
<p>Not trying to be rude, but does anyone else hate it when Universities have so many OOS students? Purdue (and most other schools) give out a lot of scholarships to OOS students because even with the scholarship the OOS students usually have to pay more. WISH TV in Indianapolis did a special on how In-State admissions at IU and Purdue have declined 10% in the last ten years. They are rejecting in-state students and admitting OOS with the same stats because they can get more money out of them.</p>

<p>The point of having universities in every state in the nation is to allow educational opportunities for all Americans, but if the current trend continues, this could become a serious issue.</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone who got accepted OOS, it really is impressive and I don’t mean to be rude, but I hate the way that equally qualified students aren’t being admitted because schools won’t get as much money out of them. I have a recording of the WISHTV special if anyone is interested, PM me.</p>



<p>So I guess all of the scholarships are gone then? I keep telling myself that it’s in the mail, but each day things get more desperate…
2150 SAT (1500 Math/Reading)
3.85 GPA (unweighted)
Taken all mathematics AP courses (Calc AB, Calc BC, Physics, Stats)
Only National Merit Finalist in my school
State athlete all four years of my high school career.</p>

<p>But of course there’s about 5 other people in my school who have gotten trustees or presidential from purdue. You know the kids who don’t try hard, put no effort into learning things, who are only in it for the GPA, and whose favorite subject is literature, on top of not having to juggle sports and/or jobs? Yeah, they got scholarships. </p>

<p>Sorry for being bitter. Just really, really frustrated.</p>

<p>Totally agree confused31. I hope you have other good options. My DS didn’t get anything either…3.86 uwgpa, 35 ACT, robotics, boy scouts, marching and symphonic band, piano, mission trips, praise band at church, and not a dime from Purdue. There is another student (girl) at his school who got $16k with very similar stats. Very frustrating b/c last year he would have had $10K/year. We wanted Purdue to be an option for him but now it is not. It seems to me females and URM’s got all the Trustees and majority of Presidential scholarships. Very frustrating.</p>

<p>it is very confusing. My OOS twins are both 4.0 GPA, high ACT, Scholars Day invite, Honors invite, same AP classes, etc. and one gets $10k, other $0. The one with the 1 point lower ACT get the $10k!</p>

<p>What is a URM?</p>

<p>URM=Underrepresented Minority</p>

<p>I think the scholarships must have been very dependent on the student’s choice of school and major. I wish we had known that you could switch schools after freshman year and still keep your scholarship. I might have convinced my son to apply to the school of education instead of science :wink: At scholar’s day there weren’t too many males sitting at the school of education tables. Based on our acquaintances, females were preferred - especially for the school of engineering or science or for liberal arts since IU attracts more top liberal arts students than Purdue. A UW higher GPA seemed to be more important than difficulty of courses or test scores. Perceived “leadership” seems very important - tough to prove in an introverted computer geek like my son.</p>

<p>This is unbelievably frustrating. Excuse me for being a white male. I’ll just go back to tutoring the girl who won the scholarship in calculus because she’s too lazy to do anything that won’t help her GPA, let alone something that will educate her.</p>

<p>Once again, sorry, but I discovered today 5 girls in total at my school won scholarships, regardless of me being better in every catagory than the ones who got 8k… Class rank, sports/extracurriculars, SAT, strength of transcript… If the situation were reversed, women and URMs would be suing the dirt out of purdue for discrimination. Amazing.</p>

<p>I think the most frustrating thing is the letter that arrived in late November stating my DS was soooo wonderful he would be accepted in December but not wanting such a stellar student to wait another day they wre letting him know early. Oh boy!!! </p>

<p>Then why was he invited to Scholarship day? He didn’t get a scholarship! So stupid!</p>

<p>Fortunately we have instate for U of M plus OSU and Case have given him nice scholarships. He only applied to Purdue because I wanted him to. I should have kept my mouth shut!</p>

<p>We got the same letter which led us to believe that our son had a shot at a scholarship. Very misleading.</p>

<p>confused31: I find you extremely offensive. I’m sorry you didn’t get a scholarship, but that’s Purdue’s choice, not the fault of the girls and minority students to whom you find yourself so superior. </p>

<p>That said, we too are wishing Purdue had saved the massive amounts of postage they have spent sending us “junk mail” and written us a scholarship check instead. :(</p>

<p>It may still not be too late - My daughter got a letter dated February 21st from the College of Health and Human Sciences for a 6K Dean’s Merit Scholarship. We had just accepted that she wasn’t getting any money when she got this letter.</p>

