UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

Yesterday was the deadline… the waiting starts now… When is everybody expecting to here a decision?? I’m thinking it’s going to be sometime in March, though I did apply December 4th

I was hoping to hear back from them soon since one of the schools I applied to senior year was rolling, and I heard back a month later. I applied the first week of January and it has now been over a month, but I have a feeling they will start sending out decisions in March as well.

When I applied last semester for Spring the deadline was end of December, but I got my decision on December 4th. So I’m hoping for early April, though I won’t be complaining until May 1st :slight_smile:

My biggest worry is the credit evaluation if you get accepted.

I have seen last year topic. Some of students received decisions really early but some of them had to wait few months… But I hope we can see our decisions early :slight_smile:

Thats crazy, I wonder if anybody has heard back or if people will hear this Friday (already). I feel like fall 2015 had a lot more people already to the thread, compared to us with only a few people!!

Getting nervous :stuck_out_tongue: I know we all have a while to find out. I’m worried that even with doing 21 credits right now, they still will reject me because a lot of my courses are introductory due to the fact that I don’t have the pre-reqs for higher courses. I hope they postpone me, at least just to see how I do this semester. So far been doing very well, top test scores in two of my courses, but I know how easily this can change. Just have to wait and see if they’ll give me the chance to prove myself.

Currently taking the course equivalents of Chem 103, Phys 201, Zoology 101/102, Art Hist 202, and a Com A elective. Hoping to take 10 more credits this summer, equivalent of Chem 104 and Phys 202. So basically, freshman level courses. That what happens when you change majors I suppose.

It’s only been a week and I’m already going crazy waiting for a decision… I hope we all hear soon. I have something in my head telling me I’ll hear the first week in March.

Has anybody found out yet?

@abartolone, I highly doubt it. From what it seems, UW releases decisions in bulk, the earliest being recieved at the end of March according to last year’s thread. Most found out between then and the end of April.

Time to put college applications out of your brain and pay attention to the here and now. You still need to do well in this semester’s classes- and the knowledge you gain will be useful in your future. Save yourself some trauma and enjoy your remaining time at your present place.

Hopefully we all get accepted! I would love to become a part of the Badger Family with all of you guys!

I am an international student and in Uconn right now. I got 3.47 on my GPA and 95 on my TOEFL. I applied accounting major in UW-Madison and I am not sure if I can get admitted:(

@loveeee your gpa right now is pretty low but be optimistic!! Just do your best and you will never know what’s gonna happen!

has anybody heard back yet?

I am so ready to hear back. Do you think we’ll hear soon? Has anyone heard back yet?

nobody has heard back yet from what I know or have seen @elleswimmer

I am not expecting an answer until end of March at the earliest and mid April hopefully the latest.

Last year there was a wave sent out on February 27 according to their thread which is why I am so antsy!!

Well February 27th was Saturday this year so I think if any decisions come out early it will be this week or they’re just not doing early decisions this year. We all must be patient, but same super antsy I want to hear now!

hi guys I know everyone has already done one of these but I thought I would just do one because I’m getting anxious about hearing back.
I’m a freshman at a private university and I actually am from Wisconsin.

  • high school GPA wasn’t the best at all (3.4)
    -I’m applying with a 3.7 (deans list)
    -I have 15 credits form first semester and my university gave me 9 credits for high school AP’s (US History, Biology, and Psychology).
    -Madison would give me the same amount of credits if I was accepted.
    -I am currently taking 17 credits.
    I have a ton of extra curriculars:
  • varsity sports & The captain of those sports
  • best buddies
    -Love your melon
    -dance marathon
  • student council
  • big sister/little sister (mentoring program)
  • nursing club at current university
    -I had an “internship/shadowing” experience at the medical college of Wisconsin where I worked with someone in the research department.
    -I have had a nannying job for the last 2 1/2 years.
    -I also worked on campus last semester in the rec center.
  • two great letters of rec from a college professor and high school counselor
    -two strong statements
    Just wanted to know what you guys thought on my chances-- thanks!