TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022


Not being in the top quarter hurts a lot for engineering students.
Since your son is doing engineering, your son must have a 700+ in his SAT math score.

If your son doesn’t have a 700+ Math score on his SAT, then he’ll be offered BlinnTeam.
If your son does have a 700+ Math score on his SAT, then he has a 50% chance for the engineering program.

What would my chances be? and if admitted do you think I would get my major?

Application date: 9/2
Gpa/rank: 4.45 weighted & 84/609 (13.5%)
ACT/SAT: 26/1280 (just re-took act waiting to hear back)
Major: Biology
2 letter of rec (one from the president of non-profit I volunteer for & AP chem teacher who is an Aggie)
did all 3 essays
EC: class officer, student council officer, HOSA president, many hours for local non-profit, Mu Alpha Theta VP, NHS, and have worked 2 jobs since my sophomore year.
In or out of state: in
Current Status: complete and in review

@Shadowsych First off 700+ points on math is in no way a necessity to get accepted into engineering, at all. Second please stop saying definitive statements like you will get in, you will not get in, and you will be offered. You don’t know and holistic review takes into account an applicant as a whole and you might give someone false hope or hurt their feeling by saying they will not get in with such certainty.

@evon1254 @shadowsych i am definitely upset… have even contemplated withdraw of my application because of this. i don’t think i’ll be following threads anymore.

@TXagghopeful1 don’t lose hope! I know the wait is awful and it’s stressful when you’re not sure what could happen - I’m in the same boat. I went and looked at your posts and honestly can’t say I know anything they’re looking for or chance you at all because I really can’t even chance myself! However, we seem to have the same goals here admission to A&M and to become pediatricians and I know if I was you I would want someone to tell me not to give up. Praying the best is ahead for both of us hang in there!

Awe @TXagghopeful1 Do not make the decision for admissions by withdrawing your application. Have faith girl. You have done all you can do and be proud of that. I love your passion and desire to be an Aggie. Keep that!!! No more decisions will go out until January. If you were my daughter I would say to focus on the holidays and enjoy everything you do. We cannot control admissions and their decision, but we can control what we focus on! Keep us posted and know that most everyone is here to support you and wait along side you. It is soooo early in the process that nothing is given! Hope this helps!!!

@HopefulAg22 your stats look good. 26 is right at average it appears and your rank is great. If your Act goes up at all it will really be icing on the cake. As for major… I don’t know how quickly biology fills up but I haven’t seen many on this thread. Getting in is the most important part… then you can always try to change major before freshman year OR take core classes and change major! Keep us posted!!!

@TXagghopeful1 : I thought that you changed your mind about Blinn-TEAM. ?? You initially posted that you would decline an offer of Blinn-TEAM even though you really want to be an Aggie, as you thought it would be degrading and hold you back from your future goals. But then, as you learned a bit more about the Blinn-TEAM program, it looked like you decided that you would accept such an offer.

And you could receive an offer of full admission, no one really knows except the people who review the applications. If you withdraw your application, you will not get an offer at all. Period. Do you want to quit before you even know what your options are? If you REALLY want to be an Aggie, you can make it happen even if you end up with an offer of PSA and transfer into CStat later. A LOT of people do that. And some students start out at Blinn College as Freshman, get their Associate degree and then transfer just so that they can start out in CStat.

Yes, your scores are below the average for TAMU, but that is only part of the equation for admission. If the average SAT for TAMU is around 1250 ish, that means that there are a lot of students on both sides of that number. Engineering requires a higher SAT, but those scores are balanced out by others. There isn’t an exact number that means that you can’t get in. That is what the holistic review is about, they look at all of your application not just the numbers.

You have a lot of EC’s that correlate to your chosen major, so that shows that you haven’t just been hiding in your room playing video games/watching TV or talking on your phone or doing your nails. The reviewers probably want to know that a student can manage their time and I also think that they want students who will get involved at TAMU as Aggie volunteering is a big part of the Aggie culture.

There are just a LOT of people who want to be Aggies. The reviewers have a lot of applications to go through and limited slots to put people into, and I think that they really do want everyone to succeed where they are placed. But they are human and maybe they get it wrong sometimes. If you don’t get the offer that you want, then appeal it. If you want a degree from TAMU, don’t let anyone keep you from doing just that. Find a way, make your own path.

I have championed the Blinn-TEAM offer on this board as I currently have a Freshman on Blinn-TEAM. Yes, full admission would have been her first choice, but now that she has experienced Blinn-TEAM, there are mainly a lot of benefits to that offer. I plan to start a thread about her experience sometime before the New Year so that I can answer questions to help people getting that offer this year. Stay tuned. :slight_smile:

@Shadowsych you can’t ‘choose’ to be on Blinn Team. You are selected by admissions for that program. If your major is full, you are NOT given the option to go to Blinn Team - you are asked to pick another open major at TAMU. As others have stated, you do need to tone down the opinions stated as if they are facts – I know you’re just a senior in high school, but others may not realize your postings are opinion of a peer. IF you have facts to back up your postings it is best to link them so the poster can read them too.

@Trommald : Not sure what you mean by “10 points on SAT = 1 % Class Rank”. Can you explain more in depth?

My daughter who is currently a Freshman on Blinn-TEAM was ranked 53% in her HS class with a 3.5 unweighted gpa and she had a 1250 (670 E, 580 M) on SAT in 2017. Does that fit into your equation?

And were you a National Merit Semifinalist? Your SAT is very high, was your PSAT also high?

@YourCollegeMom thank you!!!

Just checked and my ACT went up to a 27! Not much of a difference but my science subscore was a 31. Not sure that they look at subscores at all but oh well.

Guys they are still sending out acceptances, two of my friends were excepted yesterday for engineering!

Congrats to them! Acceptances will be released up until the 21st and will most likely resume in January, dependant on when the admissions office returns from break.

The weirdest thing happened to me. I applied to TAMU September 21 and was accepted into the school of engineering on Friday. Im top 8% at a fairly competitive school with a pretty horrible sat for engineering (1250). however, when i applied to uh for engineering, expecting them to accept me with no doubt, i was turned down… Thoughts? i thought it was a little weird :/…

@HopefulAg22 our stats just about even out, I am top 16% with rigorous courses and 27 on my ACT and got accepted to Biology this past Friday! :slight_smile: don’t lose hope, I almost did and just when I least expected it I checked AIS and was admitted!

My daughter is very confused. All of her friends that are ranked behind her and similar SAT scores all got in. She did all three essays and had way more extracurriculars than they do. Any insight? She is heartbroken.

@beckistew Maybe it has to do with their majors. What major is your daughter going for and what did her friends get admitted to? Some majors are more difficult than others. Has she heard anything back? It is still early for the majority of review admits to hear back.

@beckistew: Your daughter’s friends have been accepted but your daughter hasn’t heard one way or the other yet, is that correct? To me, that just means that those applications just ended up in a different stack on a different person’s desk/ computer! :slight_smile: If your daughter hasn’t heard at all, then it probably just means that they haven’t gotten to her application yet. I don’t think that one reviewer has applications from just one HS. I would think that it is a good sign that those friends have gotten in if your daughter has a higher HS rank.

Don’t focus on the waiting, you have no control over that, just try to enjoy the Holidays while you wait for the decision. Find something positive to focus on, the stress will eat you alive if you let it.

She is a construction science major which is under Architecture. Her friends were admitted as review applicants to engineering and biomedical. She is just so confused and keeps thinking she forgot to turn in something, even though all her essays and stats are in. Thank you all for the support-this is just so stressful