UW Madison Fall 2016 Transfer Thread.

Hey everyone! I thought I’d throw my stats in here and see what everyone thinks.

I applied OOS the last week of January, for the fall of 2016. Freshman at my current University.

-3.51 first semester GPA at a top 80 national 4-year University. Will have 32 credits by the end of this semester. Taking a lot of higher level courses my second semester.

-2.93 cumulative high school GPA. I went to a very rigorous high school with a tremendous reputation as being academically challenging. Low GPA is due to a slow start (2.4) my freshman year. Upward grade trend over every semester in HS. Finished senior year with a 3.5.
-29 ACT
-What I believe to be strong extracurriculars, a lot of community service and leadership.
-Very strong essay’s and statements.
-One letter of recommendation from a High School teacher.
-A representative from the office of admissions said that I sound to be a competitive applicant, but this may just be something that they say to everyone.

I was just wondering, are most of you applying from a community college or a 2 year college or are you applying from a 4 year University. I was speaking with an admissions representative and he said that admissions counselors are generally more lenient in terms of college GPA to people who are attending a more rigorous 4 year university. Just thought I’d let you all know! So, where are all these future badgers coming from?

I think most people are applying from state schools and community college. And some of us including myself are transferring from universities of equal caliber of UW Madison, I’m applying from Minnesota-Twin Cities. I hope they’re more lenient on GPA for the colleges that are equal to Madison’s “academic rigor”. Also @mpberghoff10 what do you mean by higher level courses if you’re only a freshmen?

I think they do get quite a few community college applicants, but I am also coming from a pretty good 4 year university. @mpberghoff10 , your stats look fairly similar to mine, I guess we will just have to wait and see! When was your application acknowledged?

@TranferMinn in speaking to somebody from the office of admissions they said that seeing a progression in the courses you’re taking (Primarily 200 level courses) into your second semester and your sophomore year was something they hoped to see. @natalier38 all of my materials were received at the last week of January.

I am originally from Wisconsin. I attended a university in New York this year (freshman) for swimming but I got injured and I lost my scholarship money for next year. I got a 3.8 first semester and I am planning on getting a 4.0 this semester.
I want to get into the food science program at Madison. I have taken 2 food science classes here and I have an internship for testing quality control in hard cider. I am also a representative in Student Senate.
In attended a very competitive high school and had around a 3.8 GPA with a rigorous course load. Besides that, I participated in many extracurriculars and had officer positions in many of them- orchestra concertmaster and president, Student Council Secretary. I also was admitted to Wisconsin as an incoming freshman.
Do you think I have a good chance? Does anyone think we will hear sometime in March?

I think you have a good chance.

If you were injured due to your sport, I should think that your school would have to maintain your scholarship even though you can no longer compete.

You definitely have a good chance! @mpberghoff10 oh 200 level courses I thought you meant like upper division courses that you take like junior and senior year oops. i hope they take into consideration rapid progression and “course rigor” because I’m a first year student who’s academically a junior because of AP and I don’t know how mentally prepared I was first semester to take these harder courses in my major already.

@Madison85 Any idea on my chances based on what information I gave?

@mpberghoff10 can I ask what college you go to specifically? Based on everything else you look like a strong candidate besides you’re out of state and a low high school GPA, but you’ve shown you can make it in college!

Miami University in Oxford, OH. I think that we have a pretty respectable reputation. We’re ranked #82 nationally by USnews. I think Wisconsin-Madison is #41.

I think you’ll be good unless oos really hurts you since they only accept like 100 out of state. The rest of your app is good though! I just wish they’d let us know it’s killing me not knowing.

Has anyone found out yet?? I’m way too anxious

I’m super anxious also!! I haven’t heard though :frowning:
I am originally from Wisconsin but I went to school in New York this year on a swimming scholarship. However, I got injured and now I lost my scholarship money for next year. I can’t afford to continue going here without that.
I got a 3.8 first semester and I am shooting for a 4.0 this semester. Besides swimming, I am also a representative in Student Senate and I have an internship doing quality control for a hard cider company.
In high school I was super involved- I went to nationals for swimming, I was concertmaster of my high school orchestra, and I was secretary of my student council as well as getting about a 3.8 unweighted GPA and a 30 ACT.
I am trying to get into the food science program at UW. Anyone think I have a chance getting into that major?

@TranferMinn I heard that this year was the first year that they actually lifted the cap on how many OOS students they accepted. Someone from their office told me that your state residency is no longer anywhere near as big of a factor as it had been previously.

@mpberghoff10 yeah I’ve heard that I’m sure you’re fine. But being in state helps more than being out of state because although there isn’t a cap anymore I’m sure the numbers won’t change that much. Last year it was like 700 in state transfers and 100 out of state. I’m sure it will still be around that ratio or somewhere around like 500-700 in state and 100-300 out of state. they will always let in more in state than out of state kids I feel. I think your chances are just as good as anyone’s though! I just wanna come home lol.

Where are you guys getting these numbers? I emailed them a while back and they said last year there was 6,060 applicants and they accepted 2,582.


@fgishsh4444 your numbers are right… @TranferMinn is getting his numbers from transfer students in fall 2014 (still correct) but the numbers for fall 2015 are slightly higher. This was directly sent to me from an admissions counselor via email

“Last year we had 6,060 transfer applicants, and 2,583 of them were admitted into the university”

Yeah sorry for the 2014 numbers that’s all I could find online. I’m sure acceptance rate will be around 45-50%, 2014 just seemed like an odd year. I just don’t get why it takes them so long to review the applications. I wish they had rolling admissions, my life is way to stressful as it is and dealing with this is just too much. I want to be a badger so bad along with all of you!

Admissions told me they do have rolling admissions, so I agree with what you’re saying. I think we’re all anxious. Maybe this Friday or the Friday after people will start hearing. Until then, I’m patiently waiting.