Class of 2019 Decisions

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED
Division: Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science
SAT: 660-math 690-writing 670-math Total=2020
GPA: 94.45 W
Awards: National Merit Outstanding Achievement; Ventures Scholar; French Exam Award; NHS
Rank: My school doesn’t rank
Strong EC’ and Community service
Heartwarming Essay
Generic letters of Rec
President of Math and French club
Financial Bracket: 150,000+
Ethnicity: African American
Gender: Female
Comments: Congrats to everyone who got in!!! Bing is definitely a great option for me, but I’m waiting to see where else I get into <3 </p>

<p>@snoogleki to check on the status of your application click this link <a href=“Check Your Status | Undergraduate Admissions | Binghamton University”>Check Your Status | Undergraduate Admissions | Binghamton University; and enter your user id and password (you should have set up your user id and password after you filed your application). </p>

<p>Just paid my enrollment deposit tonight! Officially going to Binghamton! Class of 2019 Bearcat!</p>

<p>Just got accepted into the Watson School of engineering today.
GPA: 95.93 W
SAT: 2000
Extracurriculars: Girl Scout/completed Gold Award, NHS, 3 season athlete, etc.
Strong essay, good recommendations.</p>

<p>Accepted - SoM</p>

<p>34 ACT
MATH II - 780 CHEM - 740
98.4 weighted GPA
9 AP’s</p>

<p>Got an acceptance letter yesterday and I’m in state (Hudson Valley), if that makes a difference…
Accepted to Decker School of Nursing:
Sat: n/a
Weighted GPA (school doesnt release UW GPA): 95.7
5APs (Statistics, Calc, US History, Lang, and Bio)
Commonapp essay: strongest part of the application
My top choices for nursing are BC,Northeastern, and Villanova but all are so expensive and I’ve heard great things about Bing so I’m excited to have a cheap option that would probably be a good fit:) Congrats to all admitted and good luck to everyone still waiting to hear back!!</p>

<p>Congrats everyone! Still have “complete and ready for review” as my status :frowning: </p>

<p>Got Accepted to Harpur School of Liberal Arts & Sciences</p>

34 ACT (33 English, 35 Math, 34 Reading, 35 Science)
2120 SAT
94.8 GPA UW, 99.05 W
10 APs (Human Geography (4), World History (5), U.S. History (4), Chemistry (5), Language and Composition (5), Currently Taking: Literature and Composition, Physics 1, Biology, US Government and Politics, and Calculus AB)
Lots of EC’s including 200+ hours of volunteering and 300+ hours of research at a laboratory</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone and congrats to everyone else who got in! It was a safety and I am glad I chose it, will definitely be a good school to fall back on (definitely higher on my list than other safeties)</p>

<p>Agains Good Luck Everyone!</p>

<p>Daughter accepted to Harpur, packet came in mail yesterday. We’re OOS.
GPA: 4.26 W
SAT: 2190 (750 CR, 660 M, 780 W)
Only average ECs, band and working as a tutor.
Nice that’s it’s her first acceptance; the big question is how much money she might be offered, if any, compared to other schools she’s applying to.
Best of luck to all!</p>

<p>I can’t open the website to check my status… Is anyone else experiencing this problem too?</p>

<p>@anonye mee too. been trying for like and hour now. its overloaded or something</p>

<p>When do y’all think the next wave of decision notifications will be sent out?</p>

<p>In case anyone is curious, I did not receive an acceptance email from Binghamton, just a green snail mail envelope.</p>

<p>What would be the reason to send out one batch and then make everyone else wait at least another 2 weeks? Most students are not going to decline between now and then so what additional information will Binghamton have that will allow another batch of acceptances to go out? </p>

<p>Should we assume that those whose status is still “Complete and ready for review” have been deferred? But then why say the applications are ready for review? How did they determine which applications were reviewed and which weren’t? </p>

<p>Is Binghamton waiting to see what applications come in RD before sending out any additional EA decisions? I wonder if Binghamton should move to Early Decision for the future, seems like they are manipulating the Early Action process. Most of the students who received notification have very high stats and I wonder if they are truly interested in Binghamton or are using it as a safety school.</p>

<p>@nymom64 I am also extremely confused about the new process. I know many people with 2000+ sats who still haven’t heard, so I’d be surprised if everyone ended up getting deferred. Looks like we’re just going to have to wait and see… :frowning: </p>

<p>Even more weirdness: My twin girls applied at the same time. One got accepted and the other is still waiting. To make things even more bizarre- although they have almost the same grades, activities and sports, the one with the slightly lower GPA and SAT scores is the one who got accepted!! :-? </p>

<p>@Seld00n‌ - Did you call or email and ask the admissions office about this or are you just speculating based on last year? I’ve been tempted to call, but am scared it might mess up my chances somehow (this whole process has me paranoid!). If you already called, it would be great to know to save me – and likely others – some trouble.</p>

<p>I called to find out whats going on. I got someone who sounded a bit junior but he said that this year they are doing it in batches and that we just have to wait. All decisions will go out by Jan. </p>

<p>@einreb‌ - Thank you! That makes more sense than one batch now and one after January. Bing is my first choice and I’m dying to hear. I know three people who heard over the weekend and all of them have already gotten decisions from schools they prefer. One of them has a significantly lower GPA and SAT scores than mine and he’s taken fewer advanced classes. He’s not an athlete or an underrepresented minority or a legacy or any other hook I can think of. He’s barely involved with extracurriculars and has no leadership roles while I have a ton. We both applied to Harpur as undeclared majors. He is a good friend and I’m happy for him, but was accepted to Ithaca ED last week. My other friends who got in have higher GPAs and lower test scores with other things similar to myself. But with this one friend getting a yes, I am hoping the delay is just a matter of volume. I’m trying not to be depressed for the holidays!</p>
