Purdue University Class of 2021 Scholarships

Also, do you have to make a deposit in order to see it?

I’m not sure why there is so much confusion. It’s pretty straightforward. The Trustees merit scholarship recipients were notified in late December and the Presidential merit scholarship recipients were notified in mid January thru mid February. The email notifications were going to the email address that the student put on their initial application to Purdue. About a week later, paper letters arrived via US mail. If you were notified that you were receiving one of those scholarships it will show up in the financial aid package which is due out the weekend of February 17th. In addition, the financial aid package will include grants, loans, etc (according to FAFSA need) and any supplemental or other scholarship awards that a student may have received. Several departments had supplemental scholarship applications that students completed (by Jan 1) for departmental scholarships and I believe those will show up there as well.

@bluecker When and how did you hear about Honors Program? Thanks.

I could not disagree more with communication concerns. Someone has always taken my phone call and addressed it with kindness, patience and respect. When on campus, everyone from academic counselors to admissions staff to random employees on campus took time and concern. As an out of state student I didn’t not know that we will get the scholarship my son needs to make it work, but we f not it will be a huge loss because none of the other top business programs he got into have been so accessible. Different schools (engineering, business etc) grant aid at different times so that may be causing it to feel piece-meal, but answers by mid Feb are fairly expeditious considering three schools my son applied to aren’t even promising admissions decisions until April 1.

Annoyed I couldn’t figure out my scholarship online! I was notified last week and I was hoping I could see the amount before it came in the mail like the rest of you lol. Purdue is my top choice so I’m humbled that I am receiving money.

@WillowMom all merit scholarship recipients have been notified. Departmental awards TBD. I have not encountered rudeness when I call, in fact the rep was helpful and pleasant. There was a discrepancy about the timing of trustee and presidential awards between the scholarship website and FinAid FAQ which confused people. I do find it odd that out of the 10 schools my D applied to, all have sent an actual admission congratulation letter. (Except 2 schools who haven’t send out decisions yet).

@prep4col how did you confirm that all merit scholarships have been sent out? It’s still mid February so you can’t go by dates. Did the school confirm? Thanks!

Also, anyone know if departmental scholarships renew with minimum GPA?

@WillowMom sorry my question may be silly. is departmental scholarship different than presidental scholarship? My daughter received presidental scholarship and she is required to keep 3.0 or up to receive it every year for 4 years.

@csswim you must active your My Purdue student portal from your acceptance letter info. Once logged in, a list of “things to do” items pop-up and one is is for financial awards /aid. This was added today for us.

@Purdue4mykids I’m no expert, but the way I read the trustee and presidential scholarships they are for 4 years, so long as minimum 3.0 GPA is maintained. It sounds like departmental scholarships are different so I was trying to get a feel for those.

@BreakfastClub1 strange. I have already activated my account and do not see such a tab. I have one called “view financial aid status” and another called “apply for scholarships.”

@csswim Yes, go into the “view financial aid status” and “select aid year” of 2017-2018. If they updated your portal it should be listed there. Ours is now showing full cost of attendance breakdown along with scholarship amount.

@BreakfastClub1 I’ve had the cost of attendance for awhile now, but there has been no update with any scholarship information. Pretty odd. I guess I’ll have to wait until i get it in the mail and for 5 PM today like everyone else.

Click on the “messages” under the financial part to see if they put an update. Yesterday we had three messages that indicate our award won’t be ready this weekend as they have to sort something out and we have to sign another form and send it or something. I was surprised it was so hidden and that my child didn’t get an email alerting us to look. Perhaps you have some messages there too. (they are in the view award part)

@sursumcorda No messages. What kind of scholarships did you guys receive? I am wondering if I got some scholarship different from the presidential/trustee.

@csswim- My child got a Trustee, but we can’t even see that on the portal. We can’t see anything but the messages until next week maybe? They said they have to make some changes on her overall award and we have this other form to sign and send but they say it will be “mailed” to us. We live in a very isolated area, so it won’t be here for a while. Anyway, right now, not even the Trustees is listed. We just have “Not available” for the year.

@sursumcorda so maybe they only released the Presidential scholarships.

For those wondering about Honors College invites, I was just informed by my Regional Admissions Rep that those aren’t coming out until Mid-March. She also made it sound like Trustees/Presidential notices have already gone out, and Departmental scholarships are still in progress. So if you don’t have one by now, well…you know the rest.

Financial aid award just showed up on portal - is there still a chance at departmental scholarships (i.e. Krannert) or is this the end?