UM Class of 2016 EA Applicants Thread


It is. In a good way though ;).</p>

<p>I’m starting to get ridiculously anxious.</p>

<p>^^^^ same!</p>

<p>I just want to wish you all good luck! We will be in the same boat next year as DS is a junior and UM is his first choice. Please post your stats with your acceptances for future UM applicants. I will be poring through these for the next 12 months…</p>

<p>May this week go quickly and may you get the answer you want :)</p>

<p>im from NYC. i’m dying to hear back, a lot of perople from my HS go there.</p>

<p>someone messaged me today saying did you get in?!! i found out about my decision this day last year wahh why are decisions so late this year?</p>

<p>I keep going on myum account and clicking on the admission information and the “Application Documents Received” there is really starting to ****s me off!!! I need a reply</p>

<p>I can’t stop checking either… I’d be REALLY mad if decisions don’t come out tomorrow!</p>

<p>Expect them to be released on Friday guys… Miami is notorious for releasing decisions on a Friday afternoon/evening. That’s when they released em last year, and the year before, and I believe back in 2009. Good luck!</p>

<p>My entire family is anticipating the decision. Both my parents attended UM so I’m anxious and excited for the admissions to come out but not looking forward to it too. They would be so disappointed if I didn’t get in, even though with my stats I most likely won’t…</p>

<p>What were your stats Mango? I’m sure you’ve posted them here, but I’m too lazy to browse thru your 170 posts!</p>

<p>1900 SAT 3.6 UW 4.5 W GPA. Rest of my app was good but my SAT is way too low. Especially since they are trying to raise their rank.</p>

<p>@mango, I think you’re fine, especially since both your parents went there. Is UMiami your first choice? Anyway, good luck and just wait until decisions come out!</p>

<p>I think Friday around 5 eastern is a good time to expect a decision. Most colleges release them online at the last possible second when they leave the office for the week, and multiple people have heard from admissions that Friday is the day to expect.</p>

<p>Just spoke to admissions again. They are mailing decisions tomorrow, and they will likely be online Friday.</p>

<p>Thanks for letting us know! I only live 30 min from UM so hopefully I’ll get the mail soon.</p>

<p>Will there be a special envelope if there is an acceptance letter or do they all look the same?</p>

<p>You will receive a huge green and orange envelope if you are accepted. No way you can miss it! Any offer of a scholarship will be included in this envelope on a special certificate. Good luck to everyone. (especially you, Marinebio444!)</p>

<p>Thanks SVMmom! Does the Singer or Singer/Stamps invitation come with the acceptance package?</p>

<p>Sent from my myTouch<em>4G</em>Slide using CC</p>

<p>Marinebio444 - last year D’s S/S invite came both via email directly from Dr. Green to her myUM email and was also included in the large orange and green envelope. The email from Dr. Green came 2 business days after the initial acceptance email and the large envelope arrived 1 day after that:
Friday: 1/28 - acceptance via myUM email
Tues: 2/1 - email from Dr. Green
Wed: 2/2 - orange and green snail mail package