Congratulations! You're a Cane!

<p>Aw thanks lol I love how we are turning this into our own private chat... im me sometime, u sound pretty cool urself</p>

<p>This coming off 2 messages on a message board... sigh... are you that desperate?</p>

<p>lol its a joke, we know each other already</p>

<p>I just got in! Nice scholarship too. Now i can finally get out of Arizona!</p>

<p>We just lost all our posts! The server got set back!</p>

<p>Recap: Packet came today, found out online a few days ago, no scholarship, still stoked :D</p>

<p>The server lost my post, too. S received accepteance letter with 3/4 scholarship offer. </p>

<p>We visited U of Miami when my S was a sophomore and will likely be revisiting.</p>

<p>My post gone too...
My D got in with 1/2 scholarship. We haven't visited yet, bit will be in the coming weeks.</p>

<p>Would those of you receiving scholarships mind posting high-level stats ... not the full details, but maybe just GPA and SAT/ACT? Some of the posts over the last few days seem to indicate that the guidelines posted on their website are out of date -- perhaps due to an increase in applications from highly qualified students.</p>

<p>Anyone have a feel as to whether it's an across the board cut? Or, could the guidelines still be valid if supported by ECs, Letters of Recommendations, Difficulty of Course Schedule, etc.? Miami is my d's #1 choice, but there's no way she can go without scholarship help. She has lots of other choices (most with great merit offers), but I have a feeling she'll be disappointed nonetheless. I've tried to keep her from picking a favorite, but I don't think it worked! Thanks much!</p>

<p>The admission office told me that they had an overabundance of highly qualified applicants this year and so the scholarship awards are more selective this year. My D did NOT receive anything. She had a 1330/2010 SAT, 3.8 GPA (all AP and honors classes), from an private prep school that does not rank (or even give us percentages). Awards are still out there though...if your D is a very strong student she should get an award, but may not get what you were hoping for.</p>

<p>jersey44, I know I made a post that suggested the idea that the minimum requirements (not guidelines) may be off a level. In that post I also said that it was rank speculation on my part based solely on the few awards and non awards that were posted this EA season.</p>

<p>I sure hope I was wrong and the scholarships DO track the "chart" when all the puzzle pieces line up. I'm counting on it happening , too.</p>

<p>What other merit "choices" does she have in the bag so far?</p>

<p>Thank you Seiclan. My d's GPA and scores are in the same range as your d's -- slightly higher, but not enough higher to create optimism. Oh well -- it was inevitable. Schools like Miami dangle these scholarships to attract good students who may not otherwise qualify for aid. It's extremely effective -- enough so, that they can pull back on the offers after a couple of years. What's also inevitable, however, is that the situation will reverse itself unless their reputation/ranking moves up a few deciles. Our kids are just caught in the wrong part of the cycle.</p>


<p>My S stats:</p>

<p>1560 old SAT/2370 new SAT/3.6 unweighted GPA/4.41 weighted GPA/several AP and Honors classes/2 College engineerging classes/volunteer college research project/Co-Captain Debate Team/NHS/NMS Semi-finalist/tutoring/nursing home volunteer</p>

<p>S accepted to College of Engineering at U of Miami with 3/4 scholarship offer. Waiting on several other colleges, including U of Florida, U of Maryland, Rice, etc. </p>

<p>Good luck to your D!</p>

<p>Cur -- I'll send you a PM. I have been expressly forbidden, by a strong-willed teenager (!), to post details of acceptances and merit awards! But, I will be happy to post her Miami results when they come. Unfortunately, she's an RD candidate, not an EA candidate, so it will be a long while before she hears anything.</p>

<p>GNU -- Very nice, congrats! My d's stats are much closer to Seiclan's D's stats than to your S's. Good for him -- very well deserved.</p>

<p>In both cases where the folks have been kind enough to post I think you see the greater selectivity at play . But at the same time class rank IS listed as a "requirement" on the chart (as is a A+ requirement for GPA for the top award. Do they mean w or uw? Doesn't say. And what the H is an A+ in numbers?) </p>

<p>I would have thought gnu's kid would have received the top award and that Seiclan's would have received the 1/3 tuition scholarship. That's why I'm all "nervy". LOL.</p>


<p>I actually expected my kid to get the 1/3 or 1/2 award, based on the guidelines on U of Miami website. The 3/4 scholarship calls for top 5% of class and an "A" average. My kid didnt make the top 5% (in a competitive school that doesnt give rankings-but if they did he would be in the top 11%) and the 3.6 GPA also doeesn't appear to fit the guideline (unless they are giving him extra credit for his weighted GPA). They might also be giving my S a little extra credit for his SAT's. Also, the u of Miami College of Engineering is not that highly ranked, so maybe that put him higher in the pecking order? Just guessing on my part.</p>

<p>gnu, it was a 2370. Their jaws dropped and their eyeballs bugged out. They probably had a fist fight in the adcoms office deciding whether he got full or 3/4. </p>

<p>Have you checked exactly how few kids in the U.S. score a 1570 and up on the SAT verbal +math? Well, I've checked on D's similar ACT and there ain't very many to go around for schools outside HYPSDMC-AWS. Not trying to say that these scores are the end-all but I'd bet a dollar to a do-nut that he's in the top couple/few thousand .</p>


<p>You are probably right! I didn't want to get myself too pumped up on the scholarship chances, so I looked at the guidelines in their strictest sense. Needless to say, we were thrilled! </p>

<p>When we visit U of Miami, I am going to look for that adcom with the black eye. :)</p>

<p>I hope your D hears something soon. Its tough waiting.</p>

<p>I wish I could be of some help....I talked to my son yesterday about the situation at Miami (he just started his senior year there). When he went to UM his freshman year his class was the best admitted class as far as GPA, test scores, etc. And each successive year his class has been outdone. He did mention that this years freshman class is really top notch and that it is the largest freshman class ever. Apparently more kids matriculated to UM than expected, probably due to a lot of merit awards being given. His guess (and mine) are that although they still are giving a lot of acceptances, that they have cut back on the amount of merit awards due to the fact that they don't want as big a freshman class this year. Housing has become a problem with guaranteed housing for freshman, and you'll find quite a few upperclassmen still living on campus due to the high cost of living in Miami. Personally, I look for Miami's acceptance rate to start dropping soon, as they try to become more selective and thus keep raising in the eyes of the ranking experts. They want to break into the top 50 soon. </p>

<p>I think those of you who's kids eventually go to the U will be pleasantly surprised at the quality of the education they will receive. It will be an exciting time to be there, with the opening of new housing, new bio-tech center, new University Center, Wellness Center re-vamping, etc., which is on the way soon. (New housing opens this coming fall...although not for freshman.) </p>

<p>Best wishes!</p>

<p>My daughter's stats:</p>

<p>1410 Old SAT, 2050 NEW
3.8 does not weigh or rank. NYC specialized HS.
Almost all honors or AP classes.
NHS VP, Varisty softball captain, volunteer work.</p>

<p>Got 1/2 tuition.</p>