UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

@wakeorrichmond With what you have provided, I would say that your chances are slim. Since you’re out of state and your GPA is lower than the average accepted transfer. But who knows? You could get lucky. How many credits do you have? What was your GPA in highschool? Provide us with more information so we can judge you lol.

15 credits fall semester(3.0) and 15 this semester(3.4) but they have not seen this semester grades yet. I had a 3.0 in high school and took 3 AP’s. In high school, I went to a boarding school, I was the head tour guide, prefect of the freshman dorm, lacrosse captain and member of 2 other varsity sports. I have been super involved with 3 different charities. I had several different jobs throughout high school. In college I am member of a varsity sports team(d3) and worked for a charity. I have also lived in several countries. I have several family members who are alum of UW. I wrote some of the best essays of my life for the application and made it clear what I hoped to achieve at Wisco, what I would like to be involved in, and what I would do with a UW-madison degree.


I don’t know, a 3.0 is a low GPA. It might be a reach as an OOS transfer.

@somehmonggirl thank you, do you know when the regular(non-priority) decisions will be released? and if it is through mail or email?

@SpoilerAlert17 what would you say to my chances?

If myuw still says, “No evaluations to display” is that a bad sign?

@wakeorrichmond no idea, probably soon though since it’s the end of April. and probably email

@somehmonggirl do you know the average gpa for admitted transfer students

i don’t know. you should try to comb through the transfer threads from the past years and also this one and look at the stats of those accepted and rejected.

Hey! Why are you transferring from ASU? I heard that it is really good for engineering?

I think it’s possible we’ll hear back tonight! If we do, it’d be around 7 pm judging by past threads. Knowing my luck, though, I won’t hear anything until next Friday. Lol.

I called and asked if they had any decisions ready and the guy could only tell me it would be by the end of the month and wouldn’t budge when I asked again

I would honestly say that you have a pretty low shot at it. Even with all those extra curriculars they want to see a high GPA (really friggin high like at least 3.6+ to stand a chance against competition) with hard curricular because they want to see that you can handle their rigorous curriculum. Since you only have 30 credits with a 3.0 GPA, it’s pretty unlikely. A friend of mine had 35 credits with a 3.5 GPA and was denied. But who knows? You do have better extracurriculars.

Some things I would suggest improving is taking more credits (this shows that you’ve done enough college work so they don’t really have to judge you based on highschool work), higher GPA (shows that you can handle Madison’s curriculum) and that’s basically it since you have amazing extracurriculars.

But hey, I’m just a regular Joe throwing my opinion out there based on threads in a website. The only people who really know what your chances are is the UW Admissions team.

Has anyone been accepted tonight?

Nothing yet for me. I’m assuming it’s next week then, sad. I’m over this anxiousness haha.

Hey I know this is the fall transfer trend but there is no spring transfer trend and I am considering applying for spring at University of Wisconsin and don’t know if my scores and gpa will be good enough for consideration so I wanted to put it out there and ask on here if I should consider applying or if my chances would be too low based on your opinions and if it would just be a waste time and money.

I’m out of state
At a 4 year college
College GPA: 3.69 after 16 credits
Currently taking 15 credits and will hopefully get grades in this range or higher
Have completed English and math and another english in my fall semester
Have working experience as well as a couple community service events and sports and other things that are not coming to mind right now
High school GPA: 3.0
SAT: I think it’s in the low 1100s after its converted to the 1600 scale
Can get 1 maybe 2 strong letters of recommendation
I know my high school grades are going to hold me back plus I do not know how my college gpa and SAT compare to everyone else but I’d like to make the case that I’m a different kind of student now then in high school, but again idk if it is worth it to apply because idk how good my chances would be. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

re extracurricular activities. They NEVER trump academics. The purpose of college is an education and substituting activities for doing well in classes certainly will not suffice for UW. The ECs show you have the time to handle the coursework with time left for other facets of yourself.

Hello all, I am interested in some opinions on my stats for my fall application as a transfer from a community college in NY state. I graduated HS a semester early to change things up and try something new, moving directly into CC.

Current intended major is Sociology.
High School GPA: 2.64
CC GPA: 3.75 with 64 Credits - Will have liberal arts associate degree by end of May.
Phi Theta Kappa, Dean’s List, NOLS Wilderness Backpacking credits (leadership, phys-ed), Co-Director of A Cappella group in HS, just completed a selective alternative spring break volunteering at a state park in Virginia
All things considered I am most confident in my Madison essay and common app transfer essay

Work 20 hours each week
Didn’t submit my single SAT score from HS, but it was an 1810 on the old scale. Didn’t take ACT.

I put a lot of emphasis on being interested in research and work opportunities within the school, as well a few specific clubs I am hoping to join. Is the general consensus that we will know by the end of this week?