<p>@matth1995 yeah I saw that…I am trying not to check the status checker…its not working but I am trying…LOL…Still waiting on some award letters here…but I think my daughter may just end up at Geneseo.</p>
<p>@matth1995, I also noticed that and previously asked if that might imply accepted but I was told “nope”. I would like to think it has meaning and hopefully that meaning is good news. I wonder if there are any deferred applicants that don’t see that in their status checker. Well guess we are going to find out in a week now anyway.</p>
<p>Academic Progress is for currently enrolled students. The website says:</p>
<p>Status of Academic Progress is based on your academic performance for each term that you are enrolled</p>
<p>Has anyone heard of any rejections?</p>
<p>GCmom - You make it sound like Geneseo is a disappointing second choice. You shoudn’t !! It is a great school (from what I’ve heard) and you and your daughter should be very proud. On another note, me and my son got an e-mail from George Washington University, and it was to inform us that “our wait is almost over, decisions will be released tonight (Friday 3/22)” RPI sent a post card infoming us of the date and time decisions will be released.</p>
<p>Geneseo? Second to Binghamton? You obviously have some old material. Was true a couple of decades ago. Not so now. When Binghamton nearly doubled the number of college students and left the size of the faculty the same it took a nose dive in quality. Its the sore of the SUNY system now. IMHO Geneseo’s students are stronger in every way.</p>
<p>Take it easy Insidelane. I don’t think he meant anything negative by it.</p>
<p>No we are super excited for Geneseo…we are going up soon for accepted students day.</p>
<p>It doesnt say deferred on status checker anymore.</p>
<p>GCmom415 - Same for my son. Used to say something like Deferred to RD, now it says nothing. Not sure what it means, if anything.</p>
<p>mine says…Admission Type: FR Early Action no prev coll c</p>
<p>@ garfield same here…no financial award here.</p>
<p>The fact that the deferred to rd is gone on the status checker means nothing. I just called up and asked about it since it was gone on mine too. Admissions said it was the system updating to release the new decisions. Still think we will all find out on April 1st.</p>
<p>I can’t wait until this week is over.</p>
<p>Boy the roller coaster ride trying to figure this out is driving me insane.</p>
<p>@lizmacny i agree</p>
<p>Well good luck GCmom. I hope the best for everyone.</p>
<p>I deff see some changes on my financial aid tab. Wonder what his means? Anyone notice they added that you have submitted a fasfa…I didnt notice that before.</p>
<p>@GCmom, that’s what I mean about the roller coaster ride. You see something get excited then find out its really nothing and your bummed again. Happened to me yesterday, but yes, that has been there for awhile. At least for us anyways. Still nothing in email or regular mail today. : (</p>
<p>I check everyday after 9am then after 5pm, that’s it. I agree with bingo13, we’ll all probably hear on April 1… but the way things are going, I expect to check on April 1 and have them say… “APRIL FOOLS, you wont know until May 1” :-(</p>