilling at 45% all weekend :&lt;/p>

<p>@basic2015 Ugh, that’s right -_- scholarships. I was actually looking into some writing scholarships. I’m not really sure which ones I’m exactly going to be applying for,but yeah you totally caught me off guard there. My teacher told me about this website called Fastweb. It’s a scholarship site so I suggest you look there.</p>

<p>And to the iPhone issue I’d take that to the apple store :confused: hopefully you have a warranty.It also helps if you don’t overcharge it, charge it when it absolutely needs to be charged so it doesn’t have to rely on a charger 24/7.</p>

Scholarships are totally worth the work…basically a free education. But gosh they’re so many deadlines and so many that people that have to get involved with it. My guidance office isn’t the most helpful either. But I definitely need to get started! Thanks for the website.
And the iPhone is good. Lately I’ve been falling asleep with it charging so ill be more careful. I just switched chargers.
So I started working on the math section in my study guide. I’ve forgotten everythingggg -_-</p>

<p>@basic2015 lol I am with you on the math part. I just took a full practice SAT test on collegeboard… And oh boy… I really messed up lol. I got a 1410. But that might be because I’d start and finish different sections on different days. I’ve decided that I’m going to take a practice test at the end of each month or every two weeks.</p>

<p>@dreamwriter Sorry I didn’t answer this sooner, I didn’t see your post until now! At my school, juinors get their school rings that same year, and the school has a ceremony in the morning. Ring Dance is the next day, kinda like Prom/Sadie Hawkins. Girls usually make cute little signs/posters to ask their boyfriends to go with them. </p>

<p>@basic2015 I feel ya on the math. My teacher gave us SAT math problems for summer work and some of the easy ones I couldn’t figure out -_-. Good news is I just got my SAT grammar book in the mail! Just need to find time to actually study it…</p>

<p>Off-topic but, has anyone heard of Harvard’s Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program (UMRP)? I just received an email from a female sophomore there…it looks legit, I’m just wondering if it means anything.</p>

<p>That’s sounds like something fun that I might suggest to my SGA. I think I saw something similar on Awkward.
I breezed through the critical reading but math ugh. I always feel like math is kinda like eating healthy. It’s not always fun or tasty but it’s good in the long run. Congratz on the grammar book. Is it me or do they not teach that much grammar in school anymore? But yeah this summer laziness is starting to hit me HARD.Just wanna catch up on TV shows. Working on New Girl and Awkward :smiley:
I haven’t heard of that. Care to explain! :)</p>

<p>Yeah, schools definitely lack grammar prep nowadays. I was reading through the book, and realized some of the errors that are on the SAT are ones that I use in everyday :open_mouth: Here’s a copy of the email:</p>

<p>Dear ___,
My name is Brianna and I currently am a sophomore at Harvard College. I’m writing on behalf of the Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program (UMRP), and we work in collaboration with the Admissions Office to encourage promising students to consider Harvard in their college selection process.
Harvard students represent a wide array of personal backgrounds—racial, economic, and religious, among many others. Building a strong community in an ever more diverse society is part of what makes the Harvard experience both unique and important. Living together in a residential community dedicated to a full range of pursuits—academic, extracurricular, and social—provides the opportunity for a complete and exciting undergraduate education. I have had amazing experiences here, and I would love to share them with you!
I wanted to reach out to you to let you know that I am available to answer any questions you may have about applying to or attending Harvard College. You can contact me via e-mail: <a href=“”></a>; phone: (617) 495-1514; or at the following postal address: Harvard College Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program, 86 Brattle Street, Cambridge, MA 02138.
I encourage you to visit the Harvard Admissions Office website at, and to learn more about the UMRP.
I hope you’re enjoying your summer, and I look forward to hearing from you!</p>

Brianna Suslovic ‘16
Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program
<a href=“”></a><a href=“617”>/email</a> 495-1514
86 Brattle St.
Cambridge, MA 02138</p>

<p>Seems legit! Have you contacted them?</p>

<p>Yeah, I sent her an e-mail back and said I would email again as it got closer to fall :)</p>

<p>That’s pretty exciting!
So besides the summer how is everybody’s summers going?!</p>

<p>Ahh derp. Besides the *studying how’s everybody’s summer going?!</p>

<p>Hi! I’ve been lurking these forums for a while now but this is the first 2015 thread I’ve seen. I guess it makes sense since we’re pretty much juniors now :o</p>

<p>@BellLander I got one of those Harvard emails too. I’m pretty sure it’s just based on PSAT scores but still exciting :)</p>

<p>Hi nat97xo! Join the party lol </p>

<p>My summer’s begin pretty good so far. I haven’t done much, but sleeping in most days is fine with me. I start driver’s ed next week woooo! #not</p>

<p>Hi nat97xo! Join the party lol </p>

<p>My summer’s begin pretty good so far. I haven’t done much, but sleeping in most days is fine with me. I start driver’s ed next week woooo! #not</p>

<p>Drivers Ed woot woot!! Are you in the class part? That was SO boring but our teacher was awesome. Oh yeah and study for the test…preferably not the day before :slight_smile:
But the driving part was super fun! Have you ever drove before?</p>

<p>@Nat Welcome to the party. Glad to have you!</p>

<p>I got my permit in December, so I’ve been driving since then. Mainly to and from school, though. I did the first introductory class this past Thursday, regular classes start on Monday.</p>

<p>Hey guys sorry i haven’t been on for a while.</p>

<p>@Bellander Thats really cool, i wish my school did something like that. And the Harvard thing seems pretty legit. I’d go for it as long as they don’t make you pay for anything.</p>

<p>And my summer is going fairly well lol. I’ve actually been doing algebra 2 online so that once school starts I could go right into pre-calc. But I’ve been meaning to take drivers ed? Do you guys think it’s easy?
Oh,and I’ve decided to add UC Berkeley to the list of schools I’m applying to. lol I’m so excited to finally be a junior.
@natxo97 welcome to the group,glad to see some growth on this thread.</p>