UM Class of 2016 EA Applicants Thread

<p>We’re all excited. But obsessively calling admissions? </p>

<p>I was tipped over the edge when someone posted about murdering admissions. It was a joke, but in no way funny. </p>

<p>There is a subconscious “omg I did work for the application and payed the fee and now admissions is at my beck and call”. </p>

<p>ED has substantially less applicants. In either case, the dates may change. There are things unforeseen by admissions. More people apply during one round than the others. </p>

<p>It’s kinda creepy, for me, to not be able to go on a thread for a school I am applying to and would LOVE to go to (hell–I have a shot at a full tuition scholarship!!) and not see everyone posting incessantly and calling admissions and harking them. Guess what. You’re calling a secretary. They have no control over what they’re allowed to tell us. They have no control over when admissions gets done. </p>

<p>Just my opinion. Can’t even share excitement with potential classmates without it turning obsessive. </p>

<p>Maybe everyone needs to step back and breathe and take “criticisms” as a different viewpoint of how we’re really coming off. I am just as disappointed as the next person if we will not find out tomorrow.</p>

<p>My family called twice. Once to a secretary, once to our specific rep. It’s completely understandable to be excited to hear from a top choice school, and to expect to hear something when advertised. You say you are upset with not being able to share your excitement - maybe we are looking for a place to vent about not getting to hear the decision.</p>

<p>I agree that admissions is probably sick about being hounded, and that they have substantially more work to do than any of us are capable of realizing. But I think it’s really judgmental and rude of you to assume that we’re all acting entitled and thinking that admissions is at our beck and call. </p>

<p>I am anxious not only because I hope to get in, but because I have travel plans that are dependent on my decision that have a limited time to be changed. That’s the only reason we’ve called at all.</p>

<p>But, it would probably be good for all of us to take a step back. We would be much better off talking about something than just obsessively checking our UM status! </p>

<p>What are you guys most excited about at UM?</p>

<p>I’m sorry to jump to the defensive; I assumed your previous statement was a jab at those of us who have been saying we really want to find out, and I didn’t want to be made the fool for being more excited to hear from schools than I used to be to open my birthday presents haha. I am definitely not a passive-agressive person and didn’t mean to come off that way! For the record, the only calls I’ve made to admissions have been to check they got my latest ACT score and to confirm that I could still receive merit scholarships without filling out the FAFSA, and those haven’t even been recent. I agree that we shouldn’t be bombarding them with calls and requests, but I also think there is something to be said for setting and fulfilling deadlines…I, for one, have a hard time getting things done in a timely manner unless there is a deadline I have to meet.
However, things are what they are, and it seems to have been made quite apparent that there is nothing we can do to change them. So rather than focus on this unfortunate news, on a lighter note, what is everyone most excited for at Miami?! What would you plan to join/do?</p>

<p>Hahahah, lovetodive, we literally posted the same question. I only saw yours after I posted mine!! :)</p>

<p>Is “everything” an option? haha</p>

<p>^ well not typically, but for UM it is :)</p>

<p>musicalme, looks like we’re totally on the same page! :slight_smile: haha</p>

<p>I’m planning to join scuba club and maybe rush, in which case I’d hope for a bid from kappa, DG, or tri delt! I can’t wait for the diving and the weather and just living in Miami, period. I love it! All my friends want to come visit me and cruise around South Beach.</p>

<p>Walk around in the winter with shorts and a t shirt. Can’t do that in new England :(</p>

<p>There’s always Rho Rho Rho, the marine science honor society :)</p>

<p>I’m planning to join scuba club, club swimming (I would join the team but DI is just too much ha), and possibly club sailing? Although I don’t want to do too much to start out with. I might rush, but I’m honestly not sure, especially since not a large part of the student body does it. I’m excited for getting out of high school, weather that is not even comparable to what we get in Iowa, being so close to my favorite place in the world (the ocean), being able to take all of the science classes I’m dying to be a part of, people I have things in common with, the Miami Seaquarium, beaches, and dorm life…so I guess my answer is pretty much the same as marinebio’s “everything” haha.</p>

<p>^Story of my life, just saying, haha</p>

<p>Hey guys! Obviously we are all anxious to hear decisions, but we really can’t do much at this point but wait and see. With that said, let’s get to know each other! lol
I plan to double major in Athletic Training and Exercise Physiology, either pre-med or pre-physical therapy I’m not sure yet. I want to rush AKA (I’m black lol), and plan on being involved in intramural sports, basically I just want to be really active at UM. I live two hours north of Miami, and I love the city. Honestly for me I’ve narrowed down my choices to either UM or UF, & UM is DEFINATELY my top choice, so much so I wish I would have applied ED. But all in all I’m excited for decisions, whether they come out tomorrow or whenever, and best of luck to all you guys!</p>

<p>How does rushing mean you’re black? ^^^</p>

<p>I plan on majoring in mechE, from new England, plan on sampling different activities. Definitely some club sports.</p>

<p>lol I want to rush AKA, a black sorority! Sorry for the confusion!</p>

<p>So I’ve been following this thread pretty much from the beginning, but I never bothered to post anything. I live in New York. SATs are 2010 over all (CR:700 Math:640 Writing:760) I am dying like everyone else to find out (hopefully tomorrow!) But now that people are talking about scuba club and the marine science program… it’s getting me kind of excited :slight_smile: The scuba club is one of the main reasons I am really interested in UM haha. I’ve been certified since I was fourteen and can’t wait to meet you all!
I do “Ocean Bowl” if any of you marine science kids are familiar with it let me know! I’m hoping to major in Marine Bio and Bio, also thinking about marine policy and psychology (but we will see lol.) Been checking my MyUM page like once an hour for the last two days or so haha. Can’t wait for tomorrow. All of you marine science people should message me!</p>

<p>I have an event to attend tomorrow when admissions are supposed to come out tomorrow so no agonizing wait :)</p>

<p>Ps- you have a 2100 not a 2010 :)</p>

<p>It’s a 2100 >.< oops</p>

<p>Guys! I am sooooo excited!!! I just got my mail today and I GOT ACCEPTED!!! WHO WILL BE JOINING ME TANNING AT THE POOL??? GTL ALL DAY!!! My friend also heardddd. We are soooooo excited!! Cant wait to meet all coooooooool people!</p>

<p>lgbtrainbow, Can you post your stats on the Decisions thread for the rest of us?</p>
