TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

@Cowboydoghouse I was able to log on but the log on screen is different now. I’m not reading anything into that other that they updated the Howdy site. Still waiting for a decision. Looking for the tabs to grow to 6!

Check again. My son’s is available. He was accepted last Friday as well. I do know they changed the login, so maybe clear history and reenter credentials to get in. Hope that helps!

I wish there was like a “This school is my first choice” box I could check. This waiting is stressing me out so much. I can’t get anything done.

@Cowboydoghouse weird my howdy changed to the same thing? no idea what it means but just hoping the waiting is over soon!

hi!! i’ve been following this forum since it was first made and can definitely say it helped me a lot! i got accepted to tamu in the last wave, and thought posting my ec’s would help someone out :slight_smile:

application date: 8/8
class rank: 17%
act: 28
sat: 1200
college: public health
major: public health
ec’s: 250+ volunteer hours at texas children’s hospital, 100+ in other organizations (church, school clubs), treasurer of science national honor society, went to texas girl’s state and got county commissioner, on the junior volunteer board at tch
essays: all 3
highlight: strong essays and rec letters, volunteer hours, first gen hispanic, has been active in involvement w tamu
in state
accepted on 12/15

don’t give up hope on wanting to be an aggie!! i certainly did for a while and then i was blessed with acceptance!!! wish you all the best :slight_smile:

Got Six Tabs tonight! Finally!!! <:-P

@GigEm2022 Will you please post stats?

I am trying to keep a spreadsheet of applicants of review and engineering.
Thanks and Congrats.

For all: Last year, the last admissions seemed to come out on Dec 21 before the break and resumed Jan 3. With the extended deadline til Jan 2 and supporting documents Jan 10, it will be interesting to see when they start up again.

Last night, my son’s Howdy continued to say that it was last updated on 11/17, which was right after his transcript came through. Today, it says it was updated on 12/07, 2 weeks ago, but no other noticeable changes. Any thoughts on whether just a new update date means anything? Also, he got a letter from financial aid last week stating that the form for reporting outside scholarships is online, and also stating that he needed to go online to sign his FAFSA. Grasping for clues!

My son also received financial aid papers. I dont know if it means anything.

Also-if anyone has a suggestion let me know on this:

He completed Essay C and thought it was uploaded. I only see Essay A and B as documents received. Assuming its too late to update the application?

@texasjayhawk my howdy said updated on 12-11 for probably the past week but about two days ago it changed to 11-17. Not really sure why.

Where on the Howdy site do you see where it’s been updated?

@RICHMONDAGGIE95 I believe only the required documents will show received. Since Essay C is optional, it won’t show. At least my son’s didn’t. You can chat with admissions and ask though. They are pretty responsive on live chat!

Bottom left corner of front page of Howdy.

Thanks. Gotcha. See it now

just wishing they’d tell me im denied already. better than stressing forever. it just creates arguments all the time now.

@RICHMONDAGGIE95 I am pretty sure essay C is under documents received.

@TXagghopeful1 Have some faith! January will be here before you know it and more acceptances will go out. Praying you are in that round! Merry Christmas!

Hey my howdy says that it was last updated on 17-11.What does that mean?Like did the officers take a look at my file around that time or what?

Not able to get into HOWDY today, say “not an authorized user”. Can get into AIS no problem…but now HOWDY. Anyone know what this means? Is HOWDY down?

@Cowboydoghouse mine says the same thing it is probably down or under maintenance for the holidays