Class of 2019 Decisions

<p>@sarguino, when did you find out?</p>

<p>@nymom64, Today via snail mail.</p>

<p>Will an “application preference” being listed as “not entered” affect when I would receive my decision? </p>

<p>No. Binghamton doesn’t use “application preference”. Other SUNY schools use it.</p>

<p>Based on students my daughter knows who received acceptances from her high school it seems first round of acceptances had very high stats. Daughter says most (if not all) of the students she knows used Binghamton as their safety school and have no real desire to attend. She’s hoping many went ED somewhere so they have to decline their other acceptances (including Binghamton) and the admission process can continue. Does anyone know why Binghamton does not offer ED? My daughter is still waiting to hear, this is her first choice and she certainly would have committed.</p>

<p>Accepted! Use the deposit method to check if accepted. Worked for me and I just got my snail mail letter
Out of state if that matters ( Bay Area California)
Weighted GPA: 3.69
Unweighted GPA: 3.55
SAT: 1980
3 APs and 2 honors before 12th grade and 2 AP and 1 honor in 12th grade
I also got a D in Honors Pre-Calc first semester of my sophomore year, but I guess that didn’t break me ( I also had a 2.8 weighted GPA that semester and far lower unweighted because I took 3 weighted classes)</p>

<p>I have almost 700 Hours of community service and volunteering
I have a bunch of leadership positions ( Chair for Red Cross Youth Executive Board, Chair for PR committee and my Cities Teen Council, am a CPR/First Aid/ AED Instructor, etc etc etc)</p>

<p>Bottom Line don’t get your hopes down if you don’t have the top GPA and SAT and stuff, hopefully something else sticks out :smile: </p>

<p>If you were wondering I did consider this school a safety, but I don’t know if that was a correct assumption lol. I’m mainly trying to get into a good Liberal Arts School. If I don’t get one than This is my top choice over California’s highly regarded Public universities :smiley: </p>

<p>Best of Luck!!</p>

<p>Nice that Binghamton is getting some applications from students outside NY. Unlike the Ca system, Michigan, Virgiani and the top public schools, Binghamton rarely attracts applicants from outside the state except from NJ or Ct, aside from International students. I think it is a goal of the school so it is good to see someone applying from California-suggests that their efforts are being successful. </p>

<p>Lol @lostaccount‌
Not sure about the publicity over here but the main reason I applied is because I Lived in the north east for 12-13 years. I’ve only been in Cali for 5 or so. ( born in Connecticut and raised near Albany)</p>

<p>has anyone been rejected? i called admiss and they gave me the rolling line also. i think it’s a crock if no ones been rejected that’s heard. the process seems very flawed… would have had no problem waiting til mid jan if everyone heard at the same time.</p>

<p>Jimtoh, my guess is that they accept a bunch of students and wait to see who accepts right away and can guage interest in those who did not yet get accepted. Then they proceed to the next group after they have some idea how many in the 1st group will be accepting the offer. Just like in many similar schools, nearly 80% will decline the offer, which is good news for those waiting. Last year they apparently gave out offers to 12,134. Approximately 9501 turned Binghamton down (yield about 22%) and 2633 accepted the offer. This is not unusual. Adelphi, Seton Hall, Fordham, Hofstra, Pace and St. John’s, NY schools that could be on the same list with Binghamton, all have lower yield rates, some substantially lower. </p>

<p>Not sure how they will gauge interest from those who did not yet get accepted. It’s hard to advocate for yourself or have someone advocate for you when your status claims your application has yet to be reviewed. While I think it is great that Binghamton’s decisions are going out earlier, I think that they should go out earlier for all EA applicants. Not doing so, sends a message of being informally deferred. Usually, rolling admissions is based on application date and a decision is given. Most times EA and ED results are given to all applicants at the same time. An initial batch going out in December while making other EA applicants wait until after the holidays (almost 3 weeks later) is something I have never heard of. As I said before, most of my daughter’s friends who have been accepted applied to Binghamton as their safety/SUNY school, the majority of them have no intention of attending but unless they’ve applied ED somewhere else they have no reason to formally withdraw their application. I think it’s time for Binghamton to go the ED route, that’s the only way to gauge who is actually committed to attending.</p>

<p>nymom64 Hang in there. It is still quite early for college offers. The good thing is that most of those that already have offers will decline them and if your daughter really wants to be there and has reasonable stats, I bet she gets an offer. I know that waiting is very hard. If there is some way to discourage your daughter from talking to friends, that could lesson the pressure but I know it is hard not to discuss the one thing on everyone’s mind. You are right about the unique combination of EA and rolling. Good luck.</p>

<p>@lostaccount‌, thanks for the kind words! Actually my daughter is not talking to many friends during the process but is noticing the college acceptance announcements on Facebook. From what she has seen Binghamton’s “new” acceptance procedure has led to a lot of arrogant postings. One friend actually posted, they weren’t surprised to be accepted since its not so hard to get in. My daughter is hopeful that she will eventually receive an acceptance but a little dismayed by the attitude shown by many who received this “special” early acceptance. May have deflated her own acceptance should she get one.</p>

<p>I was accepted on Saturday, which actually was my birthday. Some comforting statistics for those who haven’t been accepted yet:
25 ACT
3.87 W GPA
Top 20% Rank
Decent EC’s including NHS
Good Essay
Good letter of rec</p>

<p>The reason i say comforting is because of my ACT score. Standardized testing and I didn’t get along too well but this goes to show that the college application process considers much more than what your standardized test score has to say. Keep positive and congrats to everyone accepted!</p>

<p>nymom64 I wish people would not view being accepted as some sort of achievement. Not for any school. It is not an achievement so people should not be arrogant about it. Good grades are an achievement as are winning awards, publishing things, creating things, making things. But being accepted into a college isn’t. Being accepted is the potential for an opportunity to achieve-that is all. Consider that for some schools students may be not be accepted if their grades and scores are unusually high for that school. Acceptance isn’t a measure of achievement or an indication of worthiness or anything else along those lines. It has been promoted by the business side of college admissions but that is a total contamination of the process. So I can understand a student being upset not to be given the opportunity to study at a school they have their eye on but they should not view getting in as an achievement. Because if getting in is an achievement then not getting in is a failure. I don’t think that is true at all. A good fit and luck is usually what gets someone accepted. I hope your daughter has that. </p>

<p>@tommyc13, are you in state or out of state?</p>

<p>still no-one that’s been declined or deferred? pretty much confirms the duplicity of this admit office. Don’t understand the reason for blatantly lying when questioned about this rolling, batch processing they’re spewing. the clown i talked to this time says they’re not able to process all aps at once. really?? a supposed tech school? they’re the only one of thousands of colleges that can’t release all at once? i don’t find the real problem with the process, the problem is the ridiculous stories to cover themselves. really having second thoughts about the school. </p>


<p>When I called, I was told that is was just completely random. I guess everyone in the “random” pool was so competive that no one was rejected or deferred…</p>

<p>i suppose a random sampling would yield zero underqualified apps so that nobody online, or friends of anyone online, or anybody i know could get anything other than accepted or not reviewed yet? i’ll play megamillions with my college cash instead, better odds.</p>