Early Action -- New Thread for 2011

<p>AHHHHH!!! Accepted to the U…greatest night ever! Really hope that scholarship invites are only sent by mail, because there’s nothing about one on myUM. But still, so excited to be a 'Cane! :)</p>

<p>scholarships are definitely sent by mail</p>

<p>Same here going to Miami depends on a scholarship…hope they are in the mail.</p>

<p>S got in!!! He’ll be so happy.</p>

3.9 WGPA
ACT 30
SAT II’s - Math 1 (730) Math 2 (740)
Cross country, basketball, crew
Applied to Business</p>

<p>ACCEPTEDDDDDDDDDD!!! :smiley: now just hoping for a scholarship!!! :D</p>

<p>SAT 2010 (V-720, M-670, W-620)
GPA 4.42 and lots of ECs</p>

<p>Just got Accepted!!!</p>

<p>Please Start posting stats on this page
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/1076197-official-ea-results-thread.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-miami-florida/1076197-official-ea-results-thread.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Important Note: If you have been accepted already, then I’m 90% sure you got a scholarship. The first couple batches they release are always the scholarship winners, regardless of region.</p>

<p>Daughter just found out on myUM that she is IN IN IN…she’s thrilled…we live in upstate NY.
She had pretty good SAT scores: M-760, R-760, W-710 & ACT composite was 33.
Dad can’t wait for “his” letter (finaid) to come on Mon-Tues next week.</p>

<p>Proud parents of a new UM Freshman.

<p>Accepted :)</p>

3.98 UW gpa, 4.7 W gpa, and 33ACT.
waiting on scholarship info now!</p>


<p>Has any from Florida received Singer weekend interview invitation? Please pm me. Thanks much.</p>

<p>just got accepted.</p>


<p>3.7 UW and 2080 SAT.</p>

<p>Yes! Accepted! ACT is 31 and GPA is 3.6, but from a rigorous college prep school on west coast (our school doesn’t offer many APs). Lots if ECs, international service, and I think my essay was strong. Hope scholarship stuff is in the mail. Did I see a post that since we’re the first batch that we may be scholarship recipients?</p>

<p>Does anyone know what this Singer Weekend is all about? Do you have to be present in order to get a scholarship? I don’t get it.</p>

<p>Accepted! :]</p>

<p>My daughter ACCEPTED!!! 30 ACT UW GPA 3.8 lots of ECS, great letters of rec…super tough public school 12 AP/IB/honors</p>

<p>We are hoping for scholarship? Not sure but that would be very eciting…from Ohio</p>

<p>omghhkppppppppppp! I GOT INNNNN! ITS ALL ABOUT THE U BABYYYY :)</p>

<p>Mango - check this link for information about the Singer weekends.
[Schedule</a> of Events](<a href=“http://www6.miami.edu/scholarships/singercompetition/schedule.html]Schedule”>http://www6.miami.edu/scholarships/singercompetition/schedule.html)</p>

<p>Deferred…3.89 gpa and several ap classes. Lots of ec’s…we’ll see what happens later! Really considering FAU anyways :)</p>