TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

Wow I’ve never heard of AIS changing same day! That’s awesome. Now for the rest of us!!! Hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving!

@YourCollegeMom I dont think my howdy updated today. I had never checked it until today.

@Cowboydoghouse sorry I was out of pocket for while, but @labegg explained it perfectly.

My D’s AIS updated too! She’s been admitted! Whoop!

Congratulations to everyone that’s been admitted!!! I’m pulling for and praying for those still waiting hear!

My AIS updated around 5:00pm today. It’s official, I’m going to be an Aggie!! Congratulations to everyone accepted and best of luck to those still waiting. Fingers crossed you will be joining the Aggie family soon :slight_smile:

My son just got admitted!!

My daughter has been admitted! Prayer are still being sent!

It’s been a busy day. I am hopefully awaiting news for those who are hoping for Mays!

@labegg yes please let me know if you hear anyone getting holistic review into mays. I don’t see anywhere here… then again I also don’t see any math majors… just because I don’t see something doesn’t mean they weren’t let in. he got into uga early action on Friday so at least he is keeping his chin up during the wait…

CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE! It is AWESOME for you to be a part of the Aggie family! I am so happy for everyone who has been admitted and will continue to pray for those who haven’t heard yet.

It is great that y’all are hearing earlier than last year, especially since so many of you turned in the application so early!!. Last year at this time, my daughter hadn’t submitted her application yet, she waited until the Sunday after Thanksgiving!! :confused:

I hope that everyone has a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

I’m in!!! I’M GOING TO BE AN AGGIE!!! Best day ever.

Anyone applied after Oct 15 has 6 tabs?

Whoop!!! Just checked Howdy and saw the tabs! Had my DS check his account and he’s been accepted to Mays!! What a Thanksgiving and wasn’t expecting any news until after December. Full admission and to Mays! Thank you everyone for the advice, support, and best wishes to all still pending!!!

I have been following this thread for a while now but have never posted.

I applied to A&M July 11th and was given access to AIS on the 12th of July.
I applied for a BS-BIMS major as a review candidate.

I have a 3.7 uw GPA and a 4.8 w GPA.
1110 SAT, 23 ACT (poor, I know)
Class rank: 94/555 (16.9%)
Submitted strong letters of rec.
Many preAP and AP classes.

AVID student, NHS, marching band freshman year. I am in a practicum health science class where I attend a clinical period for 4 months in the hospital, get a medical assistant certification, health care provider CPR certification, first aid certification.

Over 180 community service hours.
Pretty strong essays.

I have not seen anything in my howdy portal, I still have 3 tabs. The wait is very stressful.

What are my chances?

Congrats to all with 6 tabs/admission! Anyone else still waiting?? We haven’t heard yet and I feel like my daughter’s stats are very comparable - ugh! 1290 SAT, 27 ACT, 10.8% class rank, large 6A HS, tons of EC, 4 years varsity tennis, 4 years varsity orchestra, NHS, symphony belle, 8+ mission trips, 200+ volunteer hours, I DON"T LIKE THE WAITING :slight_smile:

We are still just on 3 tabs as well. Got a feeling my daughter may not get in…still hopeful for a Blinn Team offer.

Waiting is awful especially when some are hearing already. Keep the faith! Way too early to worry about anything other than full admit. Once we hit mid January, then we can start thinking alternatives!

If I was to sadly be offered Blinn Team I don’t think I’d accept it… I feel like it degrades me… despite how badly I want to be an Aggie, I want to go to a school that appreciates the hard work I put in and one that doesn’t put me behind on my future, knowing that I will be spending many many years in college to get my doctorate. Anyone else feel this way?

I posted my stats earlier and after seeing all of those being accepted having a lot more EC I️ feel as if it is what is weighing me down. Any thoughts? (Ima put all my stats if you could tell me what you think my chances are)

Sat:1340 (700 English; 640 math)
Rank:117/911 (12.8%)
Applied: September 29
Extra curricular: Vice President for engineering club, NHS member, held a job for over a year
Essays: all three
Major: mechanical engineering

I am reminding myself that it is only November 22! I agree with @YourCollegeMom, lots of time left in the process. Being a review candidate is tough but remember you (or your child) has done their best and is well rounded. Don’t have regrets and don’t freak out!!!

@TXagghopeful1 - I’d reconsider…My other son was offered Gateway 2 years ago. He has a number of fellow Aggies that are both BLINN and Gateway. To be honest, they are just as happy and I swear, even more successful because of their varying programs. Not one of them has had an issue feeling or being part of the Aggie community and believe me, being an OOS parent, Gateway was a $7K bill just for three summer classes. My boy did it, has good grades and a cadet in the Corps, and now my younger son just received full admit today to Mays. You just never know but do not view BLINN as a negative. So much more to say but I’ll leave it at that.