<p>On the pay your deposit page though my son has YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO PAY ANY DEPOSITS THOUGH…so not getting excited yet.</p>
<p>Just check my status checker. I got in, it changed to Accepted, Congratulations. I was deferred and got in. When i check my deposit status i am now eligible to pay, but i wasn’t yesterday. Heres what it looks like.
[url=<a href=“http://gyazo.com/3bb5f7b648c0f2c436724689afe3f6fd]3bb5f7b648c0f2c436724689afe3f6fd.png[/url”>Screenshot - 3bb5f7b648c0f2c436724689afe3f6fd - Gyazo]3bb5f7b648c0f2c436724689afe3f6fd.png[/url</a>]
[url=<a href=“http://gyazo.com/4bdf59dc541d4e784ade7bf42ca84ae4]4bdf59dc541d4e784ade7bf42ca84ae4.png[/url”>Screenshot - 4bdf59dc541d4e784ade7bf42ca84ae4 - Gyazo]4bdf59dc541d4e784ade7bf42ca84ae4.png[/url</a>]
Im on long island if that helps anyone. Stats 96 W 93 UW, 2130 sat super score, 1450 CR+M</p>
<p>My son’s portal has the same change described by matth1995 and garfield1995, for whatever that’s worth. It changed from not accepted just like you described. He applied RD and I have to say he is a somewhat of a long shot for acceptance judging from what I’ve read on CC… would be curious to know if as Muffy333 suggested this might just be the set up process.<br>
who knows…???</p>
<p>congrats liljj1995!</p>
<p>congrats liljj1995 thats good news for those of us who were deferred!</p>
<p>liljj…when do you think that changed?</p>
<p>Uncivilservant - the same exact scenario for my S - long shot, now there is a change in portal from when I originally posted about the message on the Financial Aid Award tab (however general information tab still has same msg about no award info being available). </p>
<p>As of last night he is registered/housing deposit paid for Buffalo. I would have paid three weeks ago but did not realize it was refundable. It should still be early enough that he will get a room if it does not work out at Binghamton. At least my S is really busy and is not checking the tracker every day.</p>
<p>Liljj1995 - congratulations!</p>
<p>I thought that once you gave in a deposit, you’re not allowed to enroll anywhere else. At least, that is what Binghamtons site says.</p>
<p>chirishsarah No, you can have a deposit down before May 1 at a school you may not attend, unless you applied Early Decision and have a commitment. Some of the schools insist you put down a deposit to secure housing. After May 1 it is unethical to have double deposits (althought you might have a deposit at one school while waiting for the waitlist at others).</p>
<p>[Binghamton</a> University - Binghamton University : Pay Undergraduate Deposit](<a href=“Pay Your Deposit | Welcome New Students | Binghamton University”>Pay Your Deposit | Welcome New Students | Binghamton University)</p>
<p>But here it says deposits are nonrefundable, or am I just reading this wrong? I want to make a deposit at Binghamton so I won’t be forced into a triple, but I’m still torn between another college, so I thought that I couldn’t make a deposit.</p>
<p>Yeah, I don’t think Binghamton allows refunds, even if they’re requested before the deadline. I’ll be sending in my deposits for Stony Brook in the coming weeks – good thing they’re refundable in case Binghamton accepts me!</p>
<p>EDIT: Of course that doesn’t mean you can’t send in your deposits. You just won’t be refunded, I think.</p>
<p>Has anyone heard of any rejections? Was everyone who applied EA just deferred?</p>
<p>@GCmom415, based on the responses here and on other sites, I can only assume that they just deferred people – that or people didn’t want to post that kind of thing on the internet, which is understandable. </p>
<p>Does anybody know how degree-seeking applicants will be notified first? Is it e-mail or by mail? I hear so many different things and Binghamton’s admissions seems really cluttered all the time!</p>
<p>I was deferred and I was wondering if it is still possible that I got in regular even though I have not been notified yet. Have they already notified everyone who was accepted for regular?</p>
<p>Not all the RD’s have heard.</p>
<p>I checked my status checker first, but an email arrived before mail. Everyone else I know who was accepted received it the same way.</p>
<p>I did the housing deposit for my son at UB just in case. I wish I had done it sooner since its refundable.</p>
<p>I have to stop checking the status checker. I think I’m obsessed.</p>
<p>I was originally deferred and got in. I received a letter in the mail dated March 6th and haven’t received an e-mail. I haven’t checked my status checker online in weeks so I can’t comment about that. 2030 sat score and I applied to Decker School of Nursing</p>
<p>Thanks for the update vbcucs! I also applied to DSON (only applied RD though). My scores aren’t quite as good as yours, so I may have been pushed more towards the back of the pile.</p>