The Official UMiami Class of 2014 Early Action Admissions Decisions Thread

<p>myUM is not the only way things are uploaded. I was admitted EA on thursday- received a letter in the mail but when i went to check online my decision wasn’t posted</p>

<p>Accepted checked MyUM at 2 am last night lol</p>

<p>Rank: 1\416
SAT: 1300/1600 , 1940/2400
GPA: 4.22 out of 4.33 UW
Classes: Mostly all honors and 11 AP’s
EC: Track, cross country, student council, student officers etc… pretty standard
Recs: Submitted three… I guess they were good couldn’t see them on the common app</p>

<p>still no letter in the mail though :frowning: and im in jersey btw</p>

<p>I still haven’t gotten a letter and it isn’t posted yet =[ It’s good to know that it’s not posted for someone who is in yet either.</p>

<p>Accepted from MA</p>

<p>Rank:3rd decile, so between 51 and 75 out of 250
SAT:1390/1600, 2070/2400
GPA: 3.3UW, 3.9W
Classes: 4 APs (4 on US History, 4 on English Language, AP Psych and AP Lit this year), pretty much all the rest honors
EC: Cross country, track and field captain, piano, volunteer work (60 hours, a bit low compared to some people on here)
Recs: Never saw them, one from AP US teacher, one from AP English teacher, one from counselor. assume they were all good</p>

<p>I still haven’t received the envelope though</p>

<p>Anyone accepted for Architecture? Would be interesting to see if these releases have anything to do with the department you are admitted to.</p>

<p>Accepted from California!
Major: Marine Science/Biology
Rank:4/600-ish, top 1%
SAT:1310/1600, 1890/2400, low compared to most on here.
GPA: 3.98 UW, 4.55 W
Classes: Mostly honors and AP
5 AP Bio, 5 APUSH, 4 AP world, 4 AP Lang
Taking AP Calc AB, AP Gov, and AP Art History this year,
EC: Tennis (varsity starter), 4 year varsity track, 120 community service hours, lots of little awards here and there.
Recs: Marine Biology teacher (which was very good because of my major and because I’m captain the NOSB team at school), AP gov teacher, and counselor. </p>

<p>Waiting on the mail now :)</p>

<p>Accepted from CT. I just saw it on myUM, but I doubt I can go unless I get some scholarship money, which I also think is doubtful.
3.2 Unweighted, 1370/2030 SAT, 3rd Decile (Top 30%) Class Rank.</p>

<p>Accepted early actionfrom long island, ny
2230 SAT
33 ACT
aps this year: bio, comp gov, lit, calc ab, spanish, microeconomics
aps in past: euro, eng lang, psychology, us history</p>

<p>question: how do you find out if they offered you scholarship money?</p>

<p>I know the waiting is hard. Everyone from my area heard by Feb. 5 and we still had nothing. It was really depressing and we were sure he did not get in. Well, the envelope never came until around Feb. 20, but I called and was told they couldn’t give the info over the phone and I must have sounded really pathetic and called back and they finally did…also with 24000 scholarship and Singer invite, so don’t give up hope. My DS loves it there! Mail does get lost. It also never showed up on my UM until mid-Feb for some reason! They are human and mistakes happen…</p>

<p>my um still does not say anything</p>

<p>Just checked myum and my son is accepted! We are in Colorado. Still waiting for letter.</p>

<p>GPA 3.5UW/4.15W ACT 33
IB student</p>


<p>I logged into MyUM, and as soon as I logged in, a message came up, saying I was accepted. :)</p>

<p>alright, thanks. checked my mail today… no UM decision, but I did receive a scholarship from FIU… not what I expected but its really cool lol</p>

<p>Nothing in the mail yet. Now we have to wait until Monday. </p>

<p>I hope everyone who is still waiting for their on-line message gets it today.</p>

<p>My S accepted. Posted on UM last night. SAT 1300. 4 APs No rank. 3.5 UW. ECs AAU and school basketball. Many scuba diving certificates including Rescue Diver. Marine Science Major</p>

<p>Congats to everyone, but especially the Marine Science kids!</p>

<p>My D is a freshmen this year and is triple majoring in Marine Science/Biology/Chemistry.</p>

<p>The Rosenstiel School is simply amazing!!! There are only about 100 kids that are accepted into the program each year and we were told that it is the hardest one to get into at the University. The students in this program have the highest stats of any of the schools at Miami. You will have to work hard, but the rewards are so great!!!</p>

<p>Help! So I logged on through a blackberry to myum and it didn’t say anything and then a few hours later I logged on with the blackberry and it said that JavaScript plugin was needed to continue (meaning there was a popup but I couldn’t see it) and so I ran to find a computer and logged into myUM and there was nothing! Nothing had changed it was back to how it was at the beginning, Ah what should I do? Is there anyway I can re-check or should I call? I tried calling the admissions office (from Mexico where I am right now) but it went straight to a voicemail (it was around 4 pm) what should I do?!? Because I knowthat the popup only pops up once but I wasn’t able to see it so now I have no idea!
Did th people who get rejected get a popup too?</p>

<p>I haven’t heard yet and I am going nuts… Does anyone know id there is some sort of order that they put the decisions online?</p>

<p>don’t worry even if you missed the popup you should see “View your Admissions Decision Letter” and “Pay Enrollment Deposit”</p>

<p>Hmm… Well I don’t see anything like that on myUM its exactly how it was a month ago when I first started checking… Maybe it was just the blackberry freaking out… Who knows! Damn I’m worried again haha
What is it supposed to say/show up on your myuM if u get rejected? (I hope I’m wasn’t!)</p>