Spring 2017 transfer to Texas A&M(anyone else?)

@compsciag Yeah I was accepted into Aerospace. I am super pumped. I wanted to put Aero as my first choice actually but I figured it was more competitive and I had a better shot of getting into mech so I switched them. Kinda felt like a sign that I got into it anyways. Now it’s time to worry about housing and finding classes.

@MichaelMcG Mech is definetly one of the most competitive majors to be admitted to because of space. They don’t even consider you if you list them as your second choice. Luckily aero does consider second choice majors. Just out of curiosity which did you find more difficult Calc 3 or DE?

@CompsciAg The later half of cal 3 was pretty challenging I would say. I don’t think DE is that hard. It’s just recognizing patterns and then applying a formulaic solution it seems like most of the time. Neither of them are terribly difficult though.

@MichaelMcG Yeah, I agree. I’m currently taking cal 3 and although most of my class has dropped I’ve never found the course to be too difficult. All calculus courses in my opinion are pattern recognition. If I had to say though multivariable is more challenging than integral but that could be because of the professor I’m currently taking. I just wanted to get your opinion because I’m considering taking DE as a required math elective. I’ve heard all sorts of different things about it.


According to this website you can still earn equivalency for courses that are listed as transferred by title (TRNS) on your audit. Has anyone gone about doing this? Will any of you be doing this? You think this type of thing will be covered at NSC and it’s better to wait until then to worry about it?

@niket9090 Thanks.
An e-mail from the admissions.

Have any spring 2017 transfer students been verified by financial aid by any chance? I find it odd since I wasn’t selected for verification for the 2017-2018 school year.

Howdy Future Ags!

Congratulations to those of you who have been accepted! I am currently searching for a student who plans to move to College Station for the Spring of 2017 and is looking for housing. My house is ridiculously close to campus, and is on TWO separate bus routes, which makes it very easy to get to class. The rent is affordable and you will have your own bathroom and bedroom!

I am willing to write a subleaser a fat check in order to sign the lease because I am moving away from College Station in December and don’t want to pay for an empty room!

Please text me if you have any questions at all or would like to see pictures of the place @ 281##309##2342.

Thanks, good luck, and Gig ‘Em!

@pokerunner I have been verified for financial aid. You won’t be selected for the 2017-2018 year because spring 2017 is still in the 2016-2017 academic year.

@southernbelle16 How long did it take you to be verified?

@CompSciAg it took a while to get it verified. I got accepted at the end of September and it took until this week to start getting financial aid notices/awards. I haven’t heard anything about scholarships however.

@southernbelle16 @CompSciAg I was thinking it was because we made a “change” in the middle of the school year by adding Texas a&m for the 2016-2017 school year and they just want to make sure everything still lines up. Nonetheless I was freaking out haha, but we should be fine! Hopefully they’ll review us in time for the school year.

Would anyone mind sharing what tuition rate they chose and why? Any help as far what the best choice would be for an average middle class family would be great.

@CompSciAg I was thinking of doing TLR_1516 (calculated rate code) because it is the cheapest and ensures that it will stay at that tuition rate for 4 years.

I’m currently a freshmen at Penn State and will most likely finish the semester with a 3.47 GPA (15 credits) and my cumulative GPA after spring will be a 3.83. I would like to transfer to A&M’s computer science or computer engineering -computer science track- program. What are my chances? Also, does the school you’re transferring from play a factor? I will have 18 credits when I apply since it’s not 24 do I automatically get deferred or is there a possibility of being rejected.
Thanks & Gig’em

@pokerunner Yeah that’s the best choice since the price of tuition is rising. You definetly don’t want to choose the variable rate.

@AggieCMPSC Your GPA is good. I was admitted having all the required courses done as stated on the transfer sheet along will all the university core curriculum completed. The school you’re transferring from doesn’t matter. A GPA is a GPA. The possibility of being rejected is present but they may allow you to submit your spring grades. I would check with your regional advisor or by calling admissions.

Thank you @CompSciAg ! If you don’t mind could you post your stats and how many credits you had?

@AggieCMPSC No problem. I had a 3.83 GPA with 42 completed hours. I had Calculus 1 & 2, & Gen Chem for Engineers completed at the time of application. The courses I have in progress now are Calculus 3, Physics (Classical Mechanics), & Technical Writing. I finished everything with an A besides Gen Chem and Government. Those were finished with B’s. Are you applying as out of state?

No, I’m a Texas resident. I’m out of state for penn state. I am going to finish physics with a B- but Tamu converts your GPA to their grading system right? @CompSciAg

@AggieCMPSC They do. So that B- you’re going to make in physics will just be calculated as a B. No plus or minus.