Earliest to Receive Admission Decision: ED?

<p>If you didn’t receive an email, then I don’t think your deposit went through. The latest date for notification is the 20th, methinks. Perhaps we should wait a little while? Good luck though!</p>

<p>I did receive a confirmation email the the deposit was accepted.</p>

<p>How were you able to make a deposit??</p>

<p>In my CaneLink, there was a search bar and I typed “direct deposit” and a link came up and it let me make one.</p>

<p>yeah sure, here are my stats:</p>

<p>I attended one of the better private schools in Florida and about half of the kids who apply to UM get accepted there. My GPA is a 4.0 unweighted, and about a 4.66 weighted. I’ve taken (including the ones I’m taking this year) 7 AP courses so far. My AP scores junior year were all very decent, including mainly fours and fives. So I have that special “AP scholar” status if that means anything. My SAT is kind of weak: 1860 in all three sections (590 reading, 600 math, 670 writing). I only took it once, as well. My extracurriculars are pretty strong. I did a good amount of community service (probably will graduate with 170+ hours). Also was a member of NHS, SHS (Spanish NHS), and some other leadership clubs. </p>

<p>I think it’s my SAT that may be the only weak link to my application, so cheers for the best.</p>

<p>Kazhaya, I still think you have a pretty good chance! Good luck, and do let me know how everything goes!</p>

<p>I really hope so. Thank you :)</p>

<p>However, if you are deferred on the basis of your SATs, you can always take then again and send your scores to Miami! If anything, I thought the ACT was ten times easier, so that’s also an option! It’s best to keep in touch with the admissions office, even if you don’t get in ED. :)</p>

<p>Kazhaya I still think you have a really good shot because the low end of their sat scores are in the 1800’s and your gpa is above average so you should be fine!</p>

<p>For the people that were accepted, did you receive an email first, or a letter in the mail.
Just wondering. Thx</p>

<p>I have started to hear more about the ACT now… It really does seem like an easier exam, haha.</p>

<p>Thanks for the kind regards. I will let you all know the results. :p</p>

<p>@volt: it seems like most people found out online first.</p>

<p>Yeah that’s cause the ACT is more of what you learn in school!
And I feel at this point some people might get the letter first cause they sent them out on Friday!</p>

<p>They don’t send emails. I looked on CaneLink :). I received my letter four days after</p>

<p>Stacy, keep in mind that Miami only looks at Critical Reading and Math, not Writing. For CR&M, the 25th percentile is 1250… :/</p>

<p>Volt follow these steps: login CaneLink

  • go to Student Center
  • on the top bar there is a link that says Self Service. Click and scroll to Student Admission
    -click on UM Admission
  • it should let you choose: accept admission / decline admission.
  • if you accept it it will send you to the deposit menu.
    I hope this helps</p>

<p>Kazhaya I do not know the SAT values but as long as they represent The equivalente of a 28 ACT you should be ok. You can still take the ACT. You will not be able to see the score before sending it or superscore it but with your GPA you should do well. If you need to take it register ASAP and do a lot of practice tests. Let’s hope you get in without the need to take it. Good luck.</p>

<p>On CaneLink, did it say Completed or accepted? Mine say competed.</p>

<p>I’m a transfer student who applied for the spring 2014 semester. My application is complete and has a green circle aroud it.in the communication portion it says a decision has been mailed out. Is it safe to assumed I was not accepted because the application status doesn’t have the green check mark?</p>

<p>To everyone the was accepted congratulations.
For the people that found out on CaneLink. Did it have the green circle (Completed) or the green check (Accepted) thank you in advance for answering.</p>

<p>Where are the green checks/circles located on canelink?</p>