UW-Madison fall 2017 transfer

mine says no evaluations to display :expressionless:

My evaluations are displayed. IS THAT A SIGN?

To the people who did get their transfer credit report, when did you all apply? I applied in December and mine did not change, kinda worried that means I was denied.

My evaluations haven’t changed either. I did some research on other threads and I found that some people received their credit evaluations earlier than others. There is still some hope that our credit evaluations will be released soon. Maybe the earlier you apply, the earlier your credit evaluations come in? I noticed that some people who applied earlier, received thier evaluations earlier. I applied on Feb. 1st. But this is just a thought.

Yeah I applied a few days before early decision was due

Alright, hopefully it is just a case of earlier applicants getting theirs first. I applied at the very end of December and everyone who applied around then doesn’t seem to have theirs changed. There is still another week left in March so they could be splitting it into 2 different waves with the rest of us finding out next week.


I received a transfer credit evaluation report under my academics and I applied priority decision and had everything submitted the last week or so of January.

@jimmywisco Oh alright. Not looking good for us who didn’t get one then. Kinda hoping I don’t hear back tonight or it probably will mean being denied.

I don’t think it necessarily means anything one way or the other, I applied as a “Guaranteed Transfer” within the UW system so maybe my credits are evaluated earlier? Either way, I hope we all find out tonight!

I hate to jump to conclusions like that but at this point that’s the only logical thing I can think of … ugh

Yea hopefully it isn’t a sign of being denied but at this point it isn’t looking great. They said they will have all credit transfer reports done by the decision time which is why I am leaning towards thinking that. Who knows, maybe they are just doing some this week and the rest next week.

I applied at the beginning of January and mine is done. Again, it really could mean nothing or they might have not got to yours yet. It seems like they tend to wait until the last minute to get decisions out most years.

I received my credit evaluation as well. They rejected four of my courses which I assume is why they changed my major on student center to physics(my second major)

I applied January 20th and got my transfer credit report. And estein, didn’t you say they always just put you in college of letters and sciences?.. So it shouldn’t mean we are denied yet?

I applied January 14th and I have my transfer credit evaluation

Hopefully we receive a decision tonight!!!

I’m pretty sure they put everyone into the college of letters & science as you have to apply separately into the next school after you’re accepted

Also, anyone else have the “additional notes” after their credit evaluation? It definitely makes it seem like admission, but again, I don’t know if they just put that there for everyone.

After reading the important notes section it does seem like we have already been admitted. It would be a waste of time for them to make transfer credit reports for students they weren’t going to admit anyways. This is my optimistic view at least


I also have the additional notes.