TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

@Mandog82 I would like to know this also. I have heard that admission to the university is independent from your choice of major but I still have doubts.

Anyone accepted today?

Is there a certain time of day that they come out or is it sporadic? Any past trends?

I am still in review.

Does A&M usually release admit decisions before Christmas? And when do they go off and get back from holiday break?

My best guess is some more acceptances will go out late tonight/early tomorrow.

Tell me someone has gotten 6 tabs today?

My son is still in review. :-S

nothing yet. :frowning:

I tried to log in to AIS but it said it was under Maintenance. Does this possibly mean they are sending acceptances?

@TXagghopeful1 mine says that as well, but it wasn’t like that around an hour ago.

No it wasn’t. I’ve been checking it like crazy and it just started within the last couple mins.

Same here. AIS was working this morning - no news - but now it says it is under maintenance. Funny that we all logged on here to share!

Same here

mine is working again. no new info.

odd. I really had my hopes up.

Still in review : (

I know the waiting can be agonizing but remember that only full admissions will be offered until January so unless your stats are really, really good, I wouldn’t expect any news until mid-January at the earliest. There is still a month left for applications to be submitted so many spots have to be held for automatic and academic admits that submit between now and January. I was told by admissions that LOTS of people submit on the very last day. Crazy to believe for planners like myself :slight_smile: My son was auto admit but my daughter wasn’t. She ended up with a class rank of 10.58%, 1330 SAT, lots of great EC’s including 4 years Varsity Tennis, Varsity Symphony, many community service hours, great essays, etc. We don’t expect to hear about her until next year and have come to terms with that. We put deposits on housing at 2 other colleges where she was accepted and are just going to relax and enjoy their Senior Year. If she gets in, great! If not, she has two solid backups. We had friends last year that were accepted into Blinn team in February and March (and they had great stats!) so it may still be a long wait for lots of us. At first this was VERY hard for me. I am a Type A planner. My husband and I are both A&M grads so we, of course, believe that A&M is the only school for our kids - ha! - and with 2 graduating and heading off for college I wanted a PLAN and I wanted it NOW, but, this is the hand we have been dealt and I don’t want to ruin their Senior Year worrying. Everything will work out! Good Luck to each of you!

I submitted my application only 3 weeks ago, so I am aware I may not hear back until the new year. However, I almost qualify as an academic admit. I’m top 25% and got a 1360 on my SAT, but I didn’t have the necessary score for the reading part. I’m trying to go into a STEM field and have a strong score for the math section, so I’m secretly hoping I’ll hear back sooner!

@helimom3 did you login change for Howdy change? It looks different to me. Wonder if that means something.