Anyone gotten DECISIONS yet?

<p>FINALLY!! EASY now shows a place to pay enrollment, housing, etc... says "what to do next".. hopefully the letter will be here soon...Hang in there mishdoob1.. you're probably next : )</p>

<p>Yeah, Isandin! I am so glad for your D!</p>

<p>Isandin- Congrats, glad you finally had something on EASY-now I'm wondering how long before you get the letter and scholarship info.
For us, still nothing on EASY and no letter. Has anyone gotten letter before notice on EASY?
I know they were reviewing my D's application over a week ago because her counselor told her UM had called asking about her rank, since her school does not "officially" rank. Not sure what counselor told them, but she did get an award for highest GPA at end of junior year (along w/ 2 others she was tied with out of a class of 350), so I would think that should put her in top 1%. Oh well, all in good time I guess.</p>

<p>I haven't seen anyone get their letter before the EASY thing yet.. however, when D signed on to EASY there was no "congratulations you are a hurricane" or anything. She just went to student menu and there are different things to click on that weren't there before and one is admission something or other and when you click on it it says something like..' you have made a great decision to become a miami hurricane'...etc </p>

<p>Then there is a list of "things to do next".. such as apply for housing, apply for meal plan, etc.. none of which really appear functional.. but who knows. I will let you know when D gets her letter and maybe you can judge from that.. although we are in PA so we will have to allow for a lot of mail time.</p>

Listen up y'all.</p>

<p>I just talked to the woman who interviewed me in the office of admissions (I was asking if she knew if my friend got in). She was checking for me and told me that "oh, his app. still hasn't been read" In other words, They have not read all of the early action applications yet!!! SO stop stalking the mailman, and don't get anxious about not getting your letter. They send them out as they read them. Most people probably won't find out until a little after Feb. 1st.</p>

<p>Good Luck to Everyone
-Benny Boy</p>

<p>Benny Boy.. easy for you to have your letter and a full ride to boot ; )</p>

<p>two days ago when i signed in to EASY i saw admissions options. yesterday i got the "congratulations" screen, and today i got my letter, if that helps any of you with time frame.</p>

<p>also, i got the stanford 50% tuition scholarship ($14,200 i believe). i was kind of disappointed, because that is the lowest one guaranteed to national merit people. and there is no possible way my parents can contribute 24,000. even though according to FAFSA, our EFC is 37,000. <em>sigh</em> guess there arent any hurricanes in my future.</p>

<p>I got my decision today.
3.98 UW 1450 and top 6-7 %</p>

<p>I have a question for everyone out there though. I only recieved 50 percent scholarship, and I am really ****ed about that. I only recieved one "B" in any of my classes, and that bumps my class rank down to like 19/149 UW and 9/149 weighted. Basically at any other school i would just about be valedictorian or at worse in the top 5%. My school is a public "schoo of choice" I was expecting 75% b/c another person at my school who had str8 A's got 75% and I in fact have a higher weighted GPA and higher SAT's. If anyone has any insight on what I should do I would appreciate it, i.e. talking to admissions or w/e, cuz if I end up going there that is an xtra 30 grand over 4 years.</p>


<p>I'm in!</p>

<p>I just checked on EASY and I got the congrats screen. Maybe I'll get the letter soon with financial informaton... although I'm waiting for a 1/4 or 1/3 scholarship not the big ones like you all are. </p>

<p>Well, off to stalk the mailman.</p>

<p>congrats anovice.. it does feel good, doesn't it?? I, like you, can't wait to see the financial info... hopefully letter will come tommorrow.. hate to wait two more days!!</p>

<p>Hi Wants....</p>

<p>My sense - from talking to the admissions rep at my S's interview and then another rep by phone - is that the criteria they list are really just guidelines. Each app and person is reviewed as a whole and the scores and class rank and such are more to give applicants an idea of where they might be. They are not hard and fast bottom limits or promises in any way.</p>

<p>Actually, in comparing U Miami and other schools, I really have liked that about them. </p>

<p>A scholarship brochure we were given states: "The U of M takes into account your HS curriculum, course selection, ECs, essay and recommendation from your GC." (abbreviations are mine)</p>

<p>As always in the college process, these things have a subjective element to them....</p>

<p>Isandin- Thanks for the advice. I had just been checking main page that said no new messages, when I went to the student menu, had enrollment info you mentioned. Then this morning just checked website again and got the "You're a Cane, Congratulations" message. Nice to know it's been processed and just have to wait for letter to see about $$$.</p>

<p>Does Miami look at freshman grades?</p>

<p>dhm.. got the congrats message yesterday.. but no letter today.. since we're in PA it will probably be here Monday or Tuesday. I hate the wait. Glad to hear you got yours finally too.. good luck on the merit money <fingers crossed=""></fingers></p>


<p>What should you do? Geez, 'only' a half ride, $56K over 4 years. Read the sheet of FAQ's that came with your Stanford scholarship certificate where it says that merit scholarships cannot be appealed.</p>

<p>I suppose it's all a matter of perspective. You could be thrilled that a darn good institution like UM gave you that kind of coin, or you could be bitter--in which case you'd probably be better off elsewhere next fall.</p>

<p>isandin - I am not sure if there is a direct connection between when the info appears on Easy and when the letters are mailed. We waited about a week between the two. I have a feeling they go out in batches. S's app was reviewed on the 5th. We saw it on Easy on the 11th, the first time we checked, but who knows how long it was there. Envelope was postmarked 1/14 and it arrived on the west coast on 1/18, with the MLK holiday in between.</p>

<p>i havent gotten any decision yet...i had a 3.8 gpa and a 1320 on my SAT. Maybe i havent recieved a decision because i am only a junior....but if i applied do you guy think i would get in???</p>

<p>D got her letter today!! She received the Bowman Foster Ashe Scholarship (3/4 tuition). We are feeling really good today! She also received her acceptance to Southwestern but no scholarship info yet. Hope everyone else gets their letters soon.</p>

<p>Told you, lsandin! Nothing to worry 'bout, right? Until her next acceptance comes in, however...haha</p>

<p>Well, the new options were on the EASY screen on Thursday, the Congrats screen was on Friday, and still no letter today - maybe it got lost in the snow!
(But I have truly learned a wonderful lesson in patience!)</p>