Postponed... Decisions?

<p>I have no way to know this, but I would bet that most of the excess applications are from in state. There is a major economic problem in this country. Real estate is way down so most people can’t use their home as a piggy bank. If you live on the east coast (I do) there are much better choices than UW. My son wants to go there so I hope he gets in. On the east coast UW is not a big deal because there are so many great universities. If you have great credentials most state schools have honors programs. Lots of students are sucked up in state. Private schools will give out lots of money to the top students. Ivy league schools are free to the poor. Last time I checked Scott Walker was taking from education rather than expanding it.</p>

<p>I’m so fricking tired of waiting!! I’m so sick of it!! Enough already! Madison if you can’t get your **** together hire more counselors! It’s kind of hard to wait 5+ months to hear back from your dream school.</p>

<p>Well, all I know is they lost my 70,000 dollars due to the postponing process. I am truly in love with another school. And I’m glad I am, Madison must think they are “worth the wait” but this is in no way true, at least for me. I don’t want to rely on this school that knows so many kids are dying waiting, and it’s like they are too good to respond to kids within a semi-reasonable time frame. I used to love Madison, but everyone should seriously do themselves a favor and reconsider their decision to go if accepted. To me, THEY are not worth it. A year from now, I will be a perfectly happy college student, and Madison is not part of my equation to equal happiness. By the way, I’ll also be paying half the cost. And raising tuition? I think that was a sign telling me to look at other schools, and thank GOD I did. If I don’t get in eventually, then they denied a hard working student that seriously worked her butt off all four years of high school. If I do get in, I’ll laugh and crumple up the letter. I know of others that feel this way, and I just think it’s so sad that some students can’t imagine not going to this ONE school. Like boys, there are pleeeeenty of other “fish” (you know, colleges) in the sea. And many of them beat Madison in nearly every, if not every aspect. Adios Madison and your crappy admissions process, ridiculous price tag, and “high and mighty” attitude. You WON’T be seeing me next year.</p>

<p>You guys need to calm down… The fact that you are constantly checking your statuses are only making it worse for your anxiety. Madison is a great school, it offers many great opportunities. That’s why a lot of good students apply. It cannot accommodate all students. Therefore it must postpone some. Everybody thinks they worked really hard and they deserve a spot in the school. Well, that is what makes it so hard to decide which students to let go and which students to keep! They want to thoroughly go through the process and make sure they pick the right ones, to consider pros and cons of each. You wouldn’t want the counselor to just speed read your application would you? </p>

<p>Just imagine what students applying to ivy league schools must feel like. They don’t get their decision until April. They are in the exact situation you are. </p>

<p>So just calm down and take deep breaths. It will all work out in the long run</p>

<p>Are there really that many much better choices on the EC? (for larger U–not LACs) Once you get past the Ivies (and in many sciences and engineering UW can hold its own with almost any Ivy)? There are some that are good in this and that like BC and Tufts but BC is not known for STEM and Tufts also has limits. None of the state Us in the east come close. Then you can go down to Virgina or North Carolina but both are nearly Ivy tough to get into OOS.<br>
Word is the bump in apps IS from OOS as instate kids don’t bother because all the news says it is too hard to get into now and they “prefer” OOS kids (not true.). Kids on the bubble now apply to U Minn instead of Madison or at least as a safety for it. California has gotten big as well as the old strong areas on the EC. The exposure from winning sports and all the articles on the great town and atmosphere have worked. They also are sedning more reps out to schools and fairs on the EC.<br>
It might not be a big deal now but you might just be getting at the beginning of the move up in recognition. A friend from Rye, NY reported kids who were getting into Umich were getting deferred or rejected at UW now. </p>

<p>Scott Walker took some money but he may be giving back much more freedom and control. A deal worth doing. UW has access to plenty of money as one of the top 3 funded research U’s in the US–ahead of all the Ivies at over $1 Billion. Generally it has been in the top 10 in fundraising too averaging $350 Million or so and has built a total endowment in the $4 Billion range. People have been complaining about all the new buildings disrupting campus. Over $2 Billion worth lately. It is pumping out new patents and licensing income from same like crazy being in the Top 5-10 in that too. So maybe it’s a little more special than you thought.</p>

<p>UW has created the negative feelings for the postponed students. As an alum and now a Cal. resident, the in state UC total cost is the same as UW out of state. My daughter chose UCSD over UW and is very happy. Her dorm. is on the beach at La Jolla. She can hit a 3 wood to Torrey Pines. UW should simply not postpone but just say rolling admission with a final answer by 3/15. Again, other top schools make you feel wanted, Madison simply ignores really solid students. My Son was all excited after I took him to the rose bowl and watched the band, now he has many doubts, let alone the wonderful exposure the other end of state st. has brought us on t.v. I can see tuition being hiked big time as well real soon. As a single parent, I guess I am wondering about UW as well. Just my two cents.</p>

