***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***

@violetcat101 posts 836 and 832, to start.

thank you :slight_smile: @JBStillFlying

Accepted to CoE-BME (College of Engineering - Biomedical Engineering Department)

3.95 W GPA (3.5 UW)
33 ACT
1480 SAT

Good EC’s, essays, test scores

Deferred in Michigan

32 ACT
3.9 UW GPA
Varsity sports
EC activities
Good essays

Slightly frustrated

@nikki1138 that seems crazy! Did you submit rec. letters?

Yes. School counselor and Teacher rec.

@Nikki1138 are you planning to contact your admissions counselor to express continued interest? If you are genuinely at a loss to understand what could have gone wrong then you might ask them to give you some guidance. At any rate, those are awesome stats so you have to be a very high likelihood of admission in March.

Good luck to you!

Yes. Planning on submitting current grades, any additional honors and express continued interest. Guidance would be helpful as I am slightly at a loss as well. Thanks!

Don’t despair @nikki1138 you are doing all the right things. By state law, Wisconsin has to enroll a minimum of 3,600 of its own resident incoming freshmen (out of a class of 6,300) and it’s a juggling act to get the right numbers between immediate acceptance and deferral, especially of non-residents. Your stats are excellent!

Does anyone have stats on what % were denied vs deferred for EA? Thanks.

How well is Wisconsin’s computer science program? my original major was engineering mechanics astronautics option but my second choice was computer science and i got admitted to that program.

@maicenstuart UW has one of the better CS programs in the country/world. Also boasts alumni at pretty much every major tech company.

does UW defer a lot of people? If so, what are the odds of getting in during the RD round? I know umich defers a lot and then a lot get in, but harvard for example defers and almost none of them get in. Thanks!

^^ Good question! This year might be different from historical just due to the Common Ap.

An excellent computer science program- plus top tier math so you have that to add to your education.

@CollegeMan91 alright sweet! thanks

did anyone of you receive the online L&S honors program application invitation email?

Sorry. Responded to wrong thread.

Anyone know the chances of getting accepted after being deferred? Very strong grades for First Semester and the hardest course load of my HS career.

Does anybody know anything about the International Scholars Program?