Spring 2017 transfer to Texas A&M(anyone else?)

@navyag2019 I applied on the first with audit done on 18th. Still don’t have tabs and nothing has changed. Ugh so… I don’t think it is necessarily tied to app date but more linked to department. Who would have thought engineering would be one of the first to hear.

@ 1wannabanagE Construction Science

@1wannabanagE you’re right, it does have to do with department. Engineering does usually take a bit longer due to being in such a high demand.

@TXag2017spring well that doesn’t seem fair. The whole point of applying early is to get prioritized. I wonder what their reasoning is behind waiting until the deadline to make decisions. Either way I’ll apply to UH just in case that way I’ll have a good safety school.

@navyag2019 Decisions go out on Sunday?? That’s odd. Never would have expected that.

@Aggie1997 I kind of thought it was strange as well; but, I was accepted to UH on a Sunday, and Howdy updated for me last Sunday; stranger things have happened.

@Aggie1997 i agree that is pretty weird but i guess we’ll see

has anyone tried searching their name under the directory search on my howdy? i heard that it a way to verify your acceptance (for those who have tabs)

I’m puzzled on what’s going on with my application, can anyone take a shot at what’s happening? I applied with a 3.04 GPA to Economics and History as my 2nd Choice Major. This past Tuesday, AIS changed stating that my first and second choice major were both History and Howdy changed to reviewing me for a BA in History transfer. Now today, Howdy changed back to “In Review” for a BS in Economics, but AIS still has History as my 1st and 2nd choice and states that I am in review for solely History. Why the flip-flopping? Howdy was first “In Review” for my 1st choice, BS in Economics, then changed to “In Review” for my 2nd choice, BA in History, and now reverted back to “In Review” for my 1st choice, BS in Economics? Any of you had a similar situation happen or might happen to know what’s going on with my application? Thank You.

@MathHopeful93 from what I understand, Howdy updates before AIS

I have a good feeling about tomorrow; Friday’s feel like a decision day to me. I hope my intuition is correct.

@ssppiikkeerr I hope your intuition is on point.

Still nothing for me.

@ssppiikkeerr Well…was your intuition on point?

@1wannabanagE Doesn’t look to be so. Kind of unfortunate, I really didn’t expect the system to take this long. Guess because they’re doing Freshman and Transfers.

Ive been following this thread since August as well. Construction Science Major. Been in review since 8.26. Only Cosc shows up on my Howdy, and both majors on my AIS. After talking with my advisor, he said that SOME decisions will be made 4-6 weeks after the deadline. I am really hoping that they send them out sooner than later. The suspense is killing me as well! I had a horrible GPA from 2008, but since returning I have 42 hours with a 3.9 GPA not including old grades, only one B! My GPA is still super low, but I have an amazing letter of Rec., and even had an old Vice Chancellor reach out. Also 7 years working experience, and last job was a 2 year stint with Jacobs as a CM.

@YakinAg that’s awesome. You will have zero problem getting in. Welcome to Aggie land.

@YakinAg I think if you included an explanation of why your grades were so low in your essays there could be some benefit. If your cumulative gpa is above a 3.0 then I think you have a decent shot at being admitted. There’s something to say about how you’ve been making mostly straight A’s since you’ve come back to school. Best of luck!


Same. I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing at this point haha