Pitt Merit Aid thread - Class of 2027

One you have the Accept/Decline button, you’re good. Congrats!

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Thank you! Feels like he’s been waiting forever. Definitely a relief!


I’m biting my nails for months now, DS applied ( OOS Computer and info sciences) end of Sept. Got accepted end of Oct. Now crickets. No merit mentioned. Nothing but continued emails about accepted students day.

He’s calmer than I am.


My Son applied in August and got accepted into Swanson Engg college for CS, OOS on Sept 12 and its radio silence on Merit Aid notification.


Did your kid apply tomHo it’s college? Mine did. Nothing on that either. I knew that answer would come later, but wasn’t expecting them to be tied together

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Honors college

This is what I see for Honors College:

Frederick Honors College applicants will be notified on or before March 1, 2023

Does anyone know when students were notified about honors last year? My son also applied and is hoping he gets in. Not sure his stats are strong enough (4.0 unweighted GPA, 1450 SAT) but he is pretty well-rounded and has awards (like National Hispanic Merit Scholar and USA Gymnastics Academic All American) & good volunteer experience, so if it’s a holistic approach, I think he has a shot. If it mainly goes by SAT scores, not really sure.

I like to look at past years’ threads for this info. Here is the Pitt honors thread for last year: Pitt Honors Discussion and Results 2022, Class of 2026

Scrolling down through the thread, the first person reported being notified on Feb 28. But you may enjoy skimming the whole thread yourself.


@AmyIzzy my DD had a 1450 three years ago and she is in the honor’s program. Good luck to your son!!

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Thank you. I personally think a 1450 is excellent but I often hear parents saying it might not be good enough for honors at certain colleges so we try to be measured with our expectations. How does she like the honors program? My son did an honors remote info session for Pitt and seemed impressed with the program.

@AmyIzzy I believe she is more involved with getting through the engineering program than she is with the honors program. She enjoys studying on the top floors of Cathy, where the honor’s program is located. And early registration for classes is a nice bonus. Maybe someone else on the thread has a child who is more involved.

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The acceptance letter just appeared in the document center :blush:


@AmyIzzy congrats to your son!!


Thank you! So, based on what I’ve read here:

-I believe he will get an email (with a welcome video?) in the next week or so
-Possibly a merit letter (if we get any) within about 2 weeks
-Decision on Honors in late Feb or early March?

That sound about right?

Glad the wait is over!

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My daughter LOVED the video. She probably watched it 10 times. Pitt did a really nice job on it.


Have there been any new merit awards the last Tuesday night or Wednesday mornings which is when they seem to come out? OOS student accepted early and anxiously awaiting merit for months and so far still nothing so starting to really lose hope.


My twins both applied August 1st, accepted first week of September (one to the business school and the other to computer science), but no merit. Both high stats. We’ve pretty much given up hope of them receiving any at this point.

Seems like the merit can take weeks to months. Good Luck to your kid!! :slight_smile:

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Great! More waiting…he did get the official email (yay!) but not the video welcome yet. Baby steps! Lol