TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

Test scores?

@YourCollegeMom sorry should have included that
1180 SAT

What looks better for college? More AP’s with A & B grades or less AP’s with all A"s?

I honestly don’t have a clue on how they review course rigor. As in where it falls on the review. Anyone else know? @Thelma2???

@YourCollegeMom is Gateway an option for everyone? Or is it an option offered only to select students by the Admissions Office?

@YourCollegeMom @TXagghopeful1 I do not know exactly how they consider the rigor for anything other than engineering and only that, because of having a student there and what has been told to me/what I have learned about the holistic process and the math and science readiness they are looking for.

An Admissions person on another forum once touched on rigor “We want to see how that student has competed against those within their own environment and how they have utilized those tools and resources to the best of their ability” and

"if a student is performing averagely in a somewhat more competitive environment than, say, hypothetically, if they attended another school, what makes that student or their families think they could compete in an exceptionally more competitive environment at A&M?

“When we look at the rank and test scores, we determine a projected GPA here at TAMU. We use algorithms to combine a student’s rank and test scores and it produces a projected TAMU GPA: 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, so on and so forth. Once we see what a student’s projected GPA is, we begin weighing all the other components.”

So looking at class choices/rigor at an applicants individual high school, the resources available to that student, how they utilized those resources, and how they performed is considered more than which is better to have.

Admissions doesn’t see your college board AP classes/scores. They see what an applicant marked on their Apply Texas App as to what they have taken by the end of Jr year and what they plan to take Sr. year.

@93txag Gateway is an admissions offer to selected applicants. One cannot apply directly to the Gateway program.

@Victor Electric Your name doesn’t tag for some reason.
You could be offered full admit but statistically, from the small sampling of applicants who post here, and from others first hand experinece, with your scores, which are really good, your rank puts you in the Blinn Team or PSA category. But that is just looking at the numbers. So much more goes into the admissions decision than just the numbers. There are the essays (and if I remember correctly, you had a hardship- which could make you eligible for Gateway) your EC’s and your entire application file that we do not see and where that puts you on the charts.

Being near the bottom of the second quarter, my guess is that you will receive your decision in February, if A&M keeps to the trend of the last 3 years. That’s my guess but I have been wrong before. And I will be glad, for your sake, if I am.

@Thelma2 my essays are pretty impactful! I wish you could read them. But I’ve worked a job pretty much my entire career in highschool and also i have 2 leadership positions

I also got into Baylor and i feel like the two are equally competitive. And I didn’t even use my essays for Baylor so?

@Thelma2 did you have an opinion on admission decision for my stats posted a couple pages back? Thanks for all of your help!

@TXagghopeful1 Is kind of hard because at first you see a 4.8 GPA, which is pretty good and ranking is okay too. However, that SAT is like over 100 points below the average which damages your predicted GPA. If you were to get that higher, your chances would dramatically improve. For me, as an example, I only have a 4.1 GPA and I am 19% of my class. However, I had a 1350 SAT and received notification of admissions two weeks post applying. That being said, stats arent everything. You mentioned you have strong essays and letters of recommendation which is also a big part in the holistic review. Stay hopeful.

I think a reason my SAT score is so bad is bc of my math subscore. As a sophomore, I skipped Geometry and went into a pre-AP Algebra 2 class in order to have a prerequisite for an advanced Chemistry class. I had a very hard time in alg 2 and I feel that I really didn’t learn much, and that is shown in my SAT math subscore but I explained the whole situation in one of my essays… Does that give me any mercy?

In a way, it kind of does. It shows that you looked for the most difficult classes but I mean it doesnt justify the fact of a poor score given the fact that there are thousandths of both free and paid resources to help you learn… Khan academy, Kaplan, Princeton Review… Etc. So its kind of up to the people reviewing your application to determine if a poor sat is justified or not

What is your major? Not that it matters for admissions, but I would like to include it on the spreadsheet.

Review applicants are SOOOOO hard to chance. They just are. I just went back and looked at the stats of the review applicants from last year (I think I posted them somewhere earlier in this thread) and there are admission decisions all over the place. There were full admits with an 1110 with 12% rank, an 1170 with 15.5 rank, and 1180 with 20% rank and Blinn Team offers of applicants in the 10, 12 and 1300’s, so either is a possibility. As far as PSA, only one was top 25% with a 1310. She had a lot of qualifications and appeals and was admitted full admit. The rest were second quarter with scores in the 10’s to 1300’s. Not all applicants in second quarter received PSA. Some received Blinn Team and a very few received full admit. Again, this is a small sampling of all applicants and only of those who post their stats.

Being in the top quarter gives you a boost and it really is all about your complete application file. Best of luck. I know the wait is hard.

@Thelma2 my major is Biomedical Science. And yeah it’s really hard to judge. I thought I was sitting pretty and had a really good shot until I started watching over the threads here. Then I was like “oooh… These people have 1300’s…” And the paranoia began. I’m hoping for the best but I honestly feel like I am on the bottom of the totem pole. Thanks for all of your input and knowledge! I really do appreciate it! :slight_smile:

@MomHopesNxtGenAg I live in Corpus Christi and now TAMUCC well. I am not STEM major, but know their to be a strong and growing program that has been known to yield some Aggie transfers and grad students. TAMUCC often plays host for countless robotics competitions for the high schools in our area. I have a few friends who participate in it.

Does anyone know how we are notified of our admission decision? Is it firstly by mail and then AIS or vice-a-versa?
I am holistic like everyone here and am kind of freaking out about the fact that I ave received nothing. When I applied I was told by my PSC that we wouldn’t start hearing back till spring. I hope I didn’t mess anything up. I applied Oct 15 I believe as an International Studies major with a 1210 and a 4.27. 62 college credit hours. Great ECs. LORs. etc.

Congratulations to everyone who have already been accepted! I hope it all works out, Gig’em!

@Daydreamer2018 A lot of review applicants don’t receive a decision until spring. For less competitive majors, there will be some decisions for review applicants. A&M must place all of the auto/academic admits into their majors first.

We are told that the extended application deadline to Jan 2 this year due to Hurricane Harvey will not affect decisions coming out in the spring, mostly in February.

@Daydreamer2018 Your admissions decision will be on your AIS. You can’t miss it. A short while later (a day or two) your letter of acceptance will be in your AIS.

On your AIS, at the top, it says My App Status, My Bio Info, My Test Scores, My Communications, Contact Us.
Click My Communications
Click My Letters
You should have a letter there with your decision…
(Please inform me if the AIS has changed. This is how it appeared for class 2020)

Your welcome packet will arrive in the mail sometime later.