UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

How do I check my course evaluation? Also, I just submitted all my course outlines yesterday and was wondering by when we would know our credit course evaluation?

@AOSHopefulBadger No I haven’t, I’m hoping they just haven’t sent them out yet for regular decision. @mlyred you can check it by going to your student center in myuw, clicking academics and under academics there should be a “my academics” tab, click on that and next to transfer credits it should say if you have an evaluation or not.

mine used to have that “transfer credits” thing under my academics but it doesn’t anymore

@madtown7 oooo thank you!! @somehmonggirl same! Mine is gone too, there’s nothing there :((

So for transfer credit yours does not say “no evaluations to display”?


How many people have heard from regular decision?

Unfortunately, I didn’t get in, but I think my chances for (next spring) will be better due to more credits and making a 4.0 this semester. plus possibly doing a summer course. then my GPA will jump from a 3.3 to a 3.55 wich is better than when I applied for fall, then I will have 42 hours, much more than the 27 I applied with.

Did anyone get their transfer credits evaluated for regular decision yet?

@Egs123 mine just doesn’t have that listed at all

@somehmonggirl it’s just a blank space right? Cause mine used to say no credits for evaluation. Btw, what is your stats and when did you send in your application?

@mlyred yeah it’s just not there anymore. I have guaranteed transfer. my hs gpa 3.3 college gpa 3.6 act 30 3 clubs i’m president/VP of a job and good essays and LOR and i sent it in a bit before the deadline for regular transfer decisions

@somehmonggirl oooo our stats are pretty similar though I’m not a guaranteed transfer student. Your college ec is much better than mine though so I’m sure you’ll do fine :))) fingers cross the results come out soon so I can do other things besides stalking my email

Any non-priority applicants hear back yet?

Is not having anything there the same as having “no credits for evaluation” aka rejection? Or does that likely mean a decision has not been made. It seems as though people who have already received a credit evaluation have been admitted.

@thannmeatres As of right now, since regular applicants haven’t gotten their decision yet, I’m willing to bet that a decision has not been made for you. But when people start getting their decisions and you still have the “No Credits for Evaluation” tab, you’ve probably been denied. Seems like a petty flaw in the UW admissions process right? But according to this thread and last years thread, that fact is true to the UW admission process. Goodluck and pray your credits will be evaluated.

Another tip: (this happened to me) if the intended major changes from your first major to your second, it means you got accepted to your second major. I didn’t get accepted for Mechanical engineering (missing requirement, scored less than 105 on TOEFL, and they didn’t accept 8 of my credits)

For the people that still have “No credits to display” under Transfer Credit, are your ACT scores listed under the Placement Test Scores tab?

@AOSHopefulBadger ACT scores are still there for me at least

I applied regular decision with a 3.0 first semester from a private university in New York, not a super competitive school but still has a very good reputation. I had a 3.0 from one of the top 10 prep schools in the country. I put a ton of time into the essays and application. I have a very impressive extra-curricular list from high school and my first semester at college. I did not submit test scores, could anyone familiar with admissions here chance me?