***University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 Thread***

was the response posted by UW Madison or just by another parent?

Wouldn’t something called “Badger parents” be a group for current families? Why would they post something pertaining to prospective students? Guessing it’a a parent who called admissions.

It was someone who already has a kid who goes to UW, and another kid who is applied for fall 2017. It looks like it was posted by the admin of the page for the Badger Parent Program. This is just what I heard, so of course it couldn’t be true or as accurate.

It would make sense that joining Common App has created more visibility, interest and applications to process. I’d like to know before we travel there later this month that we’re in. Hopefully we get good news sooner than later.

@JSZ123 There are actually 2 deadlines for EA listed on admissions website - application (11/1) and material receipt (11/8).

Idk if I would trust the badger parents thing. I heard directly from a UW Madison admissions worker who came to my school that last year the first wave was mid December, and this year we won’t start hearing back until early January. So I’m hoping very soon after Christmas.

are there any chances decisions come out tonight??

Based on last year thread, the earliest possible time is around 12/18. However, this year they have a new head of Admission Office. Also this is the first year UW-Madison jointed Common App. So rumor said first wave of decision will come out in early January.

I know chances aren’t very accurate but what do y’all think for me.
Unweighted GPA: 3.6
Weighted GPA: 4.74 (school only offers honors and up, is very competitive)
ACT: 33
Have had a part time job year round since sophomore year and played multiple varsity sports.

Based off of last year, my fingers are crossed for a decsion this week or next!!! Good luck everyone.

Last year in-state applicants got decisions on 12/18 and OOS applicants (me) didn’t get theirs until 1/31… Looks like I still have some serious waiting to do :expressionless:

Can someone let me know if I have a good chance to get in?
ACT: 28
GPA (W):4.21 (Including 5 APs)
GPA (UW): 3.94
OOS (Minnesota)
Multiple ECs… to name a few:
-Football 4 years
-Band (Symphonic and Pep) 4 Years
-LaSallian Ministry 4 years
-NHS Member
-Altar Server
-Many volunteer hours (went on week-long service trip).

Both my parents attended, my brother currently goes there, and I would be the fourth generation of my family to attend Madison.

I worked hard on my essays… don’t know how much they will affect my overall application, but I also accidentally messed up some of the formatting by putting an extra space between each paragraph… maybe I’m just paranoid idk if that will matter or not.

You guys think I’ll get in or am I borderline?? Anything helps :slight_smile:

Thanks you!

I just checked my D17’s application (paper copy) and all her essays are single spaced with an extra space in between paragraphs for readability. I thought the constraint was word-count, so why should spacing matter? Anyway, if she’s dinged for that she probably won’t want to attend! LOL.

Your ACT is a bit low - uw GPA is fine. EC’s/community service obviously fine. What was your brother’s ACT? That will probably give you the best clue about whether you will get in.

Edit: your brother’s stats, not just ACT (or SAT)

Hi all! I’m a current freshman at Uw (and currently procrastinating writing my final paper)
If it helps I had a 3.75 weighted GPA, 1840 (1190) SATs, multiple extracurriculars a good essay, and I’m OOS. Just remember it’s not all stats.

From what I remember, wisco sends acceptances on friday’s. First in state kids, then minnesota kids, then oos kids, then international students.
Best of luck to you all and hope this helps!!!

@JBStillFlying2 my brother got a 35 on his ACT - but then again I don’t think he’s any smarter than me lol. He had roughly the same GPA but a couple tenths of a point higher in W and UW. He pretty much did all the same extra curriculars. Essentially we had the same application but his ACT was a 35 and mine was a 28. I had 29SS btw but I don’t think Wisconsin cares about that.

@nickmoe22 - a 35 ACT with the rest of your application would be a pretty uncontroversial admit.

The mid-50th percentile for ACT ranges from 27-31 overall (per CDS), which would suggest a 29 median. However, for OOS it’s really more like 30 or 31 (and in-state 28). So yours is a bit low, as I mentioned earlier. The uw GPA is what they consider (they may use their own weighting methodology to account for honors/AP in the core subjects). Based on some results from early admission last year, they seemed to tip their hats a bit more to GPA so that’s in your favor - and of course there is the potential hook for legacy (not sure how that would be factored in).

Good luck to you!

@Peyday44 that does help…looks like January it is for all of us OOS. I was hoping for an early xmas present but it is what it is!

@nickmoe22 You are instate if you live in Minnesota, with the Wisconsin Minnesota initiative. If anyone wants to correct me, go ahead, but that is how it works in Wisconsin. It could just be tuition, but I believe it also ties in with admissions.

You are not in-state. You have a special tuition agreement. Your admission chances are more like other OOS candidates.

Edit to add: this is regarding MN candidates.

Ditto the NOT instate for Minnesota residents. Tuition reciprocity does not mean the same thing as instate/OOS.

Pay attention to your unweighted gpa. Look at the one from junior year. Does it help or hurt your overall gpa? If your grades are rising it means a much better chance than if they are falling. Remember those stats are for the middle 50%- that means 1/4 will be below and 1/4 will be above for a given range. Those with high test scores need to show they know how to study, meaning by getting good grades. Some students with lesser test scores show they will be successful by getting top grades in the most rigorous classes offered at their HS. For many there are too many students with comparable stats and there is no room for everyone.

Your chances could be 10% or 90% and you either will or won’t get in. The numbers are a guide- most students who post on CC fall into the area where what we say is meaningless.