TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

@victor your stats give me hope. I’m also in 2nd quarter with 1370 SAT. Hoping I hear back soon. And congrats to everyone that’s been accepted so far!

I’m so happy for you @victorelectric congratulations!

When is the next wave of decisions?

@whoop22 I just assumed it would be on a Friday since the last wave was but I guess that doesn’t matter.

I received an E-mail from Oscar Lopez, a Senior regional advisor for the RGV. He has advised me to change my major from Busininess administration to Economics. Currently, the college of business and architecture are full.

My first choice was business administration and my second was economics. Now I’m wondering if I should change economics to my #1.

Also, what are the tabs everyone is talking about? I’m confused lol.

@likeclockwork48 What I posted is what I was told. Everyone’s situation can be different, but I called him ad he advised me about it in order to increase my chances of admission. I told him TAMU is my number one school

@likeclockwork48 The tabs are in the howdy portal where it shows: Home, Applicant, and My Howdy. If you have 6 tabs, that’s good.

@Ross2729 I’m hoping he meant just Architecture and not the other colleges under Architecture. My daughter is waiting to hear and her major is Construction Science. Her second is Political Science. Does anyone know how we can find out if a certain one is full?

Also, my daughters boyfriend was accepted to engineering in December and his rank is after my daughter (she is 10.5%) and about same SAT. 1170-1190. Keeping up the hope!!

This is just what I’ve been told. I don’t mean to get anyone’s hopes down. I hope people get in where they want to go. I’m still maintaining a good attitude.

@Ross2729 who did you call, if you don’t mind me asking?

Application Date:12/15/17
GPA and Class Rank: 3.7 and 95/671
SAT 1110
Major in that College: wildlife and fisheries sciences
ECs: 4 years of tennis, 4 years of FFA, Animal club, NHS
Did you do all 3 essays: Did A and B
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process?
My strong essays
In state/Out of State: In state
Current Status on AIS: In review
Do I have a chance in getting in ?

I talked to Oscar Lopez, senior regional advisors for TAMU. He advised me and I changed my major from Business admin to Agricultural economics and economics BS.

From my understanding they will accept you to TAMU first and then if your major is full they put in 2nd choice. You shouldn’t have to change your major to obtain admittance. My son’s went from Bus to AgBus the night before he was accepted (it changed in Howdy under manage applications). That was our first sign that 6 tabs would be next!

For those that want Business… google Map to Mays or Pathway to Mays… it lists what needs to be taken in order to be able to change major after first year! Very insightful! If you have any questions on it, let me know!

Is biomedical science full? If so, is there something I should change my major to?

Thank you all for your advice and knowledge! Makes this process a little more bearable!

@AggieMomhelp Should I have changed my major? I listened to what he had to say, but I’m for sure I wanted to go into marketing.

@TXagghopeful1 I don’t think so I have a friend who got into BIMS in the December wave and they haven’t notified many review applicants since. What is your second choice?

@ross2729 I don’t think it will hurt you at all to change major. But I also don’t think it hurts if you don’t either!

Have you looked at the 4 year curriculum for the major you changed to vs. Mays? Ag business seems to be the closest for the first 3 semesters.

I did a live chat with admissions today and was told acceptances will be rolling out once a week. Seems like its been once a month lately. Maybe it changed once the deadline passed on the 10th. Good news!