SUNY Binghamton Class of 2023

Were u offered the BAP

my d19 found out through via email.

What were your scores?

Ugh, Spring semester? What is that about? We haven’t heard from Bing yet, but my daughter got into Northeastern for Spring and she has to spend the fall semester abroad. Probably a dealbreaker. Argh!

My son just got accepted for Spring 2020 as well. Not sure what to think, but still proud he was accepted. So how does that work? Can they attend elsewhere Fall 2019?

If your child was selected for Spring 2020, then that means they were appreciated enough to be admitted. Congrats on that! This means they are sure to have a spot as soon as one opens in the spring due to the certain number of kids who will likely drop, either that or they expect there is a good chance a spot will open up for Fall even and they would notify you.

As I see it, an acceptance in certainty, even if delayed, is an acceptance.

@xinabess - my son was also offered Spring acceptance for Brandeis. I know he wants to start wherever he goes in the fall, so I don’t know how that will work out for him. I think I saw you on the American U thread. Did you finally get your packet yet? I don’t think I’ve EVER seen a decision day anywhere else quite like it - so very frustrating!

@AParent012023 - I don’t know about Bing specifically, but other schools sometimes coordinate an internship or study abroad for credit for that fall semester, and then the student returns to start in the spring. I would check if that affects graduation - do they still graduate in 2023 with the rest of the class - or is it done some other way?

Thanks @HankCT and well said.

@family-from-LI, nothing from American yet. Not looking good. They have the most insane “system” for notifying students. Turns me off to the whole place.

So if we’ve heard nothing from Bing by now, does that probably mean it’s spring or a no/waitlist? Seems like the people who are just hearing now got in for spring.

^^ I would also like to know

Rejected from SOM, but offered spot at Harpur. Does anyone know if it is possible to transfer into the SOM and how hard this is to do?

@yankees2001 can you share your stats? Thanks

In-state, 1460 SAT, 3.4 gpa, 6 AP’s, 3 taken in previous years (got 4’s on all 3), numerous extracurriculars, competitive H.S.

i was also accepted for the spring 2020 semester. does anyone know how likely it is that i’ll get off the waitlist for fall 2019?

D accepted into Harpur Fall 2019. Instate. Will not be attending. I have heard from previous parents whose kids were accepted to the spring semesters (in the past), that after the May 1st deadline many get notified to attend in the fall. Good luck.

People accepted to SOM, can you please post your stats? As well as anyone denied from SOM but offered a spot at Harpur.

i got accepted into harpur a few weeks ago and was wondering if there is a facebook group for accepted students? i never got an email if there is one

Still waiting. . . . So frustrating, are they waiting until the last day to reject him?? Come on already!

Agreed, it really is frustrating! Still hoping for good news, but really don’t know what to think at this late date.