***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***

@mak34598 are you WI resident or OOS?

Chance me?
Weighted GPA 4.13 out of 5.0
ACT composite 33
Rank 20/147
I take all AP and honors courses.
I’m captain of 2 varsity sports and am involved in 1 other varsity sport. I am also the captain of the academic bowl club, and a member of the model UN team.

@Wiconsota - OOS, MN, or WI?


OOS has about a 49% admit rate historically. Your ACT is fine, obviously. What is your unweighted GPA?

I have no idea unfortunately, I do know that my GPA is comparable to others from my school who have been accepted to Wisconsin in past years. They’ve just never told us.

So is your student portal supposed to change from “Your application will be reviewed” to “Your application is being reviewed”?

@Wiconsota you can calculate the unweighted yourself just using the standard A=4, A-=3.67, B+=3.33, B=3, and so forth. Weight each value by the number of credits for the course and then divide the sum of those weighted values by total number of credits to get the cumulative GPA. UW-Madison only looks at unweighted gpa and they will be doing the same calculation.

If your GPA is similar to those who have been accepted and you know that your ACT is about the same or better then you are probably in good shape.

I am OOS

@mak34598 the ACT is fine; the uw gpa is a little low (something like 94% have a gpa of 3.5 and higher per the latest CDS). Due to the Common App. (new for UW-Madison this year), OOS might be facing a little more competition than they have historically. I think you have a good shot but not sure about when you’d get a decision exactly. The fact that you work 40 hours per week while maintaining your academics will really help your chances. Good luck to you!

My chances???

In State
Class Rank: 28/402(Top 93%)
ACT: 29
Unweighted GPA: 3.81
EC’s: VP of National Honor Society, Band(drum major), Orchestra(section leader), Mentor for freshman at my school, Job,

Just curious if I even have a shot, thanks!

Will the major an applicant choose affect the admission’s decision?

@Futurebadger24 you should be fine.

You are so positive @JBStillFlying! Good to see people like you on this site!

Thanks @Seacoast. I calls 'em as I sees 'em.

Still waiting for decision for D:
Submitted Date: 10/26/2016
Application checklist completed Date: 11/3/2016
Intended Major: Chemical Engineering
GPA (uw, w): 3.88 unweighted /4.46 weighted
SAT/ACT Scores: 29 Comp, 35 Math, 29 Eng
State (IN, oos, int’l): Out of State - CA
ECs: Starting setter Varsity VB, church youth group leader, volunteer - annual charitable toy drive, soccer ref

You’ll be waiting a bit…if the checklist was completed 11/3 then she will be regular decision I think? Good luck though and keep us all posted!

The deadline for EA documents was 11/8/16.

Correct, she made the EA deadline for all her materials.

This wait is killing me. Should be about a month before we start hearing decisions.