UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

@Sumner material deadline has yet to be announced. Probably towards the end of the month.

@Sumner It takes like 2-3 weeks. I had my high school guidance counselor mail my transcript the day I applied, and it took a 2 weeks for them to show it as received. Same with my college transcript. But the letters of rec were instant since they were the online form.

So they just extended the transfer deadline to feb. 15. Anyone have any idea why they would do that?

Maybe their usual transfer application quota wasn’t filled and they are hoping more will apply? That would be good for those who already applied if they had a shortage of transfer applicants, but I doubt that is why they extended it.

@Natalie278 that 3.05 is my cumulative from Oshkosh. I do not have any grades from La Crosse yet

@Natalie278 my gpa for each semester was 2.88, 3.1, 3.18.

@Mnoonan42 Ohhhhh I see. Thought you had transferred fall. The average transfer GPA is 3.6 according to UW admissions. The 3.0 minimum has since been taken down from the website due to the increase in competition. Your ECs seem great, but your GPA is low compared to the average.

@Natalie278 thanks for your response

Hey everyone! I know this is like the 100th of these, but I was wondering if you’d give me any indication on what you think my chances are at my transfer application for Fall '16 (I submitted last weekend).

I did pretty poorly in HS GPA-wise, but I have spent my first year of college trying to turn that around.

HS GPA (u/w): 3.0
ACT: 33
AP’s: World History 4
US History 4
Calc BC 2 (3 AB Subscore)
English Lit 4
English Language 5
US Gov.& Politics 4*
Macroeconomics 5*
Microeconomics 5*
Comparative Gov. & Politics 5*

*I self studied these all my senior year after my initial freshman app to UW was denied.

College GPA now was 3.781 after 1st semester with 16 credits
I’m taking 15 credits right now (Spring 16) including a class at UW through our schools’ co-op program.
I have one letter of recommendation from a professor I had last semester.

In state, was accepted out of high school but decided to go elsewhere
High school GPA 3.92 UW, 4.31W, Valedictorian
AP- European History, Calculus BC, US History, Gov/Politics, Physics B, Chemistry, Stats, Comp Sci, passed all don’t remember exact scores mostly 4s and 5s, I came into Minnesota with like 48 credits.
ACT 32, 10 writing score

College GPA 3.216
17 credits University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering
Low college GPA is because of medical reasons putting me in the hospital the day before finals, but bad things happen and still pulled my GPA above the Engineering average it took Linear Algebra and Diff Eq (Calculus 3), Physics for Engineering 1 (Calculus Based), Biogeography and EE Computing Systems. Spring semester 16 credits, Physics 2, Multivariable Calculus (Calc 4), Chemistry 2, and Freshmen Writing.

During High School: DECA, Golf, Badger Boys, key club (100+ hours a year volunteering), Debate, piano and most importantly bowling. Super involved in bowling all four years of high school going to state all four years leading the team to a 3rd place finish and a 5th place individual finish and took 150th at nationals.
College: I honestly just really dislike the U so I haven’t been motivated to join clubs, but am apart of the bowling team that travels about every two weekends to tournaments in the midwest and practices twice a week. I am the top bowler on the team, so a lot of dedication goes into that and definitely something small I can bring to UW Madison.

Essay 1 was about what I’ve learned going to University six hours away from home and how it has changed me as a person mentally. All this to explain why I now know UW Madison is the best school for me.

Essay 2 was about how bowling teams go unnoticed in the state of Wisconsin and how I personally feel about that.

I’m applying for Electrical Engineering, but honestly wouldn’t mind not getting in the Engineering college just as long as I can go to Madison and come home.

@kst7114 I think your gpa is pretty good, keep it up. And what about your ECs?

@TranferMinn I think your stats are pretty great except for your college GPA. You should mention your medical reasons to them. You don’t have many ECs in current college but hopefully with the fact you are a great bowler you will get a chance. Good luck!!

@Tunphraong During HS, I did debate a lot for 4 years, multiple state championships, etc. Was on the executive board at my church for 3 years. There are a bunch of other smaller ones that I included on my application (I think around 10), but those 2 are the big ones. Now I’m on the executive board of my college’s student government association as well as continuing debate for my college.

I just sent in my application for UW Madison. A am a full time student and have completed 41 credits at a community college with a 3.52 gpa, after this semester I’ll have completed 55, with an expected GPA around 3.6. My essays were pretty good probably an 8 out of 10. My EC include full time employment as a fine cabinet maker, hobby machinist, guitar, piano, fine woodworking, and automotive repair and maintenance. I have letters of recommendation from my recent physics 1 professor, my boss, and my high school principle. My high school grades are pretty bad, I had serious family issues (which I discussed in my essay), but at the beginning of my college career, completely turned my life around, I’m worried that it will bring down my overall application. I’m anxious and I can’t really tell if my expectations were too high. I hope the fact that I am a full time worker (at a respectable job) and a full time student will have a big impact. I’m sure somebody here will know better then I and can give me some insight, thanks.

BTW I am out of state, and don’t have many extra curricular’s because my lack of time, I go to work at 7 AM everyday, leave at 5, then go to school from 5:30 to 10:00 PM, thanks.

Does anyone know if I haven’t received a decision yet, can I still apply for scholarships?

@shermama96 I think you have a pretty solid application. It is similar to mine in that I am a part time housecleaner and full time student so I think it shows we have a lot of initiative to work hard and study hard even though I lack a lot of college ECs. And as long as you explained your high school grades due to the family issues they should understand, especially since you’ve shown improvement.

Thanks I appreciate it, I knew someone here could ease my mind

Do you know if we were supposed to list activities we did in High School? I just didn’t, because I felt like it didn’t pertain to our application. They said they only needed the High School Transcripts to see that we graduated and grade trend so I didn’t put it on there. If you did put them on there do you think I should contact admissions…I already sent in my application a few weeks ago.

@lmbmadison I listed all of my HS ECs. Mostly because I am a freshman in college so I can still use high school ECs, and also because I don’t have any college ECs yet since I’m a freshman and have a job. It depends on how many college ECs you have, and if you felt any high school ECs were special. For me, I was the secretary of my business chapter which I felt was important, so I included it. I also did varsity cross country and track and field which definitely positively impacted me as a person. So list what you feel is important to you and will strengthen your application.

Just a reminder that if cost is a concern, be sure to use the Net Price Calculator.

Just received an e-mail stating I can enroll in summer courses, so for anyone else who recieved it, it may be a good idea so if any of you are denied at least we have some of the Madison experience :slight_smile: not to mention getting ahead in your major.