***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***


when will they start sending out financial aid packages?

February @maicenstuart

@Zpower99 My daughter did NOT receive the L&S honors e-mail even though she’s been admitted to honors. Wondering if it’s because she’s currently expected to pursue entry to the business school. Wondering what happens if she doesn’t get admitted or changes her mind and decides to stay with L&S. Can she then apply for honors?

You can apply anytime - you don’t need to be an incoming freshman.

Thanks @Madison85 for the clarification.

Also I just realize I said she’s been admitted to honors. I meant she’s been admitted to L&S. So if she stays there and doesn’t pursue business, it’s good to know she can then apply to honors.

Did anyone else get an e-mail from Dorm@Lucky? This isn’t affiliated with UW Madison so I’m wondering how they could have gotten hold of the contact e-mail address other than UW-Madison selling it outright to them.

I don’t know how but that happens every year. Around 90% of incoming freshmen live in a UW residence hall (“dorm”).


UW doesn’t sell student email addresses.

Well, it can’t be the Common Ap. people who sold it either, if it’s happened in the past.

Expensive but conveniently located and nice pics!

Hi I was accepted from NY into the college of letters and sciences and am planning on majoring in pharmacology and toxicology

@JBStillFlying OOS parent here – I recall my kid also getting solicitations from Lucky as well as other private dorms.

Just one person’s perspective, but I would strongly encourage an OOS student to live in UW, not private, dorms freshman year. UW dorms offer a lot of variety, from idyllic lakeshore to 10 story, 1000 person high rise of Sellery/Witte. Food at UW dining halls is good, with lots of options, and is subsidized rates for on-campus students. Many students move off campus after freshman year, into Lucky, the Hub, or other gorgeous (and not so gorgeous, depending on your price range) buildings. Freshman year can be the main chance to meet kids from all over – my kid was good friends with 1st gen students who had never left their WI rural community and kids from both coasts.

@Midwestmomofboys couldn’t agree more! She would most likely be in UW housing freshman year - hopefully in one of the learning communities or Liz Waters. She is visiting on March 10th (assuming she doesn’t get into UChicago ED II) so will be able to visit some of these and finalize her ranking before the selection process goes live.

BTW, I just learned that there is no required “one-swipe” meal plan at UW! Hallelujah - MAJOR cost savings. Love the idea of loading up her card periodically so she can figure out what she wants to eat and when, and can even “grab and go” w/o worrying about the “rule against taking food from the dining hall.” As far as I’m concerned, these schools make the big bucks off those required dining plans - a non-required debit system totally respects the student’s choices - including the choice not to use the dining facilities for every meal.

@JBStillFlying Good luck to your daughter – UW has been incredible experience for my OOS kid. Happy to PM as your daughter’s process evolves.

My kid’s room and board expenses were much less than the predictions – regular double rooms for freshman are not outrageously priced, and it is easy to live within a food budget.

Does anyone know the chances of one getting into the engineering program after enrolled as a freshman? my first choice was engineering mechanics and I got put into my second choice which is computer science

Yay - D just invited to apply to L&S Honors.

Hi @JBStillFlying, Congrats to your D. Mine just received that as well and I am wondering if all L&S admitted students receive it.

My son received it today as well

I think all admit students will receive one? 3 more completely new essays…

Here - according to school’s website:
What is the normal deadline for application to the L&S Honors Program as an incoming first-year student?
All admitted L&S students are invited to apply. The actual deadline depends on when the student initiates the online application. A student has 30 days from first logging in to the Honors application to complete it. The deadline therefore depends on the applicant. We encourage students to apply as soon as possible to ensure a timely response.


Every admitted student receives. Yes, it’s more work to do for interested candidates.