<p>confused 31: We whole-heartedly agree with you. Our son also did not get any scholarship money, while we know MANY females who did, esp. in certain colleges. Regardless of what FutureEngrMom says, your point is very valid. You are not obnoxious nor are you saying you are superior to the females and minorities, only that you want a fair chance. True, it was Purdue’s decision and they have told me via the phone they did NOT have quotas to make for sex or race, I still find it suspicious. Like you say, when your/our stats are just as good or better, yet no scholarship. Not putting anyone else down, only saying it is NOT fair. Will wait to see on the Marquis and other scholarships yet to come…</p>

<p>Don’t know if it helps or hurts, but our son is not a URM and not a female (duh!) I posted his stats (after a request) when he received the Presidential Scholarship for $10,000. Midwestern, white male. </p>

<p>Who knows what makes the difference? But in searching for an essay for him to recycle for another scholarship, I found his Purdue essay. It might be the best 600 words he’s ever written. And as a future nuclear engineer, writing is not his favorite thing.</p>

<p>Seems like a very competitive group applying to Purdue in a year when the school cut back drastically on merit aid.</p>

<p>this probably won’t help anyone, but i received an 8k presidential for in state. yes, i’m a female and a minority, but that doesn’t mean i’m less qualified than anyone else. I’m valedictorian, unweighted 4.0/4.0, a track and cross country runner, a violinist, i work a 20 hour week, i had a 2200 SAT score and a 34 ACT, 5’s on 4 AP exams with hopefully 4 more to come this year. while i’m glad for the money, i’m honestly frustrated. Last year, i would’ve automatically qualified for the trustees, but this year i don’t. hate on the scholarship system all you’d like, but don’t say a word about female minorities. sure, some are preferred, and that’s not right. not at all. but not all of us got preferential treatment just because of our sex or race. I’m really sorry if this came out angrily - i’m just sick of being told i’m going to college just because i’m black. I don’t mean anything against any of you!!</p>

<p>FutureEngrMom: I found your post much more offensive than anything confused31 said. He has a valid argument while you saying he finds himself superior to those people is not a valid interpretation. I agree with GermShepLvr.</p>

<p>GoBoilers, I hear you. My daughter is National Merit Finalist, 2340 SAT, 4.0 UW gpa, band, choir, school musicals, track, cross country, engineering internship, engineering camp, church mission trips, etc., etc. - and I still have people tell me that she’s getting scholarships because she’s female. Can get very frustrating, can’t it?</p>

<p>About the “junk” Purdue is sending?? I told my daughter, that if she did not choose Purdue for engineering, that she might want to consider Purdue for an MBA!!! From the 4 schools my D is considering, I think Purdue is a marketing genius. My husband and I have MBA’s in marketing and ever since my D had an interest in Purdue - they have totally been on the ball. From recruiting junior year for their summer engineering camp, to the e-mail today she got from a student - Totally impressed with Purdue’s outreach - brilliant!!</p>

<p>One other thing - her birthday was on Saturday, and she got an e-mail from Purdue, wishing her Happy BD, with picture of balloons in the Purdue colors, with “happy bd” in different languages!</p>

<p>Confused31- I’m going to be flamed insanely for this, but think about it and it is true.</p>

<p>Because of Affirmative Action Middle Class White Males are the most discriminated segment in the population. URMs are given so much because people want to see politically correct, plus a lot of people assume that we have the resources to pay for college out of pocket, which is simply not true.</p>

<p>The way that the FAFSA is laid out, the government believes that all parents are going to chip in to pay for school, or that they set up a college fund. My parents did neither, but since my parents make 90,000+ a year, not a single penny of that is going to pay for my college. Despite being in the top 15% of my class and active in the community, I got NO scholarships, grants, anything. ZERO. I did not qualify Merit Based because my grades and tests scores were good, but not great (3.5 gpa, 1900 SAT), didn’t qualify for so called “Minority Aid” because I am a white male, didn’t qualify for need-based because my parents make enough money to get by, without any to spare. Didn’t qualify for athletic scholarships because I am not an athlete. And on and on…</p>

<p>Got accepted to Purdue, couldn’t pay for it. Got accepted to IU, couldn’t pay for it. Got accepted to Ball State, couldn’t pay for it. So I am at Ivy Tech Community College, watching as some of the most clueless people in my school who just so happen to get scholarships because they are a minority. </p>

<p>Not to mention that Whites will soon be a minority and I guarantee that we will not get the support that others do. Nor do I want it. </p>

<p>I want schooling to be completely based on merit, not what color we are.</p>

<p>I agree that Purdue sends out alot of “junk” mail. Seriously just cause you sent me 5 letters congratulating me for getting in won’t make me choose your school any quicker. </p>

<p>Anyways I just wanted to ask does anyone know when financial aid stuff will be sent out?</p>