Took a risk and blew it...any hope left?

<p>Again, a post that will help people who are chancing me yet one that probably nobody will read, my first semester grades came out a while back, but I couldn’t verify them from my transcript until today. So here goes (school just goes by a scale of A=4.0, honors gets a .5 bonus, AP gets a 1 point bonus):</p>

<p>Christian Life (required): A
English 4 Honors: A
Economics Honors: A (surprisingly the school computers messed up somehow and I got AP credit for this, woo)
AP Chemistry: A
Physics Honors: A
AP Calculus AB: A</p>

<p>So now my weighted GPA moved up to a 4.23 and my unweighted moved up to a 3.95</p>

<p>I think that you have a good chance at all your school maybe with the exception of Columbia (even so I think you definitely have a chance since you’re a minority and you have great extracurricular activities and outstanding GPA). I think your SAT scores are very good for all the school except maybe Columbia but overall I think you will definitely get into most of the school you listed. I wish you good luck with everything.</p>

<p>Your GPA looks reallly good. Definitely in the USC and UT Austin range. Your SAT scores are also in or above those ranges. </p>

<p>Columbia- reach
Cornell- reach
Georgia Tech- not very familiar with this school
University of Texas- Austin- low reach/match
University of Southern California- low reach</p>

<p>-Columbia - maybe
-Cornell - maybe
-Georgia Tech - (don’t know about this school)
-University of Texas- Austin - (don’t know about this school)
-University of Southern California - In!</p>

<p>I think you’ve got great chances of getting into some of them!</p>

<p>well im sorry to tell this to you but your chances at most of these are slim,
GT and UTAustin are your only hopes of which you have pretty good chances to get in, but the rest of those are a bit out of reach:(<br>
GT and Austin 70% chance, but i doubt that you could get into those others,
you MIGHT get into USC</p>

<p>Columbia: High reach
Cornell: reach
Georgia Tech: match
U of Texas, Austin: match
USC: match</p>

<p>SATs are not that great. Some good ECs but not outstanding.</p>

<p>Just forget about the Ivies…I’m sorry, but there are WAY more qualified applicants (and URMs) out there. There are plenty of people (and URMs) who do better than your top 20%, poor SATs, and terrible courseload and STILL don’t even come close to qualifying for the Ivies. I’m sorry…but just the sheer audacity of the whole thing really bothers me, hence my rudeness. Decent shot at the other schools.</p>

<p>This coming from someone who was very worried about getting in with his outstanding application, but did, therefore making me, a fairly average applicant, someone with no chance whatsoever. I do realize that you’re trying to be realistic, but since when is simply applying to a college audacious? It bothers you to see someone apply somewhere? People much worse than you and me have gotten into these schools, but the feeling that I got from your post was that you now just want to sit on your already-accepted high horse and look down on those who you think don’t have a chance. I’m sorry…but just the sheer audacity of your post really bothers me.</p>

<p>I don’t know much about the schools, my aunts a professor and on the board at Columbia, but I’d probably say G tech- match, Texas- match, Columbia- reach, USC- no idea, and Cornell- match/reach</p>

<p>Hey, our SAT’s are really similar (I got a 670 CR, 680 M, 750 W)</p>

<p>I also want to do engineering, too, and here’s a list of schools that make sense for you…</p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon
Case Western
Alfred Honors</p>

<p>Also, come check out my chances thread: Small-Town Junior looking for advice and chances on big-name schools.</p>

<p>I am considering applying to Cornell, as well, and I wish you the best of luck. I think that being Hispanic will help.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, and yeah, we are somewhat similar…but as far as the schools, I don’t really have the time that you have as a junior lol. Most of these schools deadlines are in two days, and I really don’t feel like sending out another application after sending out 8, which has given my mom a significant hit financially in fees alone. So it’s done. College apps are officially over for me as of yesterday. The only thing to do now is to play the waiting game and see which schools offer me enough money to go.</p>

<p>i think your in everything except the 2 ivies. i’d say cornell is a match and columbia is a reach. (i say match for cornell because this year too many classmates with lower stats got in for you not to)</p>

<p>I very much doubt that you can get into Columbia. I don’t think that even your ethnicity will quite do it. Even more, your weighted GPA is EXTREMELY low, your EC’s are less than mediocre, and you waited until senior year to take AP courses. And a lot of your EC’s seem to center on your ability to speak Spanish (who cares, you’re Mexican!) If I were you, I wouldn’t put all of my eggs in one basket. Cornell is a reach too…GOOD LUCK, YOU’RE GOING TO NEED IT!</p>

<p>Sorry to say it, but you’ll have a lot of trouble with Columbia and Cornell. The people I know who’ve gotten into those schools are either juggernauts (you wonder how they have enough time in the day to do what they do), or they have a major hook.
Good Luck</p>

<p>3.96 UW / 4.16 W is extremely low?? it certainly isn’t low enough that to prevent him from going IVY. different schools weight GPA’s differently, chill. a 3.96 in [almost] most difficult course load is pretty darn good.</p>

<p>He’s says that he just started taking APs this year. Regular or even honors courses for 3 years just isn’t going to cut it whether his GPA is 3.96 or not. Most applicants to ivies have been taking APs since freshmen or sophmore year…those applicants are more prepared for college than disasterpiece02.</p>

<p>LW Trojan:</p>

<p>OK, my weighted GPA is not high and I only took APs as a senior because my school does not offer a mulititude of AP’s and honors classes, and I cannot control that in any way. I don’t believe that I am the most qualified Columbia applicant out there. Honestly, I think I’ll be rejected. IMO, unweighted GPA is a better indicator of your academic ability, and mine is superior in that sense. I didn’t mean to come off rude or pick a fight, I was just giving what I believed to be an honest chance. If you can’t take people’s criticism with an open mind, then you simply have no place asking random people to give their opinions.</p>

<p>and some schools (mine included) don’t offer that many AP classes. with a class of 160 (about half the size of mine) this is probably the case.
he won’t be punished because his school doesn’t offer the same classes that others do, although it should be noted that he probably could have taken some classes at a community college instead.</p>

<p>edit: see above.</p>

<p>to jackbauer24:</p>

<p>My school is a small private Catholic school. I wouldn’t get any credit for courses taken online or at a community college, so there’s really no point in doing so. And since the school does not support it, then they don’t tell us about it, so I was completely unaware that you could do such a thing until I came to CC.</p>

<p>LW -</p>

<p>different schools weight things differently. schools care about difficult course load but they most importantly want to see you take classes you are interested in. if the OP wasn’t interested in the AP classes offered, he shouldn’t have to take them to be competitive.</p>