TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

Based on what I have read we are hoping for Blinn Team. In your experience do you think that is realistic? Thanks

@Thelma2 Based on what I have read we are hoping for Blinn Team. In your experience do you think that is realistic? Thanks sorry for the double post.

@trinley Because he applied to engineering, he won’t be offered Blinn Team. That is an admissions decision offered for majors other than engineering. If that were the offer they make to him, it would be the Blinn Engineering Academy (TEAB). I am sure that is what you meant, but wanted to differentiate between the two for clarification.

Unfortunately, I don’t have many stats for the TEAB or Galveston decisions, as only a handful posted their stats with decisions. I have decisions with no stats and stats with no decisions. A lot will depend on the rest of his application file. Being second quarter would seem to lean toward TEAB, with his SAT. Anecdotally, there was one poster, second quarter with a 1330 (no subscore breakdown),and a 12% who had a 1080 (570M) who received engineering at Galveston.

The TEAB admissions from last year are 39% 1370 SAT, 12% 1280 SAT, 25% 28ACT.

Please do post his decision when it comes out.

There were about 15 engineering review applicants who posted stats that never came back with a decision at all. :((

@Thelma2 thank you very much for the insight. Yes I do mean TEAB. He almost chose construction science as first major choice. Rest assured I will post the final decision when we get it. Good or bad.

Application Date: App complete on 11/15
GPA and Class Rank: 92.45 weighted, 38% percentile
ACT Composite. 31
SAT. 1390
College applied for: Mays first, Communications second
Did you do all 3 essays: yes
In state/Out of State: in state
Current Status on AIS: under review

I’d like to know when I will hear back. If I can expect it within the next week, month, or next few months. Seems like the answers on multiple TAMU admissions threads vary as to when we will hear back.

@Kuehne410 I have heard mainly that we will hear mid to end of February. But I am not positive.

@Kuehne410 No one knows when decisions will be released. There is speculation and guesses and looking at dates from last year, which don’t always hold to the same pattern in subsequent years. Sometimes, they do.

With the application deadline extension this year, for all majors, due to Hurricane Harvey, the decision dates are up in the air for anyone’s guess.

The only major that had a given time line for decision was for engineering and with the deadline extension, many that should have received a decision by mid Dec were differed to January.

Decisions come when they are released.

I’m just wondering why tamu keeps decision dates a secret?

I know that the wait is very hard, try not to stress. Stressing about it will not make the wait any shorter. Take a few deep breaths every time you start to stress. With the delay due to Harvey, it make take longer this year for everyone to hear their results. Find something fun to occupy your time and thoughts. Y’all have done all that you could when preparing your applications, it is out of your hands now.

The process must be difficult for the reviewers too, as they have many thousands of applications to review. And they know that they hold the future of each student in their hands and surely they want to make the best decision for that student and TAMU. There just isn’t enough room for everyone who wants to be an Aggie, and maybe everyone isn’t prepared for the rigor of classes at TAMU. Maybe the process would go a lot quicker if they just looked at each application once and decided YEP or NOPE, but the process is probably much more complicated than we can know from this side of the table.

I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL that at least one TAMU reviewer looked closely at my daughter’s application last year and looked beyond her low class rank and decided that even though she was 53% in her HS class, her scores (SAT 1250, ACT 27), and gpa of 3.5 UW, her rigor of classes, ECs, essays and LORs were promising enough that they offered her Blinn-TEAM for this year. They could have just put her in the NOPE pile solely based on her class rank, but they gave her a chance.

May the reviewers take the time to see what is special about each of the students on this board. May they have clarity of thought and a generous spirit as they make their decisions.

@AggieMomAgain What date did she hear back?

@TXagghopeful1 @whoop2022 @Kuehne410 and everyone else still waiting, I came across this on the TAMU admissions page when looking for my S19. It says mid- to late- March for review admit decisions. I know the wait is hard (my S18 checked everyday & way more than once per day!), hopefully it helps to have an idea when the decision date will happen. My fingers are crossed for y’all!

"Notification of Decision

Admission decisions are made throughout the application period. Final decisions will be announced in mid-November for spring admission and mid- to late- March for fall admission through the Applicant Information System (AIS).

Top 10% & Academic Admits
Notifications are announced after your complete application file is processed.

Review Admits
Applicants will be notified in mid- to late- March."

Here is the link: http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshman/admitted

Has anyone received a Blinn Team offer? When do those start going out?

@CyMom4 No one has received any sort of alternative pathway to admissions yet. Everything so far is full admissions. Those alternative paths are the very last decisions to go out and could be trickling in all the way into late March.

@CyMom4, TAMU waits until the deadline for additional documentation before releasing any decisions that are NOT full admit to CS. An applicant can update their file until that date & possibly switch from review to automatic admit status ( higher score or rank) . Decisions are made and for the most part not changed, there are very few successful appeals here & you do not ‘move up’ the acceptance hierarchy based on other applicants notification of not attending (there is a built in number of rejections when they extend offers initially).

The Blinn Team offers traditionally begin about now, as well as gateway, PSA and denials of admission. There are still full admits that will be released as well, decisions are NOT grouped and released together - the very last decision could possibly be a full admit. Chances are your student’s file has already been evaluated but they have to first get through all applicants that applied by the deadline to add in the automatic applicants first & see how many slots they have left. There are quite a few procrastinators out there and it has only been 3 work days since the documentation deadline.

If there is a Blinn team offer how do early indications work? Do you still get 6 tabs?

@txagghopeful1 Yes, there will still be 6 tabs. Then when you look under “manage applications” it shows TEAM. Again though, these are some of the last offers to go out… as late as end of feb or early march!

Did a live chat with Admissions yesterday.He told the priority applicants who got a deferred email should expect a decision before end of January.He also told that decisions are released in batches and not on fridays specifically.As soon as the admission office is done with a batch they release the decisions.

Gosh, I think I’m more nervous than my son! It’s getting close.

Deferred email? Is that the email that went out explaining the application deadline has been extended to January due to Hurricane Harvey? My son sent his application before the Oct 15th deadline, however he is not an auto admit. Does that mean he probably won’t get notice from A&M until March?