***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***

Remember those SAT scores are the old ones. The new ones are still being evaluated as well. It’s going to be interesting.

@Seacoast - While I’d be surprised if the new SAT ends up concording differently from the College Board tables, that’s actually a secondary issue. An ACT of 30 / old SAT of 2000 will probably continue to hold for OOS applicants (unless the numbers bump up a bit due to Common Ap volume). Not a hard and fast rule, but a good guideline. (btw, people are continuing to submit the old SAT for this admission cycle).

Yeah I agree I did both old and new. Can’t wait to find out…January is so long to wait…

I just came across this so I figured i might add my stats. I applied EA with:

State of Residence: Illinois

Type of High School: A well known public suburban high school

ACT: 30 super score-31 (I am retaking it in December to try and get my score up to a 32)

GPA: 3.8/4.0 unweighted 4.3/5.0 weighted

Class Rank: 18/410

Classes: I have taken every honors class available to me since freshman year 3 years of french and also AP Micro/Macro, APUSH, AP Lit, AP Psych, AP Calc AB, AP Calc BC, AP Lang, and AP Bio. I have gotten a B+ in Honors Pre-Calc both semesters a B+ in Honors Chemistry for one semester and a B+ in AP Calc AB for one semester.

Extra Curricular’s: 4 years: varsity tennis, speech team, class officer for student government, co-president of a club promoting mental health awareness, president/founder of the schools ski and snowboard club, over 200 volunteer hours from volunteering at the hospital, I babysit and nanny, I had a job for the last two summers working at an ice cream shop.

Good luck to everybody we are all in this together!:slight_smile:

I come to post for my daughter. We live in Taiwan, so she is an international applicant.

SAT new: 1420 (Math 770, R+W 650)
TOFEL: 109
GPA: 4.0 (unweighted)
Class rank: not provided

School Spirit: Black Gun, Honor Guard
The Honor Guard is the drill team at our school. They performed at several national occasion, including the Flag Rising Ceremony on New Year’s Day.
Mass communication club: member
Yearbook Editor
Choreographer of the class’ cheer-leading contest, second Prize

English Speech Contest: 1st place(2 years), School 10, 11
English Drama Contest: 2nd place(class honor), Best Screenwriter School 11
English Vocabulary Contest: 2nd place School 10, 11, 12
English Composition Contest: 4th place(11th grade), 2nd place(12th grade)

Her intended major is Communication Arts (L&S) or Radio-Television-Film (L&S). Thanks

@miamidreaming667 @ccyen328 Thank you for sharing your (real gud) stats. :-h

-Anyone know what the in state acceptance rate is?

-Also, do I have a good shot of getting in based off my stats?



3.6 unweighted GPA
28 ACT
Went to a competitive ~in state~ High School in the surrounding Milwaukee area
2 Sports
1 club
Held a job all 4 years of high school ~16 hours per week
Participated in a basketball league outside of school all 4 years of HS


-I applied for Computer Science and submitted my application on September 1st.

I heard directly from an admissions worker that last year the decisions started rolling out around mid December, and this year, we shouldn’t expect to hear back from UW-Madison until early January :confused:

Your stats look decent for in-state, which has an acceptance rate of almost 70%.

Here are my stats I am from Minnesota and applied EA.

GPA: 4.0/4.0 UW
ACT: 36
SAT: 1570/1600

Honors: National Merit Semifinalist, National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar, National AP Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction

Activities: Juggling (captain of team that got silver medal in international competition), Young Republicans, DECA, National Honor Society, Caddy in the summers, Sunday School Teacher

I applied for Biomedical Engineering and UW Madison is probably my top choice school right now!


Apply for the generous Chancellor’s Scholarship Program. It is not need-based. You qualify because you are Hispanic.


Last year first wave of decision is on 12/05

^^Nope - the legitimate decisions actually did not start until December 18th last year.


Are you an employee of UW-Madison admissions? Genuinely curious

No. If I were, I’d be too busy to post here.

I just got accepted to Madison yesterday, is that unusual?

In truth, I am not that spectacular of a candidate. 31 Act, meh GPA, but I got extra curricular activities and stuff. If I get accepted early, like Nov 22 early, does that mean anything special? Because I do not believe it is luck, I just may be overlooking something.

Really? Are you in-state or out-state or international?

They are releasing their decisions already? Cool, that’s exciting to hear. Congratulations btw. You must have had an amazing application if u got accepted this early.

Congrats, @HipHopIsMade - how great to have that decision before Thanksgiving!

Can you please provide your state of residence and also do you happen to have any hooks (such as athletics or URM or First Gen. or Legacy)? Can you share your uw GPA?
