TAMU Holistic review candidates Class of 2022

@aggiemomx2 6 tabs indicates admission to the university. My son’s major changed on Howdy to general engineering the evening before his AIS changed.

@aggiemomx2 Would you mind sharing your son’s stats?
Date applied:
Date admitted to Uni:
Date admitted to Engr:
Auto/Academic/Review admit to Uni:
SAT/ACT with sub scores:
Class Rank (or Assigned):
Math/Physics Classes:

I am tracking stats for next year’s class and review applicants are important, as is their admissions decision.

Can y’all tell me my chances?
Date applied: October 8, 2017
UNI: October 12, 2017
Major: Business Administration
Application Status: Review applicant, app is complete and in review
SAT: 1130
Class Rank: 62/436; 14%
GPA: 4.745 weighted
Essays: A, B and C
100+ Hours of community service
2 years of NHS
2 years of Muy Alpha Theta
4 years in choir (3 in varsity choirs)
4 years of soccer manager (varsity and jv)
13 years of Girl Scouts

Anybody up with 6 tabs today?

so just chatted with admissions and they said that they sent out all engineering decisions, which doesnt make sense seeing as im engineering and haven’t heard back

that cant be accurate…people keep posting on here that they “have talked to admissions” and have posted 15 different answers… next week, the 15th, 2 weeks from now… and now this.

I was told mid-February but may be pushed back a couple of weeks because of extended deadline. So this is the month! This is going to be the longest month ever!

Yeah, I am starting to get really annoyed. First I get deferred to January, then get pushed back to February and get told to expect it this week, now they are telling me that all decisions are out for engineering and i should expect to hear back next week and if i don’t then to let them know. I wish they would just tell me that I am rejected so i can move on with my life.

@CyMom4 the longest month ever but also the shortest month of the year! this is what college admissions does to you lol

@hopeTAMUengmom - He has been declared in state. My husband was required to move prior to the rest of the family and established residency. The TAMU application process has been frustrating and disappointing. You are qualified or you are not. I don’t understand why their process strings kids along for 7 months. It definitely doesn’t feel like the same school I attended so many years ago, the one I felt was more like a family and less like a business.

I got this from the Counselors Connection page

We are pleased to announce that final freshman admission decisions will be sent the week of February 15th. These decisions will include offers of admission to our summer provisional program, the Texas A&M Blinn TEAM program, the Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan, new Engineering Program at Galveston as well as offers to our Program for System Admission (PSA). Students should check AIS for the most updated information regarding their decisions.

Hey does anyone know when do scholarship decisions go out? Also do we get an email regarding our scholarship or is it just posted on our financial aid portal

@Thelma2 so does this mean they are done with full admit?

@Thelma2 Thank you!! We are praying for Blinn Team. My son’s class rank is low.

I don’t think it means they are done with full admits. I think it means that all of those besides full admit will be released. That is my opinion, based on the last two years decision cycles. Full admits were released along with the alternate pathways, and they are just saying when the alternate pathways will be released.

Thanks for the info @Thelma2 . Strange that they say “week of Feb 15”, when that week starts on Mon the 12th.

@Cymom4, what are your son’s ACT and or SAT scores? My son also doesn’t have a great class ranking and he is hoping for Blinn TEAM or Gateway also.

Oh my. This is one of those times when one wants to go and hide under a rock. My head hangs in shame.

I have made a mistake. I have been gone all day and just went back and re-read the Counselor Connection page to reread the information and in the header of the page when I highlighted it to share the link, it read 2016.

It is old information.

I got excited that thee was a decision date without vetting the info and dates more.

I owe everyone an apology for getting everyone’s nerves on end. I am truly and sincerely very, very, very sorry.

No worries here. You were just trying to be helpful. My son is resigned to waiting until at least March.

@ATXAggie My son’s SAT is 1280 and ACT is 26, so both not great. Lots of AP classes, EC’s and strong essays. He’s been involved in Aggie STEM camp and various other Aggie functions. His major is Applied Mathematics. Just really praying for Blinn Team.