Texas A&m Spring 2014 Update Thread

<p>ok…yeah, mine is still on step 3, so hopefully i will get time to call admissions tomorrow and ask if they’ve made their decision</p>

<p>My howdy will probably update tomorrow or something</p>

<p>Now I just need to figure out where I want to live…</p>

<p>Well I called admissions and they said my department still hasn’t made a decision yet…hopefully they hurry up</p>

<p>Any ideas on where to live?</p>

<p>I live at 2818 Place and I love it!</p>

<p>go to aggiesearch.tamu.edu, you can search a bunch of places to live on there, when i lived down there 5 years ago, i lived in a double wide (which was actually really nice) which wasnt too bad, i think it was 400-450 a month but that was with 3 other roommates</p>

<p>i had a friend who lived at university terrace apartments which are pretty nice and close to campus, the only down side is that they dont have washer/dryer hook ups in the units, but they have a laundry facility on site</p>

<p>I lived in the heights for 2 years it was nice. Lots of amenities and college life.</p>

<p>You get your own bathroom and individual lease. They roommate match based on personality.</p>

<p>Yeah I’m going down next weekend to look at a bunch of places.</p>

<p>and thank yo @Luffy</p>

<p>I have the 2 tabs in howdy :slight_smile: I am labeled as a student also. Very happy.</p>

<p>please, what do you mean labelled as a student?</p>

<p>I can now see my audit report wohoo! good sign?</p>

<p>Im really confused because I have had 2 tabs in howdy since day one but im not labeled as student just applicant and i have had my audit report thing there for a while now, but i havent heard anything about being accepted</p>

<p>can you download your audit report and see courses that transfer?</p>

<p>yes, i am assuming you can as well?</p>

<p>sminor2008 and Hadetunj - Being able to see your transfer audit report is a good thing. It usually means good things are following. Just hold on! I think you should be good to go!</p>

<p>well under the transfer audit thing it specifically says “a transfer audit report is provided to transfer applicants once a decision has been posted” </p>

<p>but the decision could be good or bad, it doesnt specify that, but i dont think they would provide this to someone who wasnt accepted, but who knows…</p>