TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

@JenniferAggie91 Got the following email from A&M directly:

Texas A&M University is committed to making sure every student has an opportunity to submit an application to be a part of the Aggie Family. We realize that many prospective students have been profoundly affected by the devastation of Hurricane Harvey; making it difficult for them to complete their applications and provide supporting documents by the December 1 deadline. We want to extend them a helping hand.
While our original application deadline was December 1, we will now be accepting both admissions and scholarship applications through January 2, 2018. Additionally, if the admissions application itself is submitted by the new deadline, we will accept required supporting documents (test scores, transcripts, etc.) through January 10, 2018.
These new deadlines apply to all prospective students, not just those affected by Hurricane Harvey. We hope this will help as many students as possible make their Aggie dream a reality.
· Admissions applications: January 2, 2018
· Scholarship applications: January 2, 2018
· Supporting documents for admissions applications: January 10, 2018
As a reminder, in this year’s application cycle we introduced a new process by which students can self-report whether they qualify for a fee waiver based on information they provide on the ApplyTexas (https://www.applytexas.org/adappc/gen/c_start.WBX ) or Coalition ( http://coalitionforcollegeaccess.org/ ) application.
The Aggie family stands with all those affected by this tragedy, and our admissions staff is ready to assist all students in any way possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact admissions@tamu.edu or 979-845-1060 with additional questions.

Lynn Barnes, Jr.
Interim Assistant Vice President for Enrollment & Academic Services |
Director of Admissions

@hopefulparent18 That makes sense. I did hear of a few applicants that missed the SAT because of Harvey. Thanks for sharing!

California resident, Male, White
Gpa: 3.47 weighted, 43% class rank
5 APs, Gov, Econ, AB Calculus, Physics C E&M, Physics C Mechanics
SAT: 1430
Diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Developmental coordination disorder, wrote an essay about how that led to me getting worse grades due to not keeping up with homework
Texas A&M - engineering

I also wrote about how much I love A&M, as I am a christian and love the values and traditions.

does this affect early action for engineering?

I don’t know if what I have to report relates to the deadline being extended but I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a correlation. An admissions counselor told me a few weeks ago that they have slowed things down because of Harvey. That some students’ high schools aren’t even standing. It would be hard to get your transcript and teacher recommendations sent to an admissions office if your high school isn’t functioning at all. The last I heard Rockport ISD wasn’t operating any schools, but that’s been a few weeks.

Oh wow! That could be good on the one hand for those just outside the 10% mark or those wanting to try for higher scores on SAT/ACT. Just hope on the other hand we don’t have to wait a month or two longer to hear.

I think I will email my DD’s high school and see when they will rerun rankings. She’s one of the ones just outside at 11.5%. But I don’t know how much movement is actual possible in one semester. Couldn’t hurt to ask though.

Thanks for the info!

Our school district does not recalculate class rank until the end of January…approximately 1 month after the close of the semester. Chances of moving much more than a few spots, especially at the top end where most kids are working hard for their rank, is slim. Also do not forget that class size has a tendency to shrink as graduation dates near. Our school always seems to loose about 25 kids every time rank is reviewed. We lost 50 kids over the summer.

My son has 6 tabs now on his Howdy Portal, what does that mean?

@cmarquez…did he not have those 6 tabs when her was accepted? He was an auto admit correct?

@Cmarquez you might find this thred most helpful


@labegg as of yesterday he still was in completed app and in review, he submitted his app on Oct 2 and he app was completed Oct 14 but I’ll have him check tonight when he gets home for status.

Application Date: 10/16/17
GPA and Class Rank: 98.3: HS is non-ranking but is one of, if not the most competitive in the state (cutoff for top 10% was around a 107)
ACT Composite: 28
SAT: 1300
College applied for: College of Education & Human Development
Major in that College: Sports Management
ECs: Varsity Baseball Captain + 4 years of baseball ( 3 on Varsity), Mu Alpha Theta, NHS, 2 jobs, and over 60 hrs of volunteer work, 4 APs
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? ECs, Grades, and Test Scores
In state/Out of State: In State
Current Status on AIS: Completed and Under Review

What do you think my chances of getting full acceptance are, and when do holistic review decisions come out?

@labegg he was admitted yesterday, he is an auto admit, still waiting on Engineering Review hopefully Mid Dec. Thank you for sharing the other thread.

Application Date: 9/13/17
GPA and Class Rank: UW 3.3; W 4.1; 3rd quartile in a very competitive high school in Austin
ACT Composite 27
College applied for:
Major in that College: Pre nursing; 2nd Psychology
ECs: Varsity swimming all 4 years; club swimming 20 hours per week all 4 years; volunteer work; part time job
Did you do all 3 essays: Yes
What is your highlight that you feel will make you stand out in the review process? Started freshman year of high school out weak, but worked hard starting later in sophomore year and made straight A’s junior year while taking a challenging work load (including AP English III). Currently taking 2 AP classes senior year. Will graduate high school with 21 hours dual and AP credits.
In state/Out of State: In state
Current Status on AIS: Complete and in review

Any chance whatsoever of a 3rd quartile kid with a 27 ACT getting accepted in the review process? BLINN Team? Gateway? Anything???

