Congratulations! You're a Cane!

<p>BTW..does anyone know about the honors program? Do they send invitations after all the RD apps are reviewed or if D was invited would she have received notice with her acceptance package?</p>

<p>Gnu..I would assume you would be able to answer beccause if your son isn't invited to honors I don't know who would be....congrats on the scholarship!</p>

<p>My D received the 3/4 quarter scholarship. She has a 4.0 uw in a competitive academic magnet program, most rig. courseload, 33 ACT, 4 year varsity tennis - 2 years as captain, lots of volunteering, etc.</p>

<p>We attended a regional information session and visited the campus. They told us at the campus visit that the best way to get scholarship was to apply early and that the standards were increasing. </p>

<p>I have to say this is a nice scholarship - it is 75% of tuition (not just tied to this year's tuition value) and they look at the gpa at the end of the second year. If the gpa is 3.0 or better, the scholarship is guaranteed for the next two years, if the gpa is 2.7-3.0 the scholarship is guaranteed for one more year, below 2.7 and the scholarship is gone.</p>

<p>1tcm --</p>

<p>I hope you didn't think my earlier comments implied it's not a great school. We've visited a couple of times, and I couldn't be more impressed -- I especially love the small class sizes and the availability of internships (I'm a huge fan of students getting real life experience in their intended field). And, what's not to love about the campus and the location? I've never seen one I liked better.</p>

<p>It's just very hard for me to justify the cost when so many comparable schools come in so much lower. I wish economics weren't involved --but, for us, cost is a huge consideration. Their merit award program brought it into the realm of possibilities. Without merit aid, it's just not a possibility.</p>

<p>Oh well, there's no use trying to guess what's going to happen. If it's meant to be, there will be an award. If it's not, I'm certainly glad my d has so many other choices -- all that fighting to get her to complete other applications may pay off after all. If I survived that, I can survive anything! </p>

<p>Yankeegirl --</p>

<p>Congratulations! That's wonderful news. </p>

<p>-- jersey44</p>

<p>Congrats to you and your D as well, thatmom. Very nice!!!</p>


<p>S did not receive any information regarding Honors program in his package.</p>

<p>Here is what I found on the U of Miami website:</p>

<p>"Invitations to General Honors are extended based on your outstanding scholastic achievements in high school and high scores on the college entrance examination. The Honors Program invites the top 10% of the entering freshman class to join. A minimum SAT of 1360 or ACT of 31 or better and ranked in the top 10% of your high school graduating class is required. On receipt of an invitation, there is no further action required on your part."</p>

<p><a href=",1770,29532-1;29671-2;29652-2,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;,1770,29532-1;29671-2;29652-2,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Notice the mention of the college entrance exam. I have no idea when they take that.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>I saw that on the web site as well. They mean the SAT or ACT, no seperate exam.
I guess then, they send the invites after all apps are reviewed.
Thanks for your response.</p>

<p>Thanks Jersey, congrats and good luck to you as well.
Thatmom...that's terrific, you should be proud, looks like this class is definitely competitive.</p>

<p>The quality of the academics and students is definitely rising, thus the merit $ criteria. FWIW, at last year's Admitted Students Day they told us that for the class of 2009 they rejected kids with stats that, 5 years ago, would have gotten them admitted with merit scholarships. </p>

<p>From last year's posts, Honors invitations come mid to end of March.</p>

<p>Cur and others
i see my post vanished as well. We were told by an admissions asst director at a regional meet and greet that there are only 20 full tuition scholarships given out.I suspect maybe the science/premed/Intel type kids may dominate in that category.
Still awaiting the big folder.Keeping fingers crossed but getting nervous about merit amount!!</p>

<p>Twenty :eek: . I can get better odds on the lottery. Twenty? A billion applicants divided by twenty , naught from naught is naught, carry your one, hmmmm. Says here-"It ain't happening. Y'all ain't that lucky.".</p>

1tcm --</p>

<p>I hope you didn't think my earlier comments implied it's not a great school.


<p>I didn't think that in the least. For some folks its not a great school and for some it is. To each his own I figure...LOL </p>

It's just very hard for me to justify the cost when so many comparable schools come in so much lower. I wish economics weren't involved --but, for us, cost is a huge consideration. Their merit award program brought it into the realm of possibilities. Without merit aid, it's just not a possibility.


<p>Belive me, I couldn't agree with this statement more. While the U wasn't S's best offer, it was comprable to our state school w/merit award, so it was viable for us. Had we had to pay full amount, S would not be attending either. </p>

<p>Believe me, I hope the best for all your kids, whether or not they attend Miami. Just hollar though, if you need help if they decide to attend. I know my-three-sons, Wish-it-were-April, myself, and several other Umiami parents check in here regularly.......</p>

<p>They must have really upped the qualifications for the scholarships. Lots of highly qualified people who don't get the merit offers they deserved. This class seems uber-competitive. In the acceptance letter it said something about 18000 apps for 2000 spots. I doubt that's fully true, but that's unbelievable nonetheless.</p>

<p>I got my acceptance in the mail today but still have not recieved anything on my UM/easy site. Even when I log in now it doesnt have a place to pay the deposit. Could it be that I made my UM/easy account about 2 weeks ago?</p>

<p>Hi all and congrats to those of you who have received acceptances already. My S attends (and absolutely loves) UM. </p>

<p>Not sure if last year's info applies still, but we were specifically told that the scholarship criteria are guidelines, not minimums. They also know that not all schools rank (S's didn't and he still got merit money) and have ways to deal with weighted and unweighted GPAs; competitive and less-competitive high schools, etc. Also, if they are eager to get someone from a less well represented geographical area, they lower the bar a bit. I remember last year someone from Idaho or Montana getting a 3/4 scholarship when his stats would have lent one to believe he could get a 1/4 or 1/3 offer.... I believe that roughly 1/3 of the kids are from FL, 1/3 from the NE, and 1/3 from everywhere else, with southern states being well represented in that group.</p>

<p>Applying early, and applying EA, also help a lot. The money starts to run out as it gets later and later into the spring.</p>

<p>It also pays to see if there are other scholarships at UM available to you or your kids. S got additional $$ from the Business School, which gives merit and need-based funds to incoming freshman. It was a simple app and an essay, I believe, due sometime in March. And that award is renewable, assuming you keep that GPA up. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I certainly hope wish_it is right! I would be very, very happy. But the website is pretty clear that they are minimums, not guidelines, for this year. Now, I have had instances already in the process (at other schools) where the website and the adcoms have disagreed. It may be that this is the same kind of thing. </p>

<p><a href=",1770,29532-1;40341-2;29913-2;29467-3,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;,1770,29532-1;40341-2;29913-2;29467-3,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Minimum Criteria**</p>

<p>**Students who meet the minimum criteria are not guaranteed a scholarship</p>

<p>**Students who meet the minimum criteria are not guaranteed a scholarship</p>

<p>Cur, it said that last year too. I think that is there just to protect the U from complaints. I haven't been following any of this year's crop of kids; I only just peek in at the UM threads every now and again. How's it going for your D? I thought UM was not quite what she wanted back when I was here more....</p>

<p>umiami fits a category for D. A well-funded smaller/medium sized research school with a med school. It kind of takes the Emory/Tulane slot as she didn't end up applying to Emory/Tulane. It is a very attractive category, too.</p>

<p>Got it. Good luck. I'll keep my fingers crossed for her. She would certainly be a great find for UM.</p>

<p>Thanks . She'll need a little luck with the competitive applicants UMiami is attracting.</p>

<p>Cur-She fits right in with the cream of the crop. Good luck.</p>