Singer/Stamps Scholarship

<p>My daughter received the Stamps finalist invitation, and she is not in music. Someone must have given you incorrect info. Maybe there is a separate pool of just music school finalists…that would make sense.</p>

<p>Well, the plot thickens! Dumbo11, does your daughter have a music backround? The women at Miami clearly stated that it was a music scholarship and mentioned the man who donates the money. It seems strange. It obviously is some sort of merit scholarship as I havent seen anyone post that they only received the Stamp invite (which if it was a music scholarship you would expect it to be based on musical talent as opposed to acedemic). Anyone with more info? Its driving me nuts.</p>

<p>Sorry, my daughter has no music background, unless you count the mandatory string class in elementary school. From what I understand (and I could be wrong), there are 2 weekends for EA applicants: one for Singer/Stamp finalists and the second one for Singer finalists. The finalists for the first weekend can either advance to a second round of interviews for Stamp, be awarded Singer, keep the University scholarship, or get a few thousand added to the University, as well as Foote Fellows (which has a bunch of benefits). Sorry, but the only thing I can confirm is Stamp is not for music only, although maybe there is a separate competition for just the music applicants. I have no idea about that.</p>

<p>Dumbo11- Can you tell me where you got all this info? Im going along with the idea that the Stamp must be a cut above the Singer in terms of who they invite. (My daughter only got invited to the Singer. Boy, that sounds terrible!) Im particularly interested in what you mentioned about the “a few thousand added to the University” and the Foote Fellow benefits. Ive seen people older threads mention the extra money and the Foote Fellow but no details. Thanks</p>

<p>For the difference between the Singer and Stamp weekends, I had called them yesterday. My daughter was scheduled to attend a scholarship interview at another school that conflicted with the Singer/Stamp weekend. They informed me that if she had to attend the second weekend, she would not be able to compete for the Stamp award, as it was for Singer finalists only. Luckily, the other school had an alternative weekend, so she is able to attend the Singer/Stamp finalist weekend. In terms of Foote Fellows, I am just going from last year (and maybe that changed). The kids either got Singer, stayed with the $24,000 award, and some got an additional few thousand plus Foote Fellows. I don’t know if that is changing this year, but that is what happened last year. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Do these scholarships apply to Early Applicants only? What about RDs? I suppose MU has yet to review most of its RD applicants…Do we get a chance on those too?</p>

<p>Malaml, I would be SO proud of your daughter for getting Singer. That is a wonderful accomplshment in itself. I have no idea how many Stamps will be awarded, but my guess is they will be limited. Most of these will probably end up in the same boat as the Singer finalists, which is still absolutely wonderful. We are talking about 4 years of free tuition at a wonderful university. Many would give anything to be in your position. Good luck!</p>

<p>prjiki, in past years, RD applicants definitely had the same opportunities as the EA applicants. Just a later scholarship weekend.</p>

<p>Yes. Thank you for your help. A lot of this is confusing and you would think with the number of e-mails these schools send out, there would be more specific and pertinent information distributed and available. As it is, I find myself sifting through old posts and trying to gleen what I can.</p>

<p>@dumbo: Thank you and you are right. I have just talked with a scholarship officer, and she says that RD applicants have the same chances in April. Glad.</p>

<p>Dumbo- We are terribly proud of her. I posted my grumpy complaints about the information vaccum before I saw your newer post. My daughter is my oldest and this whole business is new to me. We live here in FL and have good state schools so we never really planned on private education. As I mentioned on another schools thread, she was in the 10th grade and we had one of those rutt-ro moments when we realized she that she was an exceptional student and not just a good one. I wanted her to have choices. So, thats why Im kind of stalking all these boards, its really difficult to get info any other way. Even calling the school didnt give correct information. Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>Hmm. A scholarship officer? Why didnt I do that!</p>

<p>Hi malaml, </p>

<p>Stamps scholarship is a new one and it offers full-ride to UM. Also, the slection criteria is very picky. Almost ACT score of 35 or SAT score over 2300 (or CR and Math is over 1550). I have a score of 1500 in CR and Math and I am a HS val in Orlando school. Taken 15 AP classes. AP National Scholar. Huge amount of ECs. Won the Siemens SF award for my cancer research paper. I did not get invited for the Stamps. So you could assume what level of competition is required. If my speculation is right, it all boils down to SAT or ACT scores for Stamps invite. This scholarship has no bearing on any major etc. Simply put, this is offered for the best of the best. Good luck and do not feel about Stamps. Also, getting Singer award is very slim too (15% award rate, they select 55 students out of 350 short-listed applicants).</p>

<p>Thanks satacer. I appreciate the info. Where did you get it by the way? The info that is. Do you think it possible, given your stats that they steer away from offering to FL residents because of the Bright Futures etc? They figure if they are trying to get the best of the best they need to give it to people who wouldnt have any other way to afford it? I asked a similar question on another board. If the college offering the scholarship is ranked similarly to the local state school would they be more or less likely to offer the big merit$ scholarships. The consensus was that the admission people would be too bogged down with those kind of details and that kind of info wouldnt be taken into consideration. But…my daughter and I were at an Ivy League school this past weekend and the admissions person was talking about how complicated the selection process was. She basicly said that if you come from Michigan(she was using that as an example) you would be less likely to be accepted because Michigan State is ranked so high people would choose Michigan. Now, I want to stress that I didnt ask the question. It just mentioned. Of course I ran back to the hotel and looked up Michigan State! Higher than UF. Just saying.</p>

<p>satacer, forget my theory about you not being invited to the Stamps because you are a Florida resident. Just read back on this thread and someone from Florida was invited.</p>

<p>Hey Malaml,</p>

<p>I did not get selected for Stamps due to my SAT score. It looks like they need ACT of 35 and above and SAT score of 1550+. Just a guess. I need some one tell me if they had received Stamps with a SAT score between 1500-1550. Regards</p>

<p>satacer, my D got the Stamps invite with an ACT of 33 and SAT of 1520. So there is more to it than just the raw test scores…

<p>I guess this need to be researched. I will call Ms. Busto Monday morning.</p>

<p>I just saw all this stuff about the Stamps scholarship and this got my hopes up so much. Does this mean that some people who would have gotten Singer before would get Stamps, and so now other people will be able to get Singer? Also, further proof that Stamps isn’t just a music scholarship: Aren’t all applicants to Frost required to apply RD and not early? I don’t believe RD applicants have found out their decisions yet.</p>


<p>i got the Stamps invite with an SAT score of 1520 (2300). it isn’t solely based on scores.</p>