***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***

[Quote=UW-Madison Admissions Twitter]
We don’t have any specified release dates posted, but the latest you’ll hear is the end of Jan. Waiting is tough, we know!

So it seems the decision will be released all at one time at the end of Jaunary

It seems like the Twitter and Facebook aren’t on the same page. It’s frustrating having to wait this long

@wiscogirl1998 I must be really bad at searching Twitter and FB because I can’t find any decision dates posted on either.

@JBStillFlying check their admissions twitter page

OK I see where they are saying “by end of January” and @Madison85 posts that above. Probably best to expect the decision to be released on Jan. 31, like what happened to OOS last year. That’s hard for the in-staters. Wonder what prompted the change in timing?

Did you guys see? UW no longer does rolling admissions all EA applicant will find out at the end of January…

I heard from a UW employee friend of a friend that there will be two waves of notifications for EA.

We shall see!

OK bets, people. Which one will it be?

It would make sense to do two waves of acceptances

January 27th 3:06 pm CST [-O<

D17 is OOS so she’s impacted not at all by roll-out vs. all-at-once. It’ll be the end of January for her regardless. That’s my prediction.

I’m predicting by mid March we’ll have all offers including scholarship and honors in hand for all our OOS and in-state applications. No sense of urgency here either.

How does Wisconsin notify us? Is it email, portal, or mail?

@collegeeagle11 they email and it shows up in the portal around the same time

Well this was the day they made their first round of acceptances last year

Here’s a thought: are the decisions delayed because UW-Madison is waiting for all the kids who were accepted ED somewhere else to withdraw their names? Not sure why that would take till 1/31, however.

Hmmm perhaps the ED thing is getting bigger for a school like UW. I wish they would just post a date…this waiting is so unproductive… :bz

It just seems weird that they’d push it back over a month than it was last year

Now that UW-Madison is on the common app they had a lot more applicants this year. I think that’s why it’s taking so long.