Early Action -- New Thread for 2011

<p>Btw guys my brother(twin) applied to UM for RD and on the link it says “acceptance” in it too so i dont think it means much, but hopefully im wrong!!</p>

<p>has anyone heard…i think office hours only go until 5 pm and its 545…</p>

<p>id say they come out at 6 like uf</p>

<p>Nothing new is coming up on my MyUM account</p>

<p>News is out! Daughter got deferred. Damn. I guess a legacy application didn’t help very much</p>

<p>Deferred 6:15pm…guess the waiting continues!!!</p>

<p>I just logged on to my myum account and it said "Congratulations! Welcome to the UM family! I am soo pumped!! Its all about the U!</p>


<p>denied </p>


<p>3.3 huge upward trend 1930 SAT communication major</p>

<p>wer does it say decisions?</p>

<p>It is up on myum!!!</p>

<p>This is *<strong><em>ing </em></strong><strong><em>. 3.3 GPA and HUGE upward trend to the communication school doesn’t get me in with a 1930 SAT ??? I was 20 points on the SAT away from being eligable for a scolarship! Are they *</em></strong>ing serious? My top choice for ****ing 3 years and this is how they do it.</p>

<p>I got in!!! Omg!!!</p>

<p>Son was deferred :(</p>

<p>i wish i could find out my decision, but since my internet is slow, and the website is also going slow due to the large amount of people wanting to find out their decision, i cannot…sweet</p>

<p>"Active Server Pages error ‘ASP 0113’
Script timed out
The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools. "</p>

<p>nevermind. it finally loaded. i’m in! haha. yesssss!!</p>


<p>Best day ever!!!</p>

<p>Did anyone find out about any scholarships? I got accepted too, but it was just a letter on line…</p>

<p>scholarships are probably coming in the mail</p>

<p>Daughter was accepted! M690 R780 W720 GPA 3.55! All gifted/AP classes and lots of ECs including orchestra, vocal performance, cross country.</p>