<p>i was postponed as well. in fact, i was postponed from wisconsin and deferred from two other schools (Cornell ED, and UMich). my guidance counselor was very confused as to why I was postponed, because Wisconsin was a safety school for me.</p>

<p>Even though I was deferred from three schools, I have no ill feelings towards any of them. It is best to be optimistic but realistic in my opinion. All I can do is hope for the best, and suck it up and wait. Harboring any bad feelings for a school that has deferred you just creates unnecessary stress, because those bad feelings will only effect you negatively and cause you to despise a school that you once loved. </p>

<p>just thought I would share my opinion</p>

<p>D was talking to her guidance counselor (at a competitive OOS public HS) recently. He told her that every single applicant from her school who had less than a 4.0 was postponed by Wisconsin this year. There was no similar bright line with ACT scores. He also said that he fully expects that the kids with 3.75+ GPA and 30+ ACT will eventually get in. I thought that was interesting, and fairly consistent with what I’ve been reading here.</p>

<p>Another UW thread details a 10% increase in applications this year- over 28,000 applications- meaning close to 3,000 more applicants than last year, this is about 1/2 of the available spots. No wonder there are so many more postponements. People who want to increase the number of applications (eg via the common app) think it will bring even better quality applicants- but what will the yield be, how many will actually attend? Making it too easy to add a school to one’s application makes it easier for many who don’t care as much to apply.</p>

<p>In a way it is good that some postponed won’t attend even if offered an acceptance by mid March- the same timing as most private schools first let students know their decision. This frees up spaces for those who want to come more. Let those who feel more special elsewhere go there. One thing about UW (and I suspect all of the colleges wooing the students)- once you are accepted and choose to attend it does not matter if you were first or last chosen. No one will know or care about your admission timing.</p>

<p>But UCSD will NEVER go to the Rose Bowl or the Final Four nor will their alums gather in 20 years to watch them play OSU at a bar in NYC or Atlanta or maybe even Tokyo or London. I’m sorry UW got better or at least got discovered for what it always had and is now able to be more selective about whom it admits. In fact that will attract even more top applicants in the future. That’s the crazy world of college admissions these days. The more they can’t have it the more people want it.</p>

<p>The world of admissions is rapidly changing…
Admission officers, take your places; are you ready for such a change? :)</p>

<p>For some reason this sounded like a commercial. :D</p>

<p>“He told her that every single applicant from her school who had less than a 4.0 was postponed by Wisconsin this year. There was no similar bright line with ACT scores. He also said that he fully expects that the kids with 3.75+ GPA and 30+ ACT will eventually get in.”</p>

<p>yeah…there’s no way i’m getting off of the postponed list with my 3.63 and 29. As of now I’m assuming I’ll be a golden gopher next year.</p>

<p>Wow, peachy.</p>

<p>I disagree, Barrons. U of Minn is not a safety school for UW. They attract the same kids. And, I do know plenty who get into UW but not U of Minn. Both great schools, by the way. Also, at U of Minn, you get in, but might not get into your major. My son did not get into the Neurobiology program at U of Minn (ridiculously hard to get into College of Biological Sciences), but can simply declare a Neurobiology major at UW. </p>

<p>Go Badgers!</p>

<p>I think Madison is well worth the wait. Only 6 more days. Think positive!!! If you really want Madison and don’t get accepted you can apply as a transfer student next year. Being postponed does not mean they do not value you. It has become a very competitive school and there has been an abundance of great applicants this year. They can not take everyone who qualifies. Working hard, getting great grades and having good ECs does not guarantee nor does it entitle one to get into the college of their dreams but the preparation does guarantee you will get into a decent college. If you can try to feed yourself positive thoughts I am certain many of you on this site will go far in life whether you end up at Madison or somewhere else. Signing off and best of luck to everyone. :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the encouragement. I completely agree that it’s worth waiting six more days. The question is: will they announce the decisions for all the postponed applicants all at once?</p>

<p>My understanding is people got letters last year and may have got notices on UW site too just like regular admissions.</p>

<p>I just read on another thread that one person who was deferred was accepted this morning which means decisions are starting to roll out for us postponed students. Best of luck everyone. I will keep you posted.</p>

<p>My daughter received an email from a UW department today congratulating her on her acceptance. She was previously postponed. Her status on Student center is still unchanged. Good luck to everyone. Her stats were 4.0 UW GPA 29 ACT</p>

<p>I’m excited and scared… I’ve was postponed in December. I have a few schools I’m thinking about, but initially Madison was my top choice. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m scared about decision day (May 1). I’m scared of being denied (which is a very distinct possibility). But these next four years are going to be amazing, no mater where I go…</p>