@Cmarquez I was just channeling my inner psychic, lol. (but seriously I had it confused with his UT acceptance!) Congratulations on his TAMU acceptance. He has two great options. Fingers crossed that he will get his engineering acceptances, but I think he will attain those acceptances too, well that is what my inner psychic is saying anyway! :wink:

@blud15 You have a solid chance at full acceptance. AND probably won’t hear til Dec/Jan time frame. This whole application process has been weird this year with early app opening, Harvey, extended deadline, etc. It’s a hide and wait kind of thing! Best of luck and keep us posted!

@ksaggie91 3rd Quartile is tough to bounce back, but with a good essay explaining your situation, they will hopefully see your dedication in curriculum and ACT score! Best of luck and please keep us posted!!!

Does anyone know if the extended deadline will delay admission decisions for review applicants? I asked the Office of Admissions a few days ago, but I have not received a response yet.

Howdy Everyone! First of all, GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD!! I hope that everyone (everyone’s child) gets to be an AGGIE!

ksaaggie91: My D2 had the same ACT score and was 53% rank and was offered Blinn-TEAM. My only worry for y’all is the high number of AP/Dual credit hours as that might not work for Blinn-TEAM. But hopefully the reviewers will take into account the upward trend of grades. I hope that your student addressed all of that in their essays! If your child gets offered anything less than at least Blinn-TEAM, then go through the appeal process. My D2 would have appealed anything less than Blinn-TEAM. It can’t hurt. and it might work. According to TAMU, a student has to accept the Dual Credit hours but does not have to accept the AP credit hours, so that might be something to bring up during the appeal process. But hopefully they will be a full Aggie!

I’d like to give y’all an update on my Freshman TAMU-Blinn TEAM daughter. She is SO loving being an AGGIE!! She says that she can’t imagine being anywhere else.:slight_smile: I am so happy for her, I didn’t want her to want to be an Aggie just because her sister was an Aggie Class of '16, I wanted her to go where she fit in and where it was best for her.

My daughter has straight A’s right now! She is managing her time at both campuses (MWF at TAMU and T Th at Blinn) along with participating in Sorority Recruitment and joining another fun TAMU campus organization. She has met a lot of new friends and is also managing a busy social life along with studying for classes. She has a Sports Pass and goes to all of the home games and really enjoys the tail gating prior to the games.

She was initiated into her first choice Sorority House! (It is the same house that her sister was in during her Aggie years). I am so happy that she is in a house with girls who value her and that she feels comfortable with also. Her initial worry about being on Blinn TEAM and having that possibly count against her during Recruitment was completely unfounded. She says that “no one cares” if you are on Blinn TEAM, that a lot of the girls in her entire recruitment process were Blinn TEAM and a lot of the Big Sisters, etc. in the various houses were also on Blinn TEAM. This is a big change from when my oldest daughter was a Freshman review full admit in 2012 and her Blinn-TEAM roommate could not participate in recruitment.

She lives right at the edge of the TAMU campus so it is a quick walk to anywhere on the TAMU campus. Catching the bus to Blinn on the TAMU campus makes that commute very easy and she uses the time between classes on the Blinn campus to study. She usually takes a lunch when she goes to Blinn so that she can maximize her studying time.
Overall, Blinn-TEAM seems to be a great solution to the problem of having 4 times as many applications as there are full admissions slots at TAMU. I know people with Blinn-Engineering students and they are also happy with their situation. None of her friends in her TAMU classes care that she is a Blinn-TEAM student.

I guess you could say that for us, Blinn TEAM was plan A-. Not a plan B where she had to go somewhere else and then transfer into CStat later. Because they are Blinn-TEAM and can participate in everything Aggie (except play a UIL sport), the Blinn-TEAMers are fully immersed in all of the traditions of being and Aggie and living in CStat. And what a great place! EVERYONE is so nice, even at all of the stores in town, not just on the TAMU campus!

I am glad that my daughter attended a very rigorous HS, even though that meant that she was not in the top 50% with a 3.5 unweighted gpa (it was above 4 on the weighted gpa, I just can’t remember the exact number). With her gpa and SAT scores, she would have been ranked much higher at any other school in this school district, and perhaps would have been a full admit. I know of people who transferred their child to a different HS for their Senior year to increase their class rank. That had to be hard socially on those kids.

The HS is a neighborhood zoned school (not an application only school) in the suburbs of one of the major cities in TX and is only outranked by application only schools in our area. It is a nationally ranked HS according to the average standardized test scores and is in the top handful of HS in TX for all criteria. This school regularly has at least half or more of all NMSF for our entire school district, those 30+ students are the top 5 ish % of her school! But because she went to a very rigorous HS, my daughter is well prepared for TAMU. And that is a much better situation to be in rather than coasting through HS at a less demanding school and then being shocked by the difficulty of college classes.

We are so grateful that someone on the review committee looked beyond her class rank and gave her the chance to be an Aggie! May all of the reviewers see the what is special about your children and may they all get to be AGGIES! :slight_smile:

@AggieMomAgain I appreciate your Blinn-team perspective. It is re-assuring. It has helped us reconcile some of our feelings about Blinn.

@AggieMomAgain I wish there was a Love button on your post! So happy your daughter is kicking butt and having a blast doing it. So many freshmen struggle with finding their way. You are quite blessed and it shows that you know this! Thanks for sharing her story. It’s a great perspective and I couldn’t agree more about all of the benefits of Blinn Team.