TAMU Transfers - Fall 2023

I’m not sure how lenient they’re going to be without having 19 of 24 credits graded completed and more than one prereq outstanding. With AO doing it this year, we’ll have to see how lenient they’re being.

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Thanks, I’ll keep you posted once I hear something!

New to being a mom of a transfer student. Is there a reason why it’s taking so long?? My daughter goes to Blinn, applied for psychology. Her status is still “in progress” :sob::rage:

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They changed the process and decision making this year. So I’m sure they are just working through the kinks.

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I have a question that I am hoping you might have an answer. My son is waiting for a CSTAT transfer decision. He already received acceptance for transfer to Galveston. He isn’t sure how the admission process would be effected if he accepted Galveston, so he has been waiting. With this new transfer process, he may not receive a decision from College Station anytime soon. My question is, in your opinion, should he continue to wait? (He is excited about Galveston, but would prefer College Station.)

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I wouldn’t accept galveston until you get a decision from main campus. Is there a deadline to accept?

Also, not knowing his stats and major and stuff, but if he does go to Galveston he can probably change majors after a semester to cstat campus assuming he has met the change of major requirements.

Thank you for replying! I do not know the deadline to accept. I will have him research. He applied for history (1st) or telecommunications (2nd). According to audit report, he has 3.34 gpa with 38 credits completed (11 hours show as “TRNS XXX” (courses transferred by title with no equivalent course at TAMU) and 9 hours in progress (of which he currently has 4.0 in those). He will have a total of 47 hours completed upon transfer.

He has a solid chance of cstat admissions. Hang in there

FYI, I had dinner with a friend in COLA. I won’t be too specific about which program, but they do their own admissions. It is not done through admissions office. So… that leads me to believe that not all dept/majors have changed this process.


This is great news!!! I know you said you didn’t care to specify, and I don’t mean to disregard that, but do you have and idea or could you give any more vague information as to which ones might still do there own review?

Hi Christi, I just got defered for spring grades with a 3.4 and two classes TIP. Does this mean it’s likely to be admitted once I finish this semester?


In the past, most who get deferred will be accepted upon completion assuming you do well in the spring.


What date did you apply? I am trying to determine how they are working these applications?

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I applied on January 1st, and received my audit on February 7th.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

It does. I assume they are going in chronological order.

Thank you!

Thank you for the update Christi. With that in mind, when do you expect applicants to hear back? My daughter said that someone on Reddit has said with AO reviewing the applications, summer transfer applicants can expect to hear something late April/early May and fall applicants can expect to hear something late May/early June (those deferred for spring grades, June). Is this the normal time frame when each department reviews its own applications?

No. Most transfer heard back from feb-April time frame and the. Deferred decisions heard in May/June


I got accepted this morning! Thank you for your help!


I got my 7 tabs this morning, can I start celebrating or do I need to wait until my AIS updates?


What’s your major and stats? You got in congrats!