Anyone gotten DECISIONS yet?

<p>Hey lsandin---</p>

<p>If your D has the rank & test qualifications for the 3/4 ride as stated on the UM website, I gotta think she'll get it or close. 'Just the 3/4'?! That's 21K whacked off the bill each year--not too shabby!</p>

<p>Re: Emory & S'western & Duke--hey, you reach for the stars--how do they say it, 'some rain is gonna fall..'</p>

<p>To those who have gotten "the letter" - does it also show you were admitted on the Easy website? Does it show the scholarship? Still nothing on EASY and no letter. Getting anxious to hear, especially now that people actually are getting letters.</p>

<p>I called Miami today to talk to the admissions gentleman that D interviewed with and his voicemail said that he would be reviewing files all week but would try to get back to everyone who left messages.. didn't leave one. However, he did say on the message that admission letters would be going out three times/week until Feb. 1 and that they would be going out as they were reviewed and in no particular order.. don't know if that helps anyone but thought I would share. Still no word on EASY for D. So I assume her letter probably hasn't gone out yet either : )</p>

<p>February 1 isn't that far away - thank goodness !!</p>

<p>If they only give out a limited number of scholarships- (rumor has it 15 full tuition), how can they process applications in " no particular order".</p>

<p>so i called the school to see about EASY and they said it was a computer error and that the only way i can find out if i got in is through the letter and i asked if they could tell me over the phone and he said no so i asked if the website means i actually got in or if everyone saw it and he was just like i cant say sorry. so i dont understand what it means if it said i was admitted.</p>

<p>Good question dhm.. my D and I just finished a discussion on this same thing. Since we haven't heard anything yet I became concerned that by the time they got to her app. they might be out of money : )
She thought that maybe when the apps. intially came in they may have been separated by SAT scores..i.e. 1200-1300, 1300-1400 or in some such manner.. who knows? Just can't wait for that letter.. we are sitting in our living room looking out at 3-4 inches of snow - Miami sure looks attractive about now ; )</p>

<p>guess there are still a few of us in the same boat - nothing on EASY and nothing in today's mail.</p>

<p>Hi dhm, </p>

<p>"The letter" was actually a folder that included an acceptance letter, a handout on what to do next, a certificate saying that S got a merit award, a handout on that award, and a brochure, as well as some coupons (a part of the folder folds out and it is actually coupons) and a decal. </p>

<p>I am a parent who tried to read it through the envelope but no go - you have to open the big envelope and then open the folder.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>lsandin- I too got snow today and Miami is getting really tempting! I was complaining about the cold today and my mom was like, "You know you only applied to three southern schools and seven northern(way northern) schools???" ... but when its 100 degrees here I'm complaining as well so maybe I should just stay in climate controlled environments...</p>

<p>... no word from EASY yet.</p>

<p>Take heart's not been that particularly warm here in FL the last few days. It was in the 40's this morning! BBBrrrr.....but I'm sure that by next year when your kids are here it will be in the 70's. LOL ;)</p>

<p>Sorry y' my letter today. One full scholarship down, 14 to go!!!!</p>

<p>Stats: 1400 SAT
3.7 GPA
Second Quintile Ranking
THOUGH there was a hand-written letter from the Dean of Admissions in my folder complimenting me on my ESSAY!!! So apparently the full scholarships may be more-so based on writing than on just numbers.</p>

<p>Good Luck Everyone</p>

<p>WOW! Congrats BennyBoy!! I thought that the full scholarships only went to kids with 1500+ SAT scores.. does this include room and board or is it tuition only?? That is really wonderful. Still waiting word here in PA <shrug>
Can you look at the postmark on your package and check for the mail date? Thanks!</shrug></p>

<p>Congrats Benny, but interesting--</p>

<p>Out of the 15 full-tuition academic scholarships UM gave to fall 2005 freshman, you got one with a 3.7 out of 18,500 applicants?</p>

<p>Must've been one heck of an essay...</p>

<p>sent jan. 15th ... just Tutition, not room and board. I honestly was surprised out of my shoes...didn't even expect any scholarship</p>

<p>wow! a congrats is in order!</p>

<p>That's great to see that they don't completely follow their cutoffs for scholarships. My friend was a little under(~40) the SAT cutoff for the 1/2 but was given it anyway because of his super grades and ECs. </p>

<p>... still painfully waiting for mine.</p>

<p>i got my acceptance letter in the mail today and got 3/4 scholarship with 1460 sat and weighted 4.4/4.6 gpa</p>

<p>and benny- what was your essay about?</p>

<p>mdg1987: when was your letter mailed, if you still have the envelope? Still no word here. Also, did you see your acceptance on the EASY site before you got your letter?</p>

<p>I had seen somewhere on the UM website that admitted freshmen for this fall are guaranteed a place in the dorms, and drop-dead date for the deposit is May 1. My D, who's been admitted to Miami, still hasn't heard from a couple of RD schools, and probably won't till late March. She's leaning towards UM, but isn't sure yet.</p>

<p>The kicker is that to reserve housing, you have to give them a $250 non-refundable deposit, but before that you have to pony up a $300 admissions deposit. $550 is a lot of money if D changes her mind like the wind in April...</p>

<p>Anybody heard or read about admitted freshmen being guaranteed dorm space?</p>

<p>Sorry, no info on dorms, I'm still waiting for the decision/scholarship letter (or even that EASY notification!).
Was told (as I do remember reading here on another post) when I called that letters will go out Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until Feb. 1.
They said to call if you haven't heard by the second week of February....